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Zakładka w profilu

Przejdź do rozwiązania Rozwiązane przez pawel7121,

Rekomendowane odpowiedzi

Cześć, zacząłem pisać dość małą appkę pod IP.Board, a że jestem w tym nowy to mam problemy :P


Zrobiłem system newsów, kto jest aktualnie na serwerze itd. taki panel gracza. Zrobiłem już sam panel, teraz zabieram się do robienia zakładki w profilu. Przeczytałem na forum ipsu o zakładce, no i zrobiłem. Mam malutki problem, nie wiem jak zrobić, by każdy użytkownik miał tak jakby swój kod, tzn. np. swój tekst, ale skąd?

Chciałbym również zrobić zakładkę w ustawieniach "Minecraft" i tam byłoby pole na dodanie swojego tekstu, który później byłby wyświetlany w zakładce w profilu.



Myślę, że coś zrobić z bazą, dodać tabele czy coś.


Mój plik minecraft.php z appki (folder profileTabs)


class profile_minecraft extends profile_plugin_parent
     * Feturn HTML block
     * @access    public
     * @param    array        Member information
     * @return    string        HTML block
    public function return_html_block( $member=array() )
        $content = $this->registry->getClass('output')->getTemplate('mc')->mc ();

        return $content ? $content : $this->registry->getClass('output')->getTemplate('mc')->mc( 'mc' );


Czyli zrobiłem odczyt ze stylu, tak na szybko :PKod wziąłem ze strony IPSu.



Z góry dziękuje za pomoc, pozdrawiam.

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No cóż, skoro chcesz wyświetlać coś a'la strona 'o mnie' to najpierw musisz to umożliwić userowi - a więc stworzyć formularz do zapisywania takich treści. Najprościej umieścić je w tabeli members lub profile_content. Potem wyświetlanie ich w tej zakładce to nie problem - masz przecież zmienną $member.

$this->registry->getClass('output')->getTemplate('mc')->mc( 'mc' );

To zawsze wyświetli w tym bicie 'mc' zamiast użytej zmiennej - masz tego świadomość?


intermedia - profesjonalne rozwiązania Invision Power Board


Chcesz uzyskać szybko i sprawnie pomoc? Uzupełnij wersję i adres w profilu.

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Tak jak napisałem zrobiłem na szybko tylko odczyt z szablonu, aby sprawdzić zakładkę. :)



Dodałem już kolumne do tabeli members o nazwie 'minecraft'


I tutaj jest problem, ponieważ moje PHP leży, umie napisać coś prostego, a tutaj jak dla mnie się komplikuje.


Jak mogę użyć tej zmiennej i jak dodać zakładkę z polem w ustawieniach profilu, tak jak napisałeś coś a'la strona "O mnie".

Edytowane przez pawel7121

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Zapomniałem, że tu nie dajecie gotowców. :D



Spostrzegłem, że sygnature wyświetla się tym kodem:



i pobieranie ze stylu, funkcja member


    function getOutput() {
        $member = $this->registry->output->getTemplate('profile')->functionData['profileModern']['0']['member'];
        return $this->registry->output->getTemplate('profile')->hookSig( $member );

Ten kod powyżej wziąłem z pierwszego lepszego hooku dot. sygnatury.


W tym problem, że nie wiem jak to przerobić.

Wymodziłem coś takiego:


 $member = $this->registry->output->getTemplate('profile')->functionData['profileModern']['0']['member'];
        return $this->registry->output->getTemplate('mc')->mc( $member );


Nadal nie wiem jak przerobić zmienną $member itd.

Domagasz się szybkiej reakcji z mojej strony? Proszę, zacytuj post.

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Tylko to, że ja nie mam i nie wiem jak dodać zakładkę w ustawieniach 'Minecraft' i tam pole, bo ogólnie to na tym ma się trzymać całość.

Myślałem nad zrobieniem to w hooku, jakbym potrzebowałbym to na raz to zleciłbym komuś, ale chcę się nauczyć choć trochę.

Zobaczę jakieś hooki co dodają zakładkę do ustawień, wezmę kodu trochę no i coś tam wymodze.


Aktualnie nie mam kodu żadnego, tylko plik minecraft.php w profileTabs, który podałem wyżej.


Biorę się za tą zakładkę.

Domagasz się szybkiej reakcji z mojej strony? Proszę, zacytuj post.

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Mózg rozwalony...


Znalazłem kody na wczytywanie sygnatury i zapis, pewnie źle przerobiłem, zostały szczątki po sygnaturze.



     * Show the minecraft pages
     * @author    PGmajster
     * @return    string        Processed HTML
    public function formMinecraft()
        /* Load editor stuff */
        $classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/editor/composite.php', 'classes_editor_composite' );
        $this->editor = new $classToLoad();
        /* HTML checkbox language strings */
        $this->registry->getClass('class_localization')->loadLanguageFile( array( 'public_post' ), 'forums' );
        // Check to make sure that we can edit profiles..
        $minecraft_restrictions = explode( ':', $this->memberData['g_minecraft_limits'] );
        if ( ! $this->memberData['g_edit_profile'] OR ( $minecraft_restrictions[0] AND ! $this->memberData['g_minecraft_unit'] ) )
            $this->registry->getClass('output')->showError( 'members_profile_disabled', 1024, null, null, 403 );
            if( $form['_noPerm'] )
                return $this->registry->getClass('output')->getTemplate('ucp')->membersMinecraftFormError( $form );

        /* Set content in editor */
        $this->editor->setAllowBbcode( true );
        $this->editor->setAllowSmilies( true );
        $this->editor->setAllowHtml( $this->memberData['g_dohtml'] );
        $this->editor->setIsHtml( $this->memberData['bw_html_minecraft'] );
        $this->editor->setContent( $this->memberData['minecraft'] );
        /* Load parser */
        $classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/text/parser.php', 'classes_text_parser' );
        $parser = new $classToLoad();
        $parser->set( array( 'memberData'       => $this->memberData,
                             'parseBBCode'       => 1,
                             'parseHtml'       => ( $this->memberData['g_dohtml'] && $this->memberData['bw_html_minecraft'] ),
                             'parseArea'      => 'minecraft',
                             'parseEmoticons' => 1 ) );
        $minecraft    = $parser->display( $this->memberData['minecraft'] );
        return $this->registry->getClass('output')->getTemplate('ucp')->membersMinecraftForm( $this->editor->show( 'Post', array( 'noSmilies' => false ) ), $minecraft_restrictions, $minecraft );


     * UserCP Save Form: Minecraft
     * @return    array    Errors
    public function saveMinecraft()
        /* Load editor stuff */
        $classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/editor/composite.php', 'classes_editor_composite' );
        $this->editor = new $classToLoad();
        $isHtml = intval( $this->request['minecraft_htmlstatus'] );
        // Check to make sure that we can edit profiles..

        $minecraft_restrictions    = explode( ':', $this->memberData['g_minecraft_limits'] );
        if ( ! $this->memberData['g_edit_profile'] OR ( $minecraft_restrictions[0] AND ! $this->memberData['g_minecraft_unit'] ) )
            $this->registry->getClass('output')->showError( 'members_profile_disabled', 1028, null, null, 403 );

        // Post process the editor
        // Now we have safe HTML and bbcode
        /* Set content in editor */
        $this->editor->setAllowBbcode( true );
        $this->editor->setAllowSmilies( true );
        $this->editor->setIsHtml( $this->memberData['g_dohtml'] && $isHtml );
        $this->editor->setContent( $this->memberData['minecraft'] );
        $minecraft = $this->editor->process( $_POST['Post'] );
        // Parse post
        /* Load parser */
        $classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/text/parser.php', 'classes_text_parser' );
        $parser = new $classToLoad();
        $parser->testForParsingLimits( $minecraft, array( 'quote', 'emoticons', 'urls' ) );
        if ( is_array( $parser->getErrors() ) && count( $parser->getErrors() ) )
            $this->lang->loadLanguageFile( array( 'public_post' ), 'forums' );
            $_error    = array_pop( $parser->getErrors() );
            $this->registry->getClass('output')->showError( $_error, 10210 );
        // Signature restrictions...
        $minecraft_errors    = array();

        $minecraft    = preg_replace( '#^\s*(</p>)+#i', '', $minecraft );
        $minecraft    = preg_replace( '#(</p>)+?\s*$#i', '', $minecraft );
        // Now the crappy part..
        if( isset($minecraft_restrictions[2]) and $minecraft_restrictions[2] !== '' AND isset($minecraft_restrictions[3]) and $minecraft_restrictions[3] !== '' )
            preg_match_all( '/\<img([^>]+?)>/i', $minecraft, $allImages );

            if( count($allImages[1]) )
                foreach( $allImages[1] as $foundImage )
                    preg_match( '#src=[\'"]([^\'"]+?)[\'"]#i', $foundImage, $url );
                    $imageProperties = @getimagesize( $url[1] );
                    if( is_array($imageProperties) AND count($imageProperties) )
                        if( $imageProperties[0] > $minecraft_restrictions[2] OR $imageProperties[1] > $minecraft_restrictions[3] )
                            $minecraft_errors[] = sprintf( $this->lang->words['sig_imagetoobig'], $url[1], $minecraft_restrictions[2], $minecraft_restrictions[3] );
                        $minecraft_errors[] = $this->lang->words['sig_imagenotretrievable'];
        if( count($minecraft_errors) )
            $this->registry->getClass('output')->showError( implode( '<br />', $minecraft_errors ), 10211 );
        /* Save HTML status */
        $members_bitoptions = IPSBWOptions::thaw( $this->memberData['members_bitoptions'], 'members', 'global' );
        $members_bitoptions['bw_html_minecraft'] = $isHtml;
        // Write it to the DB.
        IPSMember::save( $this->memberData['member_id'], array( 'members' => $members_bitoptions, 'extendedProfile' => array( 'minecraft' => $minecraft ) ) );
        /* Update cache */
        IPSContentCache::update( $this->memberData['member_id'], 'minecraft', $parser->display( $minecraft ) );
        return TRUE;

Po wejściu w edycje profilu ukazuje się błąd



Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE, expecting T_FUNCTION in /home/u121283872/public_html/upload/admin/applications/core/extensions/usercpForms.php on line 1308



a linia 1308 to:     $this->editor->setLegacyMode(false);


Z góry dziękuje za pomoc, pozdrawiam.



KURDE! nie dało kodów...


