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  1. This MOD will show how many users are using each skin. Affected files: admin/sources/classes/output/formats/html/htmlOutput.phpWyświetl pełny artykuł
  2. File Name: (SOS30) Number of Users per Skin v1.0.0 File Submitter: SOSInvision File Submitted: 7 Sep 2009 File Category: IP.Board v3.0.x Mods Resource Type: Hook Version: 1.0.0 This MOD will show how many users are using each skin. Affected files: admin/sources/classes/output/formats/html/htmlOutput.php Click here to download this fileWyświetl pełny artykuł
  3. This MOD will show how many users are using each skin. Affected files: admin/sources/classes/output/formats/html/htmlOutput.phpWyświetl pełny artykuł
  4. Complete Forum Points System With Built In Bank System For Your IPB v3.0.x Board.Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  5. The first beta release of the CleanCut skin is now available in the client area under the Development Releases section of IP.Board. There may be issues with the skin so please test it before using it live. Report bugs in the CleanCut section of our bug tracker. Enjoy!Zobacz całą wiadomość
  6. This is the CleanCut skin which supports IP.Board 3.0.3. This is a beta release of the skin and may change in a future, bundled release.Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  7. File Name: (M30) PM Rules 1.0.0 File Submitter: Michael File Submitted: 05 Sep 2009 File Category: IPB 3.0.x Mods Resource Type: Hook / Application Version: 1.0.0 (10001) - Compatibility: IP.Board 3.0.3+ Author: Michael John (DevFuse) Description: Adds multiple rules above new pm and quick pm. Rules can be shown based on the member group sending the pm or in some cases be shown if the member being sent a pm is in a selected member group. Click here to download this fileWyświetl pełny artykuł
  8. Traducció al català de Gallery v3.0.2 Traducció de l'Add-On (afegit) Gallery o Fotos... Només està traduida la part PUBLIC, i de la part ADMIN no hi ha RES traduit... Algunes paraules tècniques les he deixat com estaven perquè són conegudes per aquell nom i no he cregut necessari traduir-les... Si trobes alguna cosa mal traduida, si us plau deixa un comentari deixant les frases mal traduides i l'entorn on es troben per arreglar la traducció i millorar-la en una futura revisió... Qualsevol donació s'agrairà!!!Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  9. Traducció al català de la versió de Xat IP.Shoutbox v1.1.0 que es troba disponible a IP Resources Només està disponible la part PUBLIC i no hi ha res traduit de la part ADMIN... Si trobes cap frase mal traduida, deixa un comentari amb la frase en qüestió i el lloc on està per a poder-ho arreglar i millorar la traducció en una futura revisió... Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  10. Traducció al Català de la versió 3.0.2 NOMÉS estan traduides les parts públiques, i de les parts d'ADMIN no hi ha res traduit... Inclou la traducció completa de IP.Shoutbox v1.1.0 i de IP.Gallery v3.0.2 S'inclou el fitxer complet, i els fitxers per parts per si no et funciona la importació completa... Si trobes cap cosa mal traduida, si us plau deixa un comentari indicant-me les frase mal traduides i l'entorn on es troben per a poder arreglar la traducció i millorar-ho en una futura revisió... Pensa que han estat més de 50 HORES de feina! i encara falta la part d'ADMIN... Qualsevol donació s'agrairà!!! Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  11. Traducció al català de la part pública de CCS v1.0.0 Qualsevol donació s'agrairà!!!Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  12. Traducción al español de la parte pública de CCS v1.0.0 Cualquier donación se agradecerá!!! Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  13. Since IP.Board 3.0.0 was a brand new release, it shipped with a brand new design. This design was intended to be easy-to-use, whilst looking as attractive as possible. However, some may prefer the older versions and this is where our newest community project steps in. For the past few weeks, the skinners from our Community Developer team have been hard at work reviving three classic skins from the IP.Board 2.x range. These are: IP.Board Classic Blue, IP.Board Pro, and IPSBeyond. Each skin has been ported to successfully work with IP.Board 3.0, whilst keeping the look and feel where possible, of IP.Board 2.3. All three skins have the appropriate templates for all the addons, and are available for preview right here on the company forums! Please be aware that this is a preview and there will still be small issues with the skins, try to think of this as a pre-beta. For the IP.Board Classic Blue and IP.Board Pro skins, the button icons have not been finalised and will change between now and the beta. We are hoping to have this preview available for around a week, and expect a beta to follow shortly which you can all install on your own forums and help us find any remaining bugs. We have set up a new forum for questions on this new community project, and there is also a new bug tracker category set up for reporting bugs. This is just the start of the Community Skins project, and we hope to be able to bring you quality, free skins in the near-future. Finally, hats off to the Community Developer team for creating an amazing new project.Zobacz całą wiadomość