//Zaraz edit

Edytowane przez pawel7121

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        $minecraft_restrictions = explode( ':', $this->memberData['g_minecraft_limits'] );
        if ( ! $this->memberData['g_edit_profile'] OR ( $minecraft_restrictions[0] AND ! $this->memberData['g_minecraft_unit'] ) )
            $this->registry->getClass('output')->showError( 'members_profile_disabled', 1024, null, null, 403 );
            if( $form['_noPerm'] )
                return $this->registry->getClass('output')->getTemplate('ucp')->membersMinecraftFormError( $form );

        /* Set content in editor */


od 1291 do 1308

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Za dużo o jedno }, tutaj:

            if( $form['_noPerm'] )
                return $this->registry->getClass('output')->getTemplate('ucp')->membersMinecraftFormError( $form );

intermedia - profesjonalne rozwiązania Invision Power Board


Chcesz uzyskać szybko i sprawnie pomoc? Uzupełnij wersję i adres w profilu.

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Nie skopiowałem całego kodu.

    public function formMinecraft()
        /* Load editor stuff */
        $classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/editor/composite.php', 'classes_editor_composite' );
        $this->editor = new $classToLoad();
        /* HTML checkbox language strings */
        $this->registry->getClass('class_localization')->loadLanguageFile( array( 'public_post' ), 'forums' );
        // Check to make sure that we can edit profiles..
        $minecraft_restrictions = explode( ':', $this->memberData['g_minecraft_limits'] );
        if ( ! $this->memberData['g_edit_profile'] OR ( $minecraft_restrictions[0] AND ! $this->memberData['g_minecraft_unit'] ) )
            $this->registry->getClass('output')->showError( 'members_profile_disabled', 1024, null, null, 403 );
            if( $form['_noPerm'] )
                return $this->registry->getClass('output')->getTemplate('ucp')->membersMinecraftFormError( $form );


Klamr otwierających jest tyle co zamykających.

Domagasz się szybkiej reakcji z mojej strony? Proszę, zacytuj post.

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4 linijki pod tym

        /* Set content in editor */
        $this->editor->setAllowBbcode( true );
        $this->editor->setAllowSmilies( true );
        $this->editor->setAllowHtml( $this->memberData['g_dohtml'] );
        $this->editor->setIsHtml( $this->memberData['bw_html_minecraft'] );
        $this->editor->setContent( $this->memberData['minecraft'] );

Domagasz się szybkiej reakcji z mojej strony? Proszę, zacytuj post.

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 * <pre>
 * Invision Power Services
 * IP.Board v3.4.5
 * Core user control panel plugin
 * Last Updated: $Date: 2013-05-02 17:05:35 -0400 (Thu, 02 May 2013) $
 * </pre>
 * @author         $Author: bfarber $
 * @copyright    © 2001 - 2009 Invision Power Services, Inc.
 * @license
 * @package        IP.Board
 * @subpackage    Core
 * @link
 * @since        20th February 2002
 * @version        $Rev: 12216 $

if ( ! defined( 'IN_IPB' ) )
    print "<h1>Incorrect access</h1>You cannot access this file directly. If you have recently upgraded, make sure you upgraded all the relevant files.";

class usercpForms_core extends public_core_usercp_manualResolver implements interface_usercp
     * Tab name
     * This can be left blank and the application title will
     * be used
     * @var        string
    public $tab_name = "Settings";

     * Default area code
     * @var        string
    public $defaultAreaCode = 'profileinfo';
     * OK Message
     * This is an optional message to return back to the framework
     * to replace the standard 'Settings saved' message
     * @var        string
    public $ok_message = '';

     * Hide 'save' button and form elements
     * Useful if you have custom output that doesn't
     * need to use it
     * @var        bool
    public $hide_form_and_save_button = false;

     * If you wish to allow uploads, set a value for this
     * @var        integer
    public $uploadFormMax = 0;

     * Flag to indicate that the user is a facebook logged in user doozer
     * @var        boolean
    protected $_isFBUser = false;
     * Flag to indicate compatibility
     * @var        int
     public $version    = 32;

     * Initiate this module
     * @return    @e void
    public function init( )
        $this->tab_name    = ipsRegistry::getClass('class_localization')->words['tab__core'];

        /* Facebook? */
        if ( IPSLib::fbc_enabled() === TRUE AND $this->memberData['fb_uid'] )
            $this->_isFBUser = true;

        if( !$this->memberData['g_edit_profile'] )
            $this->defaultAreaCode    = 'email';

     * Return links for this tab
     * You may return an empty array or FALSE to not have
     * any links show in the tab.
     * The links must have 'area=xxxxx'. The rest of the URL
     * is added automatically.
     * 'area' can only be a-z A-Z 0-9 - _
     * @author    Matt Mecham
     * @return    array         Links
    public function getLinks()
        ipsRegistry::instance()->getClass('class_localization')->loadLanguageFile( array( 'public_usercp' ), 'core' );

        $array = array();

        if( $this->memberData['g_edit_profile'] )
            $array[] = array( 'url'    => 'area=profileinfo',
                              'title'  => ipsRegistry::instance()->getClass('class_localization')->words['change_settings'],
                              'active' => $this->request['tab'] == 'core' && $this->request['area'] == 'profileinfo' ? 1 : 0,
                              'area'   => 'profileinfo'
        if ( $this->memberData['gbw_allow_customization'] AND ! $this->memberData['bw_disable_customization'] )
            $array[] = array( 'url'    => 'area=customize',
                              'title'  => ipsRegistry::instance()->getClass('class_localization')->words['m_customize'],
                              'active' => $this->request['tab'] == 'core' && $this->request['area'] == 'customize' ? 1 : 0,
                              'area'   => 'customize'
        $array[] = array( 'url'    => 'area=email',
                          'title'  => ipsRegistry::instance()->getClass('class_localization')->words['m_email_pass_change'],
                          'active' => $this->request['tab'] == 'core' && $this->request['area'] == 'email' ? 1 : 0,
                          'area'   => 'email'
        if ( $this->settings['auth_allow_dnames'] == 1 AND $this->memberData['g_dname_changes'] != 0 )
            $array[] = array( 'url'    => 'area=displayname',
                              'title'  => ipsRegistry::instance()->getClass('class_localization')->words['ucp_change_name'],
                              'active' => $this->request['tab'] == 'core' && $this->request['area'] == 'displayname' ? 1 : 0,
                              'area'   => 'displayname'
        $sig_restrictions    = explode( ':', $this->memberData['g_signature_limits'] );
        if ( ( ! $sig_restrictions[0] OR ( $sig_restrictions[0] AND $this->memberData['g_sig_unit'] ) ) AND $this->memberData['g_edit_profile'] )
            $array[] = array( 'url'    => 'area=signature',
                              'title'  => ipsRegistry::instance()->getClass('class_localization')->words['m_sig_info'],
                              'active' => $this->request['tab'] == 'core' && $this->request['area'] == 'signature' ? 1 : 0,
                              'area'   => 'signature'

        $array[] = array( 'url'    => 'area=ignoredusers',
                          'title'  => ipsRegistry::instance()->getClass('class_localization')->words['m_ignore_users'],
                          'active' => $this->request['tab'] == 'core' && $this->request['area'] == 'ignoredusers' ? 1 : 0,
                          'area'   => 'ignoredusers'
        if ( IPSLib::fbc_enabled() === TRUE )
            $array[] = array( 'url'    => 'area=facebook',
                              'title'  => ipsRegistry::instance()->getClass('class_localization')->words['m_facebook'],
                              'active' => $this->request['tab'] == 'core' && $this->request['area'] == 'facebook' ? 1 : 0,
                              'area'   => 'facebook'
        if ( IPSLib::twitter_enabled() === TRUE )
            $array[] = array( 'url'    => 'area=twitter',
                              'title'  => ipsRegistry::instance()->getClass('class_localization')->words['m_twitter'],
                              'active' => $this->request['tab'] == 'core' && $this->request['area'] == 'twitter' ? 1 : 0,
                              'area'   => 'twitter'
        if ( $this->memberData['g_attach_max'] != -1 )
            $array[] = array(
                            'url'    => 'area=attachments',
                            'title'  => ipsRegistry::instance()->getClass('class_localization')->words['m_attach'],
                            'active' => $this->request['tab'] == 'core' && $this->request['area'] == 'attachments' ? 1 : 0,
                            'area'   => 'attachments'

        $array[] = array( 'url'    => 'area=notifications',
                          'title'  => ipsRegistry::instance()->getClass('class_localization')->words['m_notifications'],
                          'active' => $this->request['tab'] == 'core' && $this->request['area'] == 'notifications' ? 1 : 0,
                          'area'   => 'notifications'
        $array[] = array( 'url'    => 'area=notificationlog',
                          'title'  => ipsRegistry::instance()->getClass('class_localization')->words['m_arch_notify'],
                          'active' => ( in_array( $this->request['area'], array( 'notificationlog', 'viewNotification', 'removeNotifications' ) ) ) ? 1 : 0,
                          'area'   => 'notificationlog'

        return $array;

     * Run custom event
     * If you pass a 'do' in the URL / post form that is not either:
     * save / save_form or show / show_form then this function is loaded
     * instead. You can return a HTML chunk to be used in the UserCP (the
     * tabs and footer are auto loaded) or redirect to a link.
     * If you are returning HTML, you can use $this->hide_form_and_save_button = 1;
     * to remove the form and save button that is automatically placed there.
     * @author    Matt Mecham
     * @param    string        Current area
     * @return    mixed        html or void
    public function runCustomEvent( $currentArea )
        // INIT

        $html = '';

        // What to do?

        switch( $currentArea )
            case 'removeIgnoredUser':
                return $this->customEvent_removeIgnoredUser();
            case 'toggleIgnoredUser':
                return $this->customEvent_toggleIgnoredUser();
            case 'facebookSync':
                $html = $this->customEvent_facebookSync();
            case 'facebookRemove':
                $html = $this->customEvent_facebookRemove();
            case 'twitterRemove':
                $html = $this->customEvent_twitterRemove();
            case 'facebookLink':
                $html = $this->customEvent_facebookLink();
            case 'updateAttachments':
                return $this->customEvent_updateAttachments();
            case 'viewNotification':
                $html    = $this->customEvent_viewNotification();
            case 'markNotification':
                return $this->customEvent_markNotification();
            case 'removeNotifications':
                return $this->customEvent_removeNotifications();

        // Turn off save button

        $this->hide_form_and_save_button = 1;

        // Return

        return $html;

     * Delete attachments
     * @author    Matt Mecham
     * @return    string        Processed HTML
    public function customEvent_updateAttachments()
         // Get the ID's to delete

         $finalIDs = array();

        // Grab post IDs

        if ( is_array( $_POST['attach'] ) and count( $_POST['attach'] ) )
            foreach( $_POST['attach'] as $id => $value )
                $finalIDs[ $id ] = intval( $id );

         if ( count($finalIDs) > 0 )
            $this->DB->build( array(    'select'    => 'a.*',
                                            'from'        => array( 'attachments' => 'a' ),
                                            'where'        => "a.attach_id IN (" . implode( ",", $finalIDs ) .") AND a.attach_rel_module IN( 'post', 'msg' ) AND attach_member_id=" . $this->memberData['member_id'],
                                            'add_join'    => array(
                                                                array( 'select'    => 'p.topic_id,',
                                                                        'from'    => array( 'posts' => 'p' ),
                                                                        'where'    => " AND a.attach_rel_module='post'",
                                                                        'type'    => 'left'
                                                                array( 'select'    => 'mt.msg_id, mt.msg_topic_id',
                                                                        'from'    => array( 'message_posts' => 'mt' ),
                                                                        'where'    => "mt.msg_id=a.attach_rel_id AND a.attach_rel_module='msg'",
                                                                        'type'    => 'left'
                                )        );

            $o = $this->DB->execute();

            while ( $killmeh = $this->DB->fetch( $o ) )
                if ( $killmeh['attach_location'] )
                    @unlink( $this->settings['upload_dir']."/".$killmeh['attach_location'] );
                if ( $killmeh['attach_thumb_location'] )
                    @unlink( $this->settings['upload_dir']."/".$killmeh['attach_thumb_location'] );

                if ( $killmeh['topic_id'] )
                    $this->DB->update( 'topics', 'topic_hasattach=topic_hasattach-1', 'tid='.$killmeh['topic_id'], true, true );
                else if( $killmeh['msg_id'] )
                    $this->DB->update( 'message_topics', 'mt_hasattach=mt_hasattach-1', 'mt_id='.$killmeh['msg_topic_id'], true, true );

            $this->DB->delete( 'attachments', 'attach_id IN ('.implode(",",$finalIDs).') and attach_member_id='.$this->memberData['member_id'] );

        $this->registry->getClass('output')->silentRedirect( $this->settings['base_url']."app=core&module=usercp&tab=core&area=attachments&do=show" );

     * UserCP handle our notifications
     * @return    boolean        Successful
    public function customEvent_removeNotifications()
        // Check form hash
        $this->request['secure_key'] = $this->request['secure_key'] ? $this->request['secure_key'] : $this->request['md5check'];

        if( $this->request['secure_key'] != $this->member->form_hash )
            $this->registry->output->showError( 'usercp_forums_bad_key', 1021523 );
        // Notifications library
        $classToLoad        = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPS_ROOT_PATH . '/sources/classes/member/notifications.php', 'notifications' );
        $notifyLibrary        = new $classToLoad( $this->registry );
        $notifyLibrary->setMember( $this->memberData );

        // Delete the notifications
        $_toDelete    = IPSLib::cleanIntArray( $this->request['notifications'] );
        if( !count($_toDelete) )
            return $this->showInlineNotifications( $this->lang->words['no_notify_del'] );
        $this->DB->delete( 'inline_notifications', "notify_id IN(" . implode( ',', $_toDelete ) . ") AND notify_to_id=" . $this->memberData['member_id'] );
        // If member has 'unread' count, rebuild count
        if( $this->memberData['notification_cnt'] )

        // Redirect
        $this->registry->getClass('output')->silentRedirect( $this->settings['base_url']."app=core&module=usercp&tab=core&area=notificationlog&confirm=1" );
     * Mark a notification
     * @return    string    HTML
    public function customEvent_markNotification()
        // Notifications library
        $classToLoad        = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPS_ROOT_PATH . '/sources/classes/member/notifications.php', 'notifications' );
        $notifyLibrary        = new $classToLoad( $this->registry );
        $notifyLibrary->setMember( $this->memberData );

        // Get notification
        /* Marking them all as read? */
        if ( $this->request['mark'] == 'all' )
            $this->DB->update( 'inline_notifications', array( 'notify_read' => time() ), 'notify_to_id=' . $this->memberData['member_id'] );
            $id                = intval($this->request['mark']);
            $notification    = $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => '*', 'from' => 'inline_notifications', 'where' => 'notify_id=' . $id ) );
            // Error checking
            if( !$notification['notify_id'] )
                if( $this->request['ajax'] )
                    print 'ok';
                    $this->registry->getClass('output')->silentRedirect( $this->settings['base_url'] . "app=core&module=usercp&tab=core&area=notificationlog" );
            if( $notification['notify_to_id'] != $this->memberData['member_id'] )
                if( $this->request['ajax'] )
                    print 'ok';
                    $this->registry->getClass('output')->silentRedirect( $this->settings['base_url'] . "app=core&module=usercp&tab=core&area=notificationlog" );
            // Update read timestamp
            $this->DB->update( 'inline_notifications', array( 'notify_read' => time() ), 'notify_id=' . $id );
        // If member has 'unread' count, rebuild count
        if( $this->memberData['notification_cnt'] )
        if( $this->request['ajax'] )
            print 'ok';
            $this->registry->output->silentRedirect( $this->settings['base_url'] . "app=core&module=usercp&tab=core&area=notificationlog" );
     * View a notification
     * @return    string    HTML
    public function customEvent_viewNotification()
        // Notifications library
        $classToLoad        = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPS_ROOT_PATH . '/sources/classes/member/notifications.php', 'notifications' );
        $notifyLibrary        = new $classToLoad( $this->registry );
        $notifyLibrary->setMember( $this->memberData );

        // Get notification
        $id                = intval($this->request['view']);
        $notification    = $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => '*', 'from' => 'inline_notifications', 'where' => 'notify_id=' . $id ) );
        // Error checking
        if( !$notification['notify_id'] )
            $this->registry->output->showError( 'bad_notify_id', 10191 );

        if( $notification['notify_to_id'] != $this->memberData['member_id'] )
            $this->registry->output->showError( 'bad_notify_id', 10192 );
        // Update read timestamp
        $this->DB->update( 'inline_notifications', array( 'notify_read' => time() ), 'notify_id=' . $id );
        // If member has 'unread' count, rebuild count
        if( $this->memberData['notification_cnt'] )
        // Parse for display
        /* As the email template parser makes an attempt to reparse 'safe' HTML, we need to make it safe here */
        $notification['notify_text'] = IPSText::htmlspecialchars( $notification['notify_text'] );
         IPSText::getTextClass('bbcode')->parse_smilies                = 1;
         IPSText::getTextClass('bbcode')->parse_nl2br                = 1;
         IPSText::getTextClass('bbcode')->parse_html                    = 0;
         IPSText::getTextClass('bbcode')->parse_bbcode                = 1;
         IPSText::getTextClass('bbcode')->parsing_section            = 'global';
         $notification['notify_text'] = IPSText::getTextClass('bbcode')->preDisplayParse( nl2br( $notification['notify_text'] ) );
        // Show notification
        $this->_nav[] = array( $this->lang->words['m_arch_notify'], 'app=core&module=usercp&tab=core&area=notificationlog' );
        return $this->registry->getClass('output')->getTemplate('ucp')->showNotification( $notification );
     * Custom Event: Remove Twitter link
     * @return    @e void  
    public function customEvent_twitterRemove()
        // Check secure hash...
        if ( $this->request['secure_key'] != $this->member->form_hash )
            $this->registry->output->showError( 'authorization_error', 100, true, null, 403 );
        // Okay...
        if ( $this->memberData['twitter_id'] )
            /* Remove the link */
            IPSMember::save( $this->memberData['member_id'], array( 'core' => array( 'twitter_id' => 0, 'twitter_token' => '', 'twitter_secret' => '' ) ) );
        /* Log the user out */
        $this->registry->getClass('output')->silentRedirect( $this->settings['base_url']."app=core&module=global&section=login&do=logout&k=" . $this->member->form_hash );
     * Custom Event: Create facebook link
     * @return    @e void  
    public function customEvent_facebookLink()
        // Check secure hash...
        if ( $this->request['secure_key'] != $this->member->form_hash )
            $this->registry->output->showError( 'authorization_error', 100, true, null, 403 );
        /* Load application */
        $classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/facebook/connect.php', 'facebook_connect' );
        $facebook    = new $classToLoad( $this->registry );
            $facebook->linkMember( $this->memberData['member_id'] );
        catch( Exception $error )
            $msg = $error->getMessage();
            switch( $msg )
                case 'NO_FACEBOOK_USER_LOGGED_IN':
                case 'ALREADY_LINKED':
                    $this->registry->getClass('output')->showError( 'fbc_authorization_screwup', 1005.99, null, null, 403 );
        // Return

        $this->registry->getClass('output')->silentRedirect( $this->settings['base_url']."app=core&module=usercp&tab=core&area=facebook&do=show" );
     * Custom Event: Remove facebook link
     * @return    @e void  
    public function customEvent_facebookRemove()
        // Check secure hash...
        if ( $this->request['secure_key'] != $this->member->form_hash )
            $this->registry->output->showError( 'authorization_error', 100, true, null, 403 );
        $classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/facebook/connect.php', 'facebook_connect' );
        $facebook    = new $classToLoad( $this->registry );
        // Okay...
        if ( $this->memberData['fb_uid'] )
            /* Unauthorize application */
            /* Remove the link */
            IPSMember::save( $this->memberData['member_id'], array( 'core' => array( 'fb_uid' => 0, 'fb_emailhash' => '', 'fb_token' => '', 'fb_lastsync' => 0 ) ) );
        /* Log the user out */
        $this->registry->getClass('output')->silentRedirect( $this->settings['base_url']."app=core&module=global&section=login&do=logout&k=" . $this->member->form_hash );
     * Custom Event: Sync up facebook
     * @return    @e void  
    public function customEvent_facebookSync()
        if ( IPSLib::fbc_enabled() === TRUE )
            $classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/facebook/connect.php', 'facebook_connect' );
            $facebook    = new $classToLoad( $this->registry );
                $facebook->syncMember( $this->memberData );
            catch( Exception $error )
                $msg = $error->getMessage();
                switch( $msg )
                    case 'NOT_LINKED':
                    case 'NO_MEMBER':
                        $this->registry->getClass('output')->showError( 'fbc_authorization_screwup', 1005, null, null, 403 );
            // Return

            $this->registry->getClass('output')->silentRedirect( $this->settings['base_url']."app=core&module=usercp&tab=core&area=facebook&do=show" );
     * Custom Event: Run the find user tool
     * @return    @e void  
    public function customEvent_toggleIgnoredUser()
        // INIT
        $member_id = intval( $this->request['id'] );
        $field       = $this->request['field'];
        $update    = array();
        // Grab user
        $ignoredUser = $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => '*',
                                                        'from'   => 'ignored_users',
                                                        'where'  => 'ignore_ignore_id=' . $member_id . ' AND ignore_owner_id=' . $this->memberData['member_id'] ) );
        if ( $ignoredUser['ignore_id'] )
            switch( $field )
                case 'topics':
                    $update = array( 'ignore_topics' => ( $ignoredUser['ignore_topics'] == 1 ) ? 0 : 1 );
                case 'messages':
                    $update = array( 'ignore_messages' => ( $ignoredUser['ignore_messages'] == 1 ) ? 0 : 1 );
                case 'signatures':
                    $update = array( 'ignore_signatures' => ( $ignoredUser['ignore_signatures'] == 1 ) ? 0 : 1 );
                case 'minecraft':
                    $update = array( 'ignore_minecraft' => ( $ignoredUser['ignore_minecraft'] == 1 ) ? 0 : 1 );
                case 'chats':
                    $update = array( 'ignore_chats' => ( $ignoredUser['ignore_chats'] == 1 ) ? 0 : 1 );
            // Update

            $this->DB->update( 'ignored_users', $update, 'ignore_id=' . $ignoredUser['ignore_id'] );
            /* Rebuild cache */
            IPSMember::rebuildIgnoredUsersCache( $this->memberData );
        // Return
        $this->registry->getClass('output')->silentRedirect( $this->settings['base_url']."app=core&module=usercp&tab=core&area=ignoredusers&do=show&st={$this->request['st']}" );
     * Custom event: Remove ignored user
     * @author    Matt Mecham
     * @return    string        Processed HTML
    public function customEvent_removeIgnoredUser()
        // INIT
        $removeID = intval( $this->request['id'] );
        $this->DB->delete( 'ignored_users', 'ignore_owner_id=' . $this->memberData['member_id'] . ' AND ignore_ignore_id=' . $removeID );
        /* Rebuild cache */
        IPSMember::rebuildIgnoredUsersCache( $this->memberData );
        $this->registry->getClass('output')->silentRedirect( $this->settings['base_url']."app=core&module=usercp&tab=core&area=ignoredusers&do=show" );
     * UserCP Form Show
     * @author    Matt Mecham
     * @param    string        Current area as defined by 'get_links'
     * @param    array        Array of errors
     * @return    string        Processed HTML
    public function showForm( $current_area, $errors=array() )
        // Where to go, what to see?

        if( !$current_area AND !$this->memberData['g_edit_profile'] )
            $current_area    = 'email';

        switch( $current_area )
            case 'profileinfo':
                return $this->formProfileInfo();
            case 'signature':
                return $this->formSignature();

            case 'photo':
                return $this->formPhoto();
            case 'ignoredusers':
                return $this->formIgnoredUsers();
            case 'facebook':
                return $this->formFacebook();
            case 'twitter':
                return $this->formTwitter();
            case 'customize':
                return $this->formCustomize();
            case 'email':
                return $this->showFormEmailPassword();
            case 'displayname':
                return $this->showFormDisplayname();
            case 'attachments':
                return $this->showFormAttachments();
            case 'notifications':
                return $this->showFormNotifications();
            case 'notificationlog':
                return $this->showInlineNotifications();
     * Show the customization form
     * @author    Matt Mecham
     * @param    string        Any inline message to show
     * @return    string        Processed HTML
    public function formCustomize( $inlineMsg='' )
        /* Allow uploads */
        $this->uploadFormMax = 10000 * 1024;
        if ( ! $this->memberData['gbw_allow_customization'] OR $this->memberData['bw_disable_customization'] )
            $this->registry->getClass('output')->showError( 'no_permission', 1005.5 );
        /* Grab current options */
        $options = IPSLib::safeUnserialize( $this->memberData['pp_customization'] );
        $options = is_array( $options ) ? $options : array();
        /* Build input */
        foreach( $options as $k => $v )
            $input[ $k ] = ( $this->request[ $k ] ) ? $this->request[ $k ] : $v;
        /* Figure out preview URL */
        if ( $options['type'] == 'url' AND $options['bg_url'] )
            $input['_preview'] = $options['bg_url'];
        else if ( $options['type'] == 'upload' AND $options['bg_url'] )
            $input['_preview'] = $this->settings['upload_url'] . '/' . $options['bg_url'];
            $input['bg_url']   = '';
        /* Show form */
        return $this->registry->getClass('output')->getTemplate('ucp')->membersProfileCustomize( $options, $input, $inlineMsg );
     * Show the twitter form
     * @author    Matt Mecham
     * @param    string        Any inline message to show
     * @return    string        Processed HTML
    public function formTwitter( $inlineMsg='' )
        // INIT
        if( !IPSLib::twitter_enabled() )
            $this->registry->getClass('output')->showError( 'twitter_disabled', 1005.1 );
        // Twitter user logged in?
        $classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/twitter/connect.php', 'twitter_connect' );
        $twitter     = new $classToLoad( $this->registry, $this->memberData['twitter_token'], $this->memberData['twitter_secret'] );
        // Thaw bitfield options
        $bwOptions = IPSBWOptions::thaw( $this->memberData['tc_bwoptions'], 'twitter' );
        // Merge..
        if ( is_array( $bwOptions ) )
            foreach( $bwOptions as $k => $v )
                $this->memberData[ $k ] = $v;
        if( ! $twitter->isConnected() )
            $this->hide_form_and_save_button = 1;
        $userData = $twitter->fetchUserData();
        if ( isset( $userData['status']['text'] ) )
            if ( IPS_DOC_CHAR_SET != 'UTF-8' )
                $userData['status']['text'] = IPSText::utf8ToEntities( $userData['status']['text'] );
            /* Make safe */
            $userData['status']['text'] = str_replace( array( '<', '>' ), array( '<', '>' ), $userData['status']['text'] );
        return $this->registry->getClass('output')->getTemplate('ucp')->membersTwitterConnect( $twitter->isConnected(), $userData );
     * Show the member form
     * @author    Matt Mecham
     * @param    string        Any inline message to show
     * @return    string        Processed HTML
    public function formFacebook( $inlineMsg='' )
        // INIT
        if( !IPSLib::fbc_enabled() )
            $this->registry->getClass('output')->showError( 'fbc_disabled', 1005.2 );
        // Shut off save button if not associated yet
        if( !$this->memberData['fb_uid'] )
            $this->hide_form_and_save_button    = true;
            $userData                            = array();
            $linkedMemberData                    = array();
            $perms                                = array();
            // FB user logged in?
            $classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/facebook/connect.php', 'facebook_connect' );
            $facebook    = new $classToLoad( $this->registry );
            /* Now get the linked user */
            $linkedMemberData = IPSMember::load( intval($this->memberData['fb_uid']), 'all', 'fb_uid' );
            $userData = $facebook->fetchUserData();
            /* Email */
            $perms['email']          = $facebook->fetchHasAppPermission( 'email' );
            /* Publish Stream */
            $perms['publish_stream'] = $facebook->fetchHasAppPermission( 'publish_stream' );
            /* Read stream */
            $perms['read_stream']    = $facebook->fetchHasAppPermission( 'read_stream' );
            /* Offline access */
            $perms['offline_access'] = $facebook->fetchHasAppPermission( 'offline_access' );
            // Thaw bitfield options
            $bwOptions = IPSBWOptions::thaw( $this->memberData['fb_bwoptions'], 'facebook' );
            // Merge..
            if ( is_array( $bwOptions ) )
                foreach( $bwOptions as $k => $v )
                    $this->memberData[ $k ] = $v;
            // Able to update status?
            $classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/member/status.php', 'memberStatus' );
            $this->registry->setClass( 'memberStatus', new $classToLoad( $this->registry ) );
            $this->registry->memberStatus->setAuthor( $this->memberData );
            $this->memberData['can_updated_status'] = $this->registry->memberStatus->canCreate();
            $_updates = $facebook->fetchUserTimeline( $userData['id'], 0, true );
            /* Got any? */
            if ( count( $_updates ) )
                $update = array_shift( $_updates );
                if ( count( $update ) AND is_array( $update ) )
                    $userData['status'] = $update;
            if ( is_array( $userData ) AND $userData['status']['message'] AND IPS_DOC_CHAR_SET != 'UTF-8' )
                $userData['status']['message'] = IPSText::utf8ToEntities( $userData['status']['message'] );
            /* Make safe */
            $userData['status']['message'] = str_replace( array( '<', '>' ), array( '<', '>' ), $userData['status']['message'] );
        return $this->registry->getClass('output')->getTemplate('ucp')->membersFacebookConnect( trim($this->memberData['fb_uid']), $userData, $linkedMemberData, $perms );
     * Show the ignored users
     * @author    Matt Mecham
     * @return    string        Processed HTML
    public function formIgnoredUsers()
        // INIT
        $final_users  = array();
         $temp_users   = array();
         $uid          = intval( $this->request['uid'] );
        $ignoredUsers = array();
         // Do we have incoming?
         if ( $uid )
             $newmem = IPSMember::load( $uid );

             $this->request['newbox_1']    = $newmem['members_display_name'];
         // Get ignored users
         $perPage = 25;
         /* Count */
        $count = $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => 'count(*) as dracula', 'from' => 'ignored_users', 'where' => 'ignore_owner_id=' . $this->memberData['member_id'] ) );
         /* Sort out pagination */
        $st = intval($this->request['st']) >=0 ? intval($this->request['st']) : 0;
        $pagination = $this->registry->output->generatePagination( array(
            'totalItems'        => $count['dracula'],
            'itemsPerPage'        => $perPage,
            'currentStartValue'    => $st,
            'baseUrl'            => 'app=core&module=usercp&tab=core&area=ignoredusers',
            )    );

        /* Get em */         
        $this->DB->build( array( 'select' => '*', 'from' => 'ignored_users', 'where' => 'ignore_owner_id=' . $this->memberData['member_id'], 'limit' => array( $st, $perPage ) ) );

        while( $row = $this->DB->fetch() )
            $ignoredUsers[ $row['ignore_ignore_id'] ] = $row;
         // Get members and check to see if they've
         // since been moved into a group that cannot
         // be ignored
         foreach( $ignoredUsers as $_id => $data )
             if ( intval($_id) )
                 $temp_users[] = $_id;
         if ( count($temp_users) )
             $members = IPSMember::load( $temp_users, 'all' );
             foreach( $members as $m )
                 $m['g_title'] = IPSMember::makeNameFormatted( $this->caches['group_cache'][ $m['member_group_id'] ]['g_title'], $m['member_group_id'] );
                 $final_users[ $m['member_id'] ] = IPSMember::buildDisplayData( $m );
                $final_users[ $m['member_id'] ]['ignoreData'] = $ignoredUsers[ $m['member_id'] ];

         $this->request['newbox_1'] = $this->request['newbox_1'] ? $this->request['newbox_1'] : '';
         return $this->registry->getClass('output')->getTemplate('ucp')->membersIgnoredUsersForm( $final_users, $pagination );
     * Show the signature page
     * @author    Matt Mecham
     * @return    string        Processed HTML
    public function formSignature()
        /* Load editor stuff */
        $classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/editor/composite.php', 'classes_editor_composite' );
        $this->editor = new $classToLoad();
        /* HTML checkbox language strings */
        $this->registry->getClass('class_localization')->loadLanguageFile( array( 'public_post' ), 'forums' );
        // Check to make sure that we can edit profiles..
        $sig_restrictions = explode( ':', $this->memberData['g_signature_limits'] );
        if ( ! $this->memberData['g_edit_profile'] OR ( $sig_restrictions[0] AND ! $this->memberData['g_sig_unit'] ) )
            $this->registry->getClass('output')->showError( 'members_profile_disabled', 1024, null, null, 403 );
        /* Signature Limits */
         if ( $sig_restrictions[0] AND $this->memberData['g_sig_unit'] )
            if ( $this->memberData['gbw_sig_unit_type'] )
                /* days */
                if ( $this->memberData['joined'] > ( time() - ( 86400 * $this->memberData['g_sig_unit'] ) ) )
                    $this->hide_form_and_save_button = 1;
                    $form['_noPerm'] = sprintf( $this->lang->words['sig_group_restrict_date'], $this->lang->getDate( $this->memberData['joined'] + ( 86400 * $this->memberData['g_sig_unit'] ), 'long' ) );
                /* Posts */
                if ( $this->memberData['posts'] < $this->memberData['g_sig_unit'] )
                    $this->hide_form_and_save_button = 1;
                    $form['_noPerm'] = sprintf( $this->lang->words['sig_group_restrict_posts'], $this->memberData['g_sig_unit'] - $this->memberData['posts'] );
            if( $form['_noPerm'] )
                return $this->registry->getClass('output')->getTemplate('ucp')->membersSignatureFormError( $form );
         // Set max length

         $current_sig    = '';
         $t_sig            = '';
        /* Set content in editor */
        $this->editor->setAllowBbcode( true );
        $this->editor->setAllowSmilies( true );
        $this->editor->setAllowHtml( $this->memberData['g_dohtml'] );
        $this->editor->setIsHtml( $this->memberData['bw_html_sig'] );
        $this->editor->setContent( $this->memberData['signature'] );
        /* Load parser */
        $classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/text/parser.php', 'classes_text_parser' );
        $parser = new $classToLoad();
        $parser->set( array( 'memberData'       => $this->memberData,
                             'parseBBCode'       => 1,
                             'parseHtml'       => ( $this->memberData['g_dohtml'] && $this->memberData['bw_html_sig'] ),
                             'parseArea'      => 'signatures',
                             'parseEmoticons' => 1 ) );
        $signature    = $parser->display( $this->memberData['signature'] );
        return $this->registry->getClass('output')->getTemplate('ucp')->membersSignatureForm( $this->editor->show( 'Post', array( 'noSmilies' => false ) ), $sig_restrictions, $signature );

     * Show the minecraft pages
     * @author    PGmajster
     * @return    string        Processed HTML
    public function formMinecraft()
        /* Load editor stuff */
        $classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/editor/composite.php', 'classes_editor_composite' );
        $this->editor = new $classToLoad();
        /* HTML checkbox language strings */
        $this->registry->getClass('class_localization')->loadLanguageFile( array( 'public_post' ), 'forums' );
        // Check to make sure that we can edit profiles..
        if ( ! $this->memberData['g_edit_profile'] AND ! $this->memberData['g_minecraft_unit'] )
            $this->registry->getClass('output')->showError( 'members_profile_disabled', 1024, null, null, 403 );
            if( $form['_noPerm'] )
                return $this->registry->getClass('output')->getTemplate('ucp')->membersMinecraftFormError( $form );

        /* Set content in editor */
        $this->editor->setAllowBbcode( true );
        $this->editor->setAllowSmilies( true );
        $this->editor->setAllowHtml( $this->memberData['g_dohtml'] );
        $this->editor->setIsHtml( $this->memberData['bw_html_minecraft'] );
        $this->editor->setContent( $this->memberData['minecraft'] );
        /* Load parser */
        $classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/text/parser.php', 'classes_text_parser' );
        $parser = new $classToLoad();
        $parser->set( array( 'memberData'       => $this->memberData,
                             'parseBBCode'       => 1,
                             'parseHtml'       => ( $this->memberData['g_dohtml'] && $this->memberData['bw_html_minecraft'] ),
                             'parseArea'      => 'minecraft',
                             'parseEmoticons' => 1 ) );
        $minecraft    = $parser->display( $this->memberData['minecraft'] );
        return $this->registry->getClass('output')->getTemplate('ucp')->membersSignatureForm( $this->editor->show( 'Post', array( 'noSmilies' => false ) ), $minecraft );
     * Show the profile information
     * @author    Matt Mecham
     * @return    string        Processed HTML
    public function formProfileInfo()
        /* Load Lang File */
        $this->registry->class_localization->loadLanguageFile( array( 'public_profile' ), 'members' );
        /* Load editor stuff */
        $classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/editor/composite.php', 'classes_editor_composite' );
        $this->editor = new $classToLoad();
        /* INIT */
         $required_output = "";
        $optional_output = "";
        /* Permission Check */
        if( ! $this->memberData['g_edit_profile'] )
            $this->registry->getClass('output')->showError( 'members_profile_disabled', 1026, null, null, 403 );
        /* Format the birthday drop boxes.. */
        $date = getdate();
        $day   = array();
        $mon   = array();
        $year  = array();
        $times = array();
        /* Build the day options */
        $day[] = array( '0', '--' );
        for ( $i = 1 ; $i < 32 ; $i++ )
            $day[] = array( $i, $i );            
        /* Build the month options */
        $mon[] = array( '0', '--' );
        for( $i = 1 ; $i < 13 ; $i++ )
            $mon[] = array( $i, $this->lang->words['M_' . $i ] );
        /* Build the years options */
        $i = $date['year'] - 1;
        $j = $date['year'] - 100;
        $year[] = array( '0', '--' );
        for( $i ; $j < $i ; $i-- )
            $year[] = array( $i, $i );
        /* Custom Fields */
        $classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/customfields/profileFields.php', 'customProfileFields' );
        $fields      = new $classToLoad();
        $fields->member_data = $this->member->fetchMemberData();
        $fields->initData( 'edit' );
        $field_output = array();
        if ( count( $fields->out_fields ) )
            foreach( $fields->out_fields as $id => $element )
                $data = $fields->cache_data[ $id ];
                $field_output[ $data['pf_group_key'] ][ $id ] = array(
                                                                        'field' => $this->registry->getClass('output')->getTemplate('ucp')->field_entry( $fields->field_names[ $id ], $fields->field_desc[ $id ], $fields->out_fields[ $id ], $id ),
                                                                        'required' => $data['pf_not_null']
            /*foreach( $fields->out_fields as $id => $data )
                if ( $fields->cache_data[ $id ]['pf_not_null'] == 1 )
                    $ftype = 'required_output';
                    $ftype = 'optional_output';

                ${$ftype} .= $this->registry->getClass('output')->getTemplate('ucp')->field_entry( $fields->field_names[ $id ], $fields->field_desc[ $id ], $data, $id );
        /* About me */
        $this->editor->setContent( $this->memberData['pp_about_me'] );
        $amEditor = $this->editor->show( 'Post', array( 'delayInit' => 1 ) );
        /* Times */
        foreach ( $this->lang->words as $k => $v )
            if ( strpos( $k, "time_" ) === 0 )
                $k = str_replace( "time_", '', $k );

                if( preg_match( '/^[\-\d\.]+$/', $k ) )
                    $times[ $k ]    = $v;

        ksort( $times );
        /* Build and return the form */
        $template = $this->registry->getClass('output')->getTemplate('ucp')->membersProfileForm( $field_output, $fields->fetchGroupTitles(), $day, $mon, $year, $amEditor, $times );

        return $template;

     * Show the logged inline notifications
     * @author    Brandon Farber
     * @param    string        Error message
     * @return    string        Processed HTML
    public function showInlineNotifications( $error='' )
        /* Init */
        $start   = intval( $this->request['st'] );
        $perPage = 50;
        // Get class
        $classToLoad        = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPS_ROOT_PATH . '/sources/classes/member/notifications.php', 'notifications' );
        $notifyLibrary        = new $classToLoad( $this->registry );
        $notifyLibrary->setMember( $this->memberData );    
        /* Clear them? - used in mobile skin */
        if ( isset($this->request['clear']) && trim($this->request['clear']) == 'true' )
            $this->DB->update( 'inline_notifications', array( 'notify_read' => 1 ), 'notify_to_id=' . $this->memberData['member_id'] );
        // Turn off normal form
        $this->hide_form_and_save_button = 1;
        // Get notifications
        $_notifications    = array();
        $mids            = array();
        $count = $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => 'COUNT(*) as er',
                                                    'from'   => 'inline_notifications',
                                                    'where'  => 'notify_to_id=' . $this->memberData['member_id'] ) );
        if ( $count['er'] )
            $this->DB->build( array( 'select' => '*',
                                     'from'   => 'inline_notifications',
                                     'where'  => 'notify_to_id=' . $this->memberData['member_id'],
                                     'limit'  => array( $start, $perPage ),
                                     'order'  => 'notify_sent DESC' ) );
            $outer    = $this->DB->execute();
            while( $r = $this->DB->fetch($outer) )
                $r['notify_icon']    = $notifyLibrary->getNotificationIcon( $r['notify_type_key'] );
                $_notifications[]    = $r;
                $mids[ $r['notify_from_id'] ] = $r['notify_from_id'];
            /* Get members */
            if ( count( $mids ) )
                $members = IPSMember::load( array_keys( $mids ), 'all' );
                if ( count( $members ) )
                    foreach( $_notifications as $key => $data )
                        if ( isset($members[ $data['notify_from_id'] ]) )
                            $_notifications[ $key ]['member'] = IPSMember::buildProfilePhoto( $members[ $data['notify_from_id'] ] );

        $pages = $this->registry->getClass('output')->generatePagination( array( 'totalItems'         => $count['er'],
                                                                                     'itemsPerPage'       => $perPage,
                                                                                 'currentStartValue'  => $start,
                                                                                 'baseUrl'            => "app=core&module=usercp&tab=core&area=notificationlog"
                                                                         )        );
        // Send to template
        return $this->registry->getClass('output')->getTemplate('ucp')->notificationsLog( $_notifications, $error, $pages );

     * Show notification configuration form
     * @author    Brandon Farber
     * @return    string        Processed HTML
     * @note    Updating this function update also mobileApiRequest::_handleNotificationTypes()
    public function showFormNotifications()
        // Notifications library
        $classToLoad        = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPS_ROOT_PATH . '/sources/classes/member/notifications.php', 'notifications' );
        $notifyLibrary        = new $classToLoad( $this->registry );
        $notifyLibrary->setMember( $this->memberData );
        // Show the form
        $_basicOptions    = array( array( 'email', $this->lang->words['notopt__email'] ), array( 'inline', $this->lang->words['notopt__inline'] ), array( 'mobile', $this->lang->words['notopt__mobile'] ) );
        $_configOptions    = $notifyLibrary->getNotificationData( TRUE );
        $_notifyConfig    = $notifyLibrary->getMemberNotificationConfig( $this->memberData );
        $_defaultConfig    = $notifyLibrary->getDefaultNotificationConfig();
        $_formOptions    = array();
        foreach( $_configOptions as $option )
            $_thisConfig    = isset($_notifyConfig[ $option['key'] ]) ? $_notifyConfig[ $option['key'] ] : $_defaultConfig[ $option['key'] ];
            // Determine available options
            $_available    = array();
            foreach( $_basicOptions as $_bo )    // ewwww :P
                if( !is_array($_defaultConfig[ $option['key'] ]['disabled']) OR !in_array( $_bo[0], $_defaultConfig[ $option['key'] ]['disabled'] ) )
                    $_available[]    = $_bo;
            // If none available, at least give inline
            if( !count($_available) )
                $_available[]    = array( 'inline', $this->lang->words['notify__inline'] );
            // Start setting data to pass to form
            $_formOptions[ $option['key'] ]                    = array();
            $_formOptions[ $option['key'] ]['key']            = $option['key'];
            $_formOptions[ $option['key'] ]['app']            = $option['app'];
            // Rikki asked for this...
            foreach( $_available as $_availOption )
                $_formOptions[ $option['key'] ]['options'][ $_availOption[0] ]    = $_availOption;
            //$_formOptions[ $option['key'] ]['options']        = $_available;
            $_formOptions[ $option['key'] ]['defaults']        = is_array($_thisConfig['selected']) ? $_thisConfig['selected'] : array();
            $_formOptions[ $option['key'] ]['disabled']        = 0;
            // Don't allow member to configure
            // Still show, but disable on form
            if( $_defaultConfig[ $option['key'] ]['disable_override'] )
                $_formOptions[ $option['key'] ]['disabled']        = 1;
                $_formOptions[ $option['key'] ]['defaults']        = is_array($_defaultConfig[ $option['key'] ]['selected']) ? $_defaultConfig[ $option['key'] ]['selected'] : array();
        // Other settings

        $_emailData   = array();
        // Email settings...
        $_emailData['auto_track']    = $this->memberData['auto_track'] ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
        foreach( array( 'none', 'immediate', 'offline', 'daily', 'weekly' ) as $_opt )
            $_emailData['trackOption'][ $_opt ] = ( $this->memberData['auto_track'] == $_opt ) ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
         return $this->registry->getClass('output')->getTemplate('ucp')->notificationsForm( $_formOptions, $_emailData );

     * Show the attachments form
     * @author    Matt Mecham
     * @return    string        Processed HTML
    public function showFormAttachments()
        // INIT

        $info        = array();
         $start       = intval( $this->request['st'] );
         $perpage     = 15;
         $sort_key    = "";
         $attachments = array();
        $this->hide_form_and_save_button = 1;
        // Sort it
         switch ( $this->request['sort'] )
             case 'date':
                 $sort_key = 'a.attach_date ASC';
                 $info['date_order'] = 'rdate';
                 $info['size_order'] = 'size';
             case 'rdate':
                 $sort_key = 'a.attach_date DESC';
                 $info['date_order'] = 'date';
                 $info['size_order'] = 'size';
             case 'size':
                 $sort_key = 'a.attach_filesize DESC';
                 $info['date_order'] = 'date';
                 $info['size_order'] = 'rsize';
             case 'rsize':
                 $sort_key = 'a.attach_filesize ASC';
                 $info['date_order'] = 'date';
                 $info['size_order'] = 'size';
                 $sort_key = 'a.attach_date DESC';
                 $info['date_order'] = 'date';
                 $info['size_order'] = 'size';

         // Get some stats...

         $maxspace = intval($this->memberData['g_attach_max']);

         if ( $this->memberData['g_attach_max'] == -1 )
             $this->registry->getClass('output')->showError( 'no_permission_to_attach', 1010 );

         // Limit by forums

         $stats = $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => 'count(*) as count, ' . $this->DB->buildCoalesce( array( 'sum(attach_filesize)', 0 ) ) . ' as sum',
                                                   'from'   => 'attachments',
                                                   'where'  => 'attach_member_id=' . $this->memberData['member_id'] . " AND attach_rel_module IN( 'post', 'msg' )" ) );

         if ( $maxspace > 0 )
            // Figure out percentage used

            $info['has_limit']    = 1;
            $info['full_percent'] = $stats['sum'] ? sprintf( "%.0f", ( ( $stats['sum'] / ($maxspace * 1024) ) * 100) ) : 0;

            if ( $info['full_percent'] > 100 )
                $info['full_percent'] = 100;
            else if ( $info['full_percent'] < 1 AND $stats['count'] > 0 )
                $info['full_percent'] = 1;

            $info['attach_space_count'] = sprintf( $this->lang->words['attach_space_count'], intval($stats['count']), intval($info['full_percent']) );
            $info['attach_space_used']  = sprintf( $this->lang->words['attach_space_used'] , IPSLib::sizeFormat($stats['sum']), IPSLib::sizeFormat($maxspace * 1024) );
             $info['has_limit'] = 0;
             $info['attach_space_used']  = sprintf( $this->lang->words['attach_space_unl'] , IPSLib::sizeFormat($stats['sum']) );

         // Pages

         $pages = $this->registry->getClass('output')->generatePagination( array(  'totalItems'         => $stats['count'],
                                                                                      'itemsPerPage'       => $perpage,
                                                                                  'currentStartValue'  => $start,
                                                                                  'baseUrl'            => "app=core&module=usercp&tab=core&area=attachments&sort=" . $this->request['sort'] . "",
                                                                          )      );

         // Get attachments...

        if( $stats['count'] )
             $this->DB->build( array( 'select'    => 'a.*',
                                     'from'        => array( 'attachments' => 'a' ),
                                     'where'    => "a.attach_member_id=" . $this->memberData['member_id'] . " AND a.attach_rel_module IN( 'post', 'msg' )",
                                     'order'    => $sort_key,
                                     'limit'    => array( $start, $perpage ),
                                     'add_join'    => array(
                                                        array( 'select'    => 'p.topic_id',
                                                                'from'    => array( 'posts' => 'p' ),
                                                                'where'    => '',
                                                                'type'    => 'left'
                                                        array( 'select'    => 't.*',
                                                                'from'    => array( 'topics' => 't' ),
                                                                'where'    => 't.tid=p.topic_id',
                                                                'type'    => 'left'
                                                            ) )
                             )        );
            $outer = $this->DB->execute();
            $this->registry->getClass( 'class_localization')->loadLanguageFile( array( 'public_topic' ), 'forums' );
            $cache = $this->cache->getCache('attachtypes');
            /* Load topic class */
            if ( ! $this->registry->isClassLoaded('topics') )
                $classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPSLib::getAppDir( 'forums' ) . "/sources/classes/topics.php", 'app_forums_classes_topics', 'forums' );
                $this->registry->setClass( 'topics', new $classToLoad( $this->registry ) );
            while ( $row = $this->DB->fetch( $outer ) )
                $row['_link'] = true;
                if ( ! $this->registry->topics->canView( $row ) )
                    $row['title'] = $this->lang->words['attach_topicmoved'];
                    $row['_link'] = false;
                // Full attachment thingy
                if ( $row['attach_rel_module'] == 'post' )
                    $row['_type'] = 'post';
                else if ( $row['attach_rel_module'] == 'msg' )
                    $row['_type'] = 'msg';
                    $row['title'] = $this->lang->words['attach_inpm'];
                /* IPB 2.x conversion */
                $row['image']       = str_replace( 'folder_mime_types', 'mime_types', $cache[ $row['attach_ext'] ]['atype_img'] );
                $row['short_name']  = IPSText::truncate( $row['attach_file'], 30 );
                $row['attach_date'] = $this->registry->getClass( 'class_localization')->getDate( $row['attach_date'], 'SHORT' );
                $row['real_size']   = IPSLib::sizeFormat( $row['attach_filesize'] );
                $attachments[]      = $row;

        return $this->registry->getClass('output')->getTemplate('ucp')->coreAttachments( $info, $pages, $attachments );

     * Show the Email & Password form
     * @author    Matt Mecham
     * @param    string        Returned error message (if any)
     * @return    string        Processed HTML
    public function showFormEmailPassword( $_message='' )
        // Do not allow validating members to change
        // email when admin validation is on
        // @see
        if( $this->memberData['member_group_id'] == $this->settings['auth_group'] AND in_array( $this->settings['reg_auth_type'], array( 'admin', 'admin_user' ) ) )
            $this->registry->output->showError( $this->lang->words['admin_val_no_email_chg'], 10189 );
        // Do we have another URL for email resets?

        $classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/handlers/han_login.php', 'han_login' );
        $this->han_login   = new $classToLoad( $this->registry );

        //$txt = $this->lang->words['ce_current'] . $this->memberData['email'];

         if ( $this->settings['reg_auth_type'])
             $txt .= $this->lang->words['ce_auth'];
        $_message = $_message ? $this->lang->words[$_message] : '';

        if( $this->memberData['g_access_cp'] )
            $this->hide_form_and_save_button    = true;

         return $this->registry->getClass('output')->getTemplate('ucp')->emailPasswordChangeForm( $txt, $_message, $this->_isFBUser );

     * Show the display name form
     * @author    Matt Mecham
     * @param    string        Error message (if any)
     * @return    string        Processed HTML
    public function showFormDisplayname( $error="" )
        // INIT

        $form = array();

        // CHECK (please)

        if ( ! $this->settings['auth_allow_dnames'] OR $this->memberData['g_dname_changes'] == 0 OR $this->memberData['g_dname_date'] == 0 )
            $this->registry->getClass('output')->showError( 'no_permission_for_display_names', 1011 );

        $this->request['display_name'] =  $this->request['display_name'] ? $this->request['display_name'] : '';

        $this->settings['username_errormsg'] =  str_replace( '{chars}', $this->settings['username_characters'], $this->settings['username_errormsg'] );

        // Grab # changes > 24 hours

        $time_check = time() - 86400 * $this->memberData['g_dname_date'];

        if( $time_check < $this->memberData['joined'] )
            $time_check = $this->memberData['joined'];

        $name_count = $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => 'COUNT(*) as count, MIN(dname_date) as min_date', 'from' => 'dnames_change', 'where' => "dname_member_id=" . $this->memberData['member_id'] . " AND dname_date > $time_check AND dname_discount=0" ) );

        $name_count['count']    = intval( $name_count['count'] );
        $name_count['min_date'] = intval( $name_count['min_date'] ) ? intval( $name_count['min_date'] ) : $time_check;

        // Calculate # left

        /* Check new permissions */
        $_g = $this->caches['group_cache'][ $this->memberData['member_group_id'] ];

        if ( $_g['g_displayname_unit'] )
            if ( $_g['gbw_displayname_unit_type'] )
                /* days */
                if ( $this->memberData['joined'] > ( time() - ( 86400 * $_g['g_displayname_unit'] ) ) )
                    $this->hide_form_and_save_button = 1;
                    $form['_noPerm'] = sprintf( $this->lang->words['dname_group_restrict_date'], $this->lang->getDate( $this->memberData['joined'] + ( 86400 * $_g['g_displayname_unit'] ), 'long' ) );
                /* Posts */
                if ( $this->memberData['posts'] < $_g['g_displayname_unit'] )
                    $this->hide_form_and_save_button = 1;
                    $form['_noPerm'] = sprintf( $this->lang->words['dname_group_restrict_posts'], $_g['g_displayname_unit'] - $this->memberData['posts'] );

        if( !$form['_noPerm'] )
            if ( $this->memberData['g_dname_changes'] == -1 )
                $form['_lang_string'] = $this->lang->words['dname_string2'];
                $form['_changes_left'] = $this->memberData['g_dname_changes'] - $name_count['count'];
                $form['_changes_done'] = $name_count['count'];
                # Make sure changes done isn't larger than allowed
                # This happens when changing via ACP
                if ( $form['_changes_done'] > $this->memberData['g_dname_changes'] )
                    $form['_changes_done'] = $this->memberData['g_dname_changes'];
                $form['_first_change'] = $this->registry->getClass( 'class_localization')->getDate( $name_count['min_date'], 'date', 1 );
                $form['_lang_string']  = sprintf( $this->lang->words['dname_string'],
                                                    $form['_changes_done'], $this->memberData['g_dname_changes'],
                                                    $form['_first_change'], $this->memberData['g_dname_changes'],
                                                    $this->memberData['g_dname_date'] ) . $this->lang->words['dname_string2'];

        // Print

        $this->_pageTitle = $this->lang->words['m_dname_change'];

        return $this->registry->getClass('output')->getTemplate('ucp')->displayNameForm( $form, $error, '', $this->_isFBUser );

     * UserCP Form Check
     * @author    Matt Mecham
     * @param    string        Current area as defined by 'get_links'
     * @return    string        Processed HTML
    public function saveForm( $current_area )
        // Where to go, what to see?

        switch( $current_area )
            case 'profileinfo':
                return $this->saveProfileInfo();
            case 'signature':
                return $this->saveSignature();
            case 'photo':
                return $this->savePhoto();
            case 'ignoredusers':
                return $this->saveIgnoredUsers();
            case 'facebook':
                return $this->saveFacebook();
            case 'twitter':
                return $this->saveTwitter();
            case 'customize':
                return $this->saveCustomize();
            case 'email':
                return $this->saveFormEmailPassword();
            case 'password':
                return $this->saveFormPassword();
            case 'displayname':
                return $this->saveFormDisplayname();
            case 'notifications':
                return $this->saveFormNotifications();
     * UserCP Save Form: Customize
     * @return    array    Errors
    public function saveCustomize()
        /* Init */
        $errors   = array();
        $custom   = array();
        $bg_nix   = trim( $this->request['bg_nix'] );
        $bg_url   = trim( $this->request['bg_url'] );
        $bg_tile  = intval( $this->request['bg_tile'] );
        $bg_color = trim( str_replace( '#', '', $this->request['bg_color'] ) );
        /* reset custom */
        $custom   = IPSLib::safeUnserialize( $this->memberData['pp_customization'] );
        /* Bug #21578 */
        if( ! $bg_color && $custom['bg_color'] )
            $bg_color = $custom['bg_color'];
        /* Delete all? */
        if ( $bg_nix )
            /* reset array */
            $custom = array( 'bg_url' => '', 'type' => '', 'bg_color' => '', 'bg_tile' => '' );
            /* remove bg images */
            IPSMember::getFunction()->removeUploadedBackgroundImages( $this->memberData['member_id'] );
            if ( $bg_url AND $this->memberData['gbw_allow_url_bgimage'] )
                /* Check */

                    return array( 0 => $this->lang->words['pp_bgimg_url_bad'] );
                $image_extension = strtolower( pathinfo( $bg_url, PATHINFO_EXTENSION ) );
                if( ! in_array( $image_extension, array( 'png', 'jpg', 'gif', 'jpeg'  ) ) )
                    return array( 0 => $this->lang->words['pp_bgimg_ext_bad'] );
                $custom['bg_url'] = $bg_url;
                $custom['type']   = 'url';
            else if ( $this->memberData['gbw_allow_upload_bgimage'] )
                /* Load more lang strings */
                $this->registry->class_localization->loadLanguageFile( array( 'public_profile' ), 'members' );
                /* Upload img */
                $img = IPSMember::getFunction()->uploadBackgroundImage();
                if ( $img['status'] == 'fail' )
                    return array( 0 => sprintf( $this->lang->words[ 'pp_' . $img['error'] ], $img['maxSize'] ) );
                else if ( $img['final_location'] )
                    $custom['bg_url'] = $img['final_location'];
                    $custom['type']   = 'upload';
        /* BG color */
        $custom['bg_color'] = $bg_nix ? '' : IPSText::alphanumericalClean( $bg_color );
        /* Tile */
        $custom['bg_tile']  = $bg_nix ? '' : $bg_tile;
        /* Save it */
        if ( ! $this->memberData['bw_disable_customization'] AND $this->memberData['gbw_allow_customization'] )
            IPSMember::save( $this->memberData['member_id'], array( 'extendedProfile' => array( 'pp_profile_update' => IPS_UNIX_TIME_NOW, 'pp_customization' => serialize( $custom ) ) ) );
        return TRUE;
     * UserCP Save Form: Twitter
     * @return    array    Errors
    public function saveTwitter()
        if( !IPSLib::twitter_enabled() )
            $this->registry->getClass('output')->showError( 'twitter_disabled', 1005.2 );
        // Data
        $toSave = IPSBWOptions::thaw( $this->memberData['tc_bwoptions'], 'twitter' );
        // Loop and save... simple
        foreach( array( 'tc_s_pic', 'tc_s_status', 'tc_s_aboutme', 'tc_s_bgimg', 'tc_si_status' ) as $field )
            $toSave[ $field ] = intval( $this->request[ $field ] );
        $this->memberData['tc_bwoptions'] = IPSBWOptions::freeze( $toSave, 'twitter' );        
        $return = IPSMember::save( $this->memberData['member_id'], array( 'extendedProfile' => array( 'tc_bwoptions' => $this->memberData['tc_bwoptions'] ) ) );
        // Now sync
        $classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/twitter/connect.php', 'twitter_connect' );
        $twitter     = new $classToLoad( $this->registry, $this->memberData['twitter_token'], $this->memberData['twitter_secret'] );
            $twitter->syncMember( $this->memberData );
        catch( Exception $error )
            $msg = $error->getMessage();
            switch( $msg )
                case 'NOT_LINKED':
                case 'NO_MEMBER':
        return TRUE;
     * UserCP Save Form: Facebook
     * @return    array    Errors
    public function saveFacebook()
        if( !IPSLib::fbc_enabled() )
            $this->registry->getClass('output')->showError( 'fbc_disabled', 1005 );
        // Data
        $toSave = IPSBWOptions::thaw( $this->memberData['members_bitoptions'], 'members' );
        // Loop and save... simple
        foreach( array( 'fbc_s_pic', 'fbc_s_status', 'fbc_s_aboutme', 'fbc_si_status' ) as $field )
            $toSave[ $field ] = intval( $this->request[ $field ] );
        $this->memberData['fb_bwoptions'] = IPSBWOptions::freeze( $toSave, 'facebook' );
        IPSMember::save( $this->memberData['member_id'], array( 'extendedProfile' => array( 'fb_bwoptions' => $this->memberData['fb_bwoptions'] ) ) );
        // Now sync
        $classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/facebook/connect.php', 'facebook_connect' );
        $facebook    = new $classToLoad( $this->registry );
            $facebook->syncMember( $this->memberData );
        catch( Exception $error )
            $msg = $error->getMessage();
            switch( $msg )
                case 'NOT_LINKED':
                case 'NO_MEMBER':
        return TRUE;
     * UserCP Save Form: Ignore Users
     * @return    array    Errors
    public function saveIgnoredUsers()
        // INIT
        $newName = $this->request['newbox_1'];
        $dnvs    = intval( $this->request['donot_view_sigs'] );
        IPSMember::save( $this->memberData['member_id'], array( 'core' => array( 'view_sigs' => ( $dnvs ) ? 0 : 1 ) ) );
        if ( trim( $newName ) && $_POST['newbox_1'] != $this->lang->words['ucp_members_name'] )
            // Load
            $member = IPSMember::load( $newName, 'core', 'displayname' );
            if ( ! $member['member_id'] )
                return array( 0 => $this->lang->words['ignoreuser_nomem'] );
            if ( $member['member_id'] == $this->memberData['member_id'] )
                return array( 0 => $this->lang->words['ignoreuser_cannot'] );
            // Already ignoring?
            $ignoreMe = $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array(
                                                        'select' => '*',
                                                        'from'   => 'ignored_users',
                                                        'where'  => 'ignore_owner_id=' . $this->memberData['member_id'] . ' AND ignore_ignore_id=' . $member['member_id']
                                                )     );
            if ( $ignoreMe['ignore_id'] )
                return array( 0 => $this->lang->words['ignoreuser_already'] );
            // Can we ignore them?
            if ( $member['_canBeIgnored'] !== TRUE )
                return array( 0 => $this->lang->words['ignoreuser_cannot'] );
            // Add it
            $this->DB->insert( 'ignored_users', array(
                                                        'ignore_owner_id'    => $this->memberData['member_id'],
                                                        'ignore_ignore_id'    => $member['member_id'],
                                                        'ignore_messages'    => !empty( $this->request['ignore_messages'] ) ? 1 : 0,
                                                        'ignore_topics'        => !empty( $this->request['ignore_topics'] ) ? 1 : 0,
                                                        'ignore_signatures'    => !empty( $this->request['ignore_signatures'] ) ? 1 : 0,
                                                        'ignore_chats'        => !empty( $this->request['ignore_chats'] ) ? 1 : 0,
            /* Rebuild cache */
            IPSMember::rebuildIgnoredUsersCache( $this->memberData );
        return TRUE;
     * UserCP Save Form: Signature
     * @return    array    Errors
    public function saveSignature()
        /* Load editor stuff */
        $classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/editor/composite.php', 'classes_editor_composite' );
        $this->editor = new $classToLoad();
        $isHtml = intval( $this->request['sig_htmlstatus'] );
        // Check to make sure that we can edit profiles..

        $sig_restrictions    = explode( ':', $this->memberData['g_signature_limits'] );
        if ( ! $this->memberData['g_edit_profile'] OR ( $sig_restrictions[0] AND ! $this->memberData['g_sig_unit'] ) )
            $this->registry->getClass('output')->showError( 'members_profile_disabled', 1028, null, null, 403 );

        // Post process the editor
        // Now we have safe HTML and bbcode
        /* Set content in editor */
        $this->editor->setAllowBbcode( true );
        $this->editor->setAllowSmilies( true );
        $this->editor->setIsHtml( $this->memberData['g_dohtml'] && $isHtml );
        $this->editor->setContent( $this->memberData['signature'] );
        $signature = $this->editor->process( $_POST['Post'] );
        // Parse post
        /* Load parser */
        $classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/text/parser.php', 'classes_text_parser' );
        $parser = new $classToLoad();
        $parser->testForParsingLimits( $signature, array( 'quote', 'emoticons', 'urls' ) );
        if ( is_array( $parser->getErrors() ) && count( $parser->getErrors() ) )
            $this->lang->loadLanguageFile( array( 'public_post' ), 'forums' );
            $_error    = array_pop( $parser->getErrors() );
            $this->registry->getClass('output')->showError( $_error, 10210 );
        // Signature restrictions...
        $sig_errors    = array();
        // Max number of images...
        if( isset($sig_restrictions[1]) and $sig_restrictions[1] !== '' )
            if( $parser->getImageCount( $signature ) > $sig_restrictions[1] )
                $sig_errors[] = sprintf( $this->lang->words['sig_toomanyimages'], $sig_restrictions[1] );
        // Max number of urls...
        if( isset($sig_restrictions[4]) and $sig_restrictions[4] !== '' )
            if( $parser->getUrlCount( $signature ) > $sig_restrictions[4] )
                $sig_errors[] = sprintf( $this->lang->words['sig_toomanyurls'], $sig_restrictions[4] );

                if( count($matches[1]) > $sig_restrictions[4] )
                    $sig_errors[] = sprintf( $this->lang->words['sig_toomanyurls'], $sig_restrictions[4] );
        $this->settings['signature_line_length']    = $this->settings['signature_line_length'] > 0 ? $this->settings['signature_line_length'] : 200;
        /* You can't wordwrap on HTML */
        //$signature    = wordwrap( $signature, $this->settings['signature_line_length'], '</p>', true );

        $signature    = preg_replace( '#^\s*(</p>)+#i', '', $signature );
        $signature    = preg_replace( '#(</p>)+?\s*$#i', '', $signature );
        // Max number of lines of text...
        if( isset($sig_restrictions[5]) and $sig_restrictions[5] !== '' )
            $lineCount = substr_count( $signature, "</p>" ) + substr_count( $signature, "br>" );
            if( $lineCount >= $sig_restrictions[5] )
                $sig_errors[] = sprintf( $this->lang->words['sig_toomanylines'], $sig_restrictions[5] );
        // Now the crappy part..
        if( isset($sig_restrictions[2]) and $sig_restrictions[2] !== '' AND isset($sig_restrictions[3]) and $sig_restrictions[3] !== '' )
            preg_match_all( '/\<img([^>]+?)>/i', $signature, $allImages );

            if( count($allImages[1]) )
                foreach( $allImages[1] as $foundImage )
                    preg_match( '#src=[\'"]([^\'"]+?)[\'"]#i', $foundImage, $url );
                    $imageProperties = @getimagesize( $url[1] );
                    if( is_array($imageProperties) AND count($imageProperties) )
                        if( $imageProperties[0] > $sig_restrictions[2] OR $imageProperties[1] > $sig_restrictions[3] )
                            $sig_errors[] = sprintf( $this->lang->words['sig_imagetoobig'], $url[1], $sig_restrictions[2], $sig_restrictions[3] );
                        $sig_errors[] = $this->lang->words['sig_imagenotretrievable'];
        if( count($sig_errors) )
            $this->registry->getClass('output')->showError( implode( '<br />', $sig_errors ), 10211 );
        /* Save HTML status */
        $members_bitoptions = IPSBWOptions::thaw( $this->memberData['members_bitoptions'], 'members', 'global' );
        $members_bitoptions['bw_html_sig'] = $isHtml;
        // Write it to the DB.
        IPSMember::save( $this->memberData['member_id'], array( 'members' => $members_bitoptions, 'extendedProfile' => array( 'signature' => $signature ) ) );
        /* Update cache */
        IPSContentCache::update( $this->memberData['member_id'], 'sig', $parser->display( $signature ) );
        return TRUE;

     * UserCP Save Form: Minecraft
     * @return    array    Errors
    public function saveMinecraft()
        /* Load editor stuff */
        $classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/editor/composite.php', 'classes_editor_composite' );
        $this->editor = new $classToLoad();
        $isHtml = intval( $this->request['minecraft_htmlstatus'] );
        // Check to make sure that we can edit profiles..

        if ( ! $this->memberData['g_edit_profile'] AND ! $this->memberData['g_minecraft_unit'] ) )
            $this->registry->getClass('output')->showError( 'members_profile_disabled', 1028, null, null, 403 );

        // Post process the editor
        // Now we have safe HTML and bbcode
        /* Set content in editor */
        $this->editor->setAllowBbcode( true );
        $this->editor->setAllowSmilies( true );
        $this->editor->setIsHtml( $this->memberData['g_dohtml'] && $isHtml );
        $this->editor->setContent( $this->memberData['minecraft'] );
        $minecraft = $this->editor->process( $_POST['Post'] );
        // Parse post
        /* Load parser */
        $classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/text/parser.php', 'classes_text_parser' );
        $parser = new $classToLoad();
        $parser->testForParsingLimits( $minecraft, array( 'quote', 'emoticons', 'urls' ) );
        if ( is_array( $parser->getErrors() ) && count( $parser->getErrors() ) )
            $this->lang->loadLanguageFile( array( 'public_post' ), 'forums' );
            $_error    = array_pop( $parser->getErrors() );
            $this->registry->getClass('output')->showError( $_error, 10210 );
        // Signature restrictions...
        $minecraft_errors    = array();

        $minecraft    = preg_replace( '#^\s*(</p>)+#i', '', $minecraft );
        $minecraft    = preg_replace( '#(</p>)+?\s*$#i', '', $minecraft );

        if( count($minecraft_errors) )
            $this->registry->getClass('output')->showError( implode( '<br />', $minecraft_errors ), 10211 );
        /* Save HTML status */
        $members_bitoptions = IPSBWOptions::thaw( $this->memberData['members_bitoptions'], 'members', 'global' );
        $members_bitoptions['bw_html_minecraft'] = $isHtml;
        // Write it to the DB.
        IPSMember::save( $this->memberData['member_id'], array( 'members' => $members_bitoptions, 'extendedProfile' => array( 'minecraft' => $minecraft ) ) );
        /* Update cache */
        IPSContentCache::update( $this->memberData['member_id'], 'minecraft', $parser->display( $minecraft ) );
        return TRUE;
     * UserCP Save Form: Profile Info
     * @return    array    Errors
    public function saveProfileInfo()
        /* Load editor stuff */
        if( $this->request['updateAboutMe'] )
            $classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/editor/composite.php', 'classes_editor_composite' );
            $this->editor = new $classToLoad();

        // INIT
        $pp_setting_moderate_comments = intval( $this->request['pp_setting_moderate_comments'] );
        $pp_setting_moderate_friends  = intval( $this->request['pp_setting_moderate_friends'] );
        $pp_setting_count_visitors    = intval( $this->request['pp_setting_count_visitors'] );
        $pp_setting_count_comments    = intval( $this->request['pp_setting_count_comments'] );
        $pp_setting_count_friends     = intval( $this->request['pp_setting_count_friends'] );
        // Check to make sure that we can edit profiles..
        if ( ! $this->memberData['g_edit_profile'] )
            $this->registry->getClass('output')->showError( 'members_profile_disabled', 10214, null, null, 403 );
        // make sure that either we entered
        // all calendar fields, or we left them
        // all blank
        $c_cnt = 0;
        foreach ( array('day','month','year') as $v )
            if ( $this->request[ $v ] )
        if( $c_cnt > 0 && $c_cnt < 2 )
            $this->registry->getClass('output')->showError( 'member_bad_birthday', 10215 );
        else if( $c_cnt > 0 )
            // Make sure it's a legal date
            $_year = $this->request['year'] ? $this->request['year'] : 2000;
            if ( ! checkdate( $this->request['month'], $this->request['day'], $_year ) )
                $this->registry->getClass('output')->showError( 'member_bad_birthday', 10216 );

        // Start off our array
        $core = array( 'bday_day'    => $this->request['day'],
                       'bday_month'  => $this->request['month'],
                       'bday_year'   => $this->request['year'],

        $extendedProfile = array( 'pp_setting_moderate_comments' => $pp_setting_moderate_comments,
                                  'pp_setting_moderate_friends'  => $pp_setting_moderate_friends,
                                  'pp_setting_count_visitors'    => $pp_setting_count_visitors,
                                  'pp_setting_count_comments'    => $pp_setting_count_comments,
                                  'pp_setting_count_friends'     => $pp_setting_count_friends );
        // check to see if we can enter a member title
        // and if one is entered, update it.
        if( isset( $this->request['member_title'] ) and ( $this->settings['post_titlechange'] == -1 or ( $this->settings['post_titlechange'] and $this->memberData['posts'] >= $this->settings['post_titlechange'] ) ) )
            $core['title'] = IPSText::getTextClass('bbcode')->stripBadWords( $this->request['member_title'] );
        // Custom profile field stuff
        $classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/customfields/profileFields.php', 'customProfileFields' );
        $fields      = new $classToLoad();
        $fields->member_data = $this->member->fetchMemberData();
        $fields->initData( 'edit' );
        /* Use $_POST and not ipsRegistry::$request as the custom profile field kernel class has its own cleaning routines for saving and showing
           which means we end up with double & -> & conversion (&lt;, etc) */
        $fields->parseToSave( $_POST );
        if( $fields->error_messages )
            return $fields->error_messages;
        /* Check the website url field */
        $website_field = $fields->getFieldIDByKey( 'website' );
        if( $website_field && $fields->out_fields[ 'field_' . $website_field ] )



        // Check...
        if ( count( $fields->error_fields['empty'] ) )
            $this->registry->getClass('output')->showError( array( 'customfields_empty', $fields->error_fields['empty'][0]['pf_title'] ), 10217 );
        if ( count( $fields->error_fields['invalid'] ) )
            $this->registry->getClass('output')->showError