  14. Witam, poniżej przedstawiam luźny przekład newsa, którego pełną i oryginalną postać możecie znaleźć na tej stronie. Mamy przyjemność poinformować o wydaniu Invision Power Board 3.0.3 Jest to kolejne główne wydanie IP.Board w wersji 3.x z poprawionymi błędami oraz dodanymi nowymi opcjami. Wydano również nowe wersje oficjalnych dodatków: IP.Blog, IP.Gallery oraz IP.Downloads. Główne zmiany od wersji 3.0.2 Oprócz dużej ilości naprawy małych błędów, poniżej przedstawiamy listę dużych zmian oraz napraw w wersji 3.0.3: Dodano nową opcję do funkcji oznaczania użytkowników jako spamerów: Odrzuć posty, wyczyść profil oraz zbanuj użytkownika Możliwość oznaczania użytkownika, jako spamera z listy użytkowników oczekujących na aktywację w ACP Dodano możliwość edycji statusu oraz strony o mnie w panelu moderacyjnym w edycji użytkownika w widoku profilu W widoku profilu wyświetlany jest adres e-mail użytkownika jeśli przeglądającym profil jest administrator OpenID działa już na PHP 5.3.0 Zarządzanie subskrypcją Wydano IP.Subscriptions w wersji RC 2. Sterownik do bazy MS-SQL Wydano sterownik do bazy danych MSSQL w wersji RC 1 obsługujący IP.Board, IP.Blog, IP.Gallery raz IP.Downloads. Dodano również możliwość aktualizacji z wersjiS 2.3.6 Skin CleanCut Nowy skin CleanCut będzie dostępny jako oddzielny plik do pobrania. Informacja o tym znajdzie się wkrótce na naszym blogu. IP.Converge 1.1.1 wydane Jest to główne wydanie IP.Converge z naprawionymi błędami zgłoszonymi do tej pory.
  15. File Name: (PIN) Awards Management System File Submitter: peaderfi File Submitted: 31 Aug 2009 File Category: IPB 3.0.x Mods (PIN) Awards Management System The (PIN) Awards Management System is, as the name suggests, an awards management system. It allows you, as the admin, to create and define awards categories and place awards within those categories. It gives you the power to decide who is able to view, give and take awards on a per category basis. You are also able to designate any number of groups as Global Awards Mods, these Global Awards Mods will be able to see, give and take awards from all of your categories. On the admin side you are able to restrict admins from accessing each of the main functions of the awards mod. Two hooks ship with this mod, one to place the mod buttons in the profile for those who have the permissions to give and remove awards and the other is the awards cabinet that is shown in the topic view which has two options when enabled in the Awards Settings. I'm planning on the initial stream being a free version and releasing a more "feature rich" paid stream later on. If/When a paid version is released the free version will continue to be maintained for IPB but no new features will be added to the free version once the paid version is released. Some screenshots: Admin - Creating/Editing an Award: Admin - The Admin Display: Admin - Category Awards Reorder Screen: Public - Awards Profile View: Public - Awards Profile View - Reasons Popup: Public - Overall Awards Listing: Public - Individual Award Listing: Public - Topic Display Hook: The profile view hooks have been developed. We have the "Mini-Profile Display" option: and the Sig Display option: You can choose how many images will be the maximum allowed to be displayed in either view and the hook will pull only the latest x number of awards that have been given to each user. Click here to download this fileWyświetl pełny artykuł
  16. File Name: Desert 2 Remake File Submitter: terry File Submitted: 02 Sep 2009 File Category: IP.Board V3 This is a remake of the original skin made by CrustyGeek. [Copyright Notice] You are allowed to use this skin free of charge. You are not allowed to sell the skin or make profit directly from the skin. You are not allowed to remove the copyright notice at the footer of the page or edit it in any way. You do have the right to edit any logo files and profile images. You do not have the right to redistribute this skin set in any way. Please respect my wishes by simply keeping the copyright intact and I will continue to release my skins.Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  17. Our new Spam Monitoring Service is being adopted by thousands of IP.Board owners all over the web and we are starting to see the system "learning" about spam accounts and blocking registrations from all the incoming reports. It's great to see the community of IP.Board owners working together to help combat spam. We are noticing that some clients are not properly using the service because of domain mismatches. To see if your service is working properly the easiest thing to do is check the logs in the AdminCP under Logs -> Spam Service Logs. If you see a bunch of "0" response codes then there is a problem accessing the service. Go in your client area and be sure the license URL is accurate and change it if needed. Also be sure you use the Request Spam Service key and input that as your key - not your license key. We have also seen some clients running their forums under but have entered as their license key URL. Be sure to update that to for everything to work properly. Finally, be sure you are using the "mark as spam" feature in IPB. Not only does this automatically shut down the spammer's account and hide all posts they have made but it also automatically reports that back to IPS as a spam account. This not only helps you but every other IPB owner fight spam registrations. We hope everyone is enjoying the free Spam Monitoring Service for IPB service license holders and IPS Hosting clients. We have already blocked hundreds of spam account registrations and are very happy with the performance of the service. Enjoy!Zobacz całą wiadomość
  18. In this video tutorial I will show you how to add an Off topic BBCode example to your board. Learning this should teach you how to accomplish add your own custom BBCode in the future. Adding Custom BBCode VideoWyświetl pełny artykuł
  19. In this short video tutorial I will show you how to change your board's background color. Stay tuned for another video now how to added image backgrounds that repeat. Changing your Board's BG Color VideoWyświetl pełny artykuł
  20. This mod add to your forum a fully featured Tickets System. Features: The features list is not yet available for this beta release, I'll include it later before the release of the final version.Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  21. This MOD will show, on forum view, how many users (guests and registered members) are viewing each topic. You can set if you want to show a message when no user is reading a topic; groups allowed to see the total of users reading a topic and you can exclude specific forums from showing how many are reading its topics. Copyright Note This mod is an update of [boT] Users Viewing Topic v1.1.0 (IP.Board 2.3.X), from Trialga (Bryan), from Trialga Community Forums. This update was authorized by Trialga. File Affected: admin/applications/forums/modules_public/forums/forums.phpWyświetl pełny artykuł
  22. This MOD will show, on forum view, how many users (guests and registered members) are viewing each topic. You can set if you want to show a message when no user is reading a topic; groups allowed to see the total of users reading a topic and you can exclude specific forums from showing how many are reading its topics. Copyright Note This mod is an update of [boT] Users Viewing Topic v1.1.0 (IP.Board 2.3.X), from Trialga (Bryan), from Trialga Community Forums. This update was authorized by Trialga. File Affected: admin/applications/forums/modules_public/forums/forums.phpWyświetl pełny artykuł
  23. File Name: (SOS30) Members Viewing Topics v1.0.0 File Submitter: SOSInvision File Submitted: 1 Sep 2009 File Category: IP.Board v3.0.x Mods Resource Type: Hook Version: 1.0.0 This MOD will show, on forum view, how many users (guests and registered members) are viewing each topic. You can set if you want to show a message when no user is reading a topic; groups allowed to see the total of users reading a topic and you can exclude specific forums from showing how many are reading its topics. Copyright Note This mod is an update of [boT] Users Viewing Topic v1.1.0 (IP.Board 2.3.X), from Trialga (Bryan), from Trialga Community Forums. This update was authorized by Trialga.File Affected: admin/applications/forums/modules_public/forums/forums.php Click here to download this fileWyświetl pełny artykuł
  24. Freshest screenshot Zelen skin for IP.Board 3 First published skin in IPS Skin Contest category. Light and green. Simple and useful. Beloved by IPS comunity. Watch promos:świetl pełny artykuł
  25. In this video tutorial I will show you a simple way to add a page to CCS. Note that I don't have FURL enabled on my localhost so disregard the ugly url's. This creates a new page in the wrapper of your forum though it's almost the exact same way to add a page in your own template. Adding a Page VideoWyświetl pełny artykuł
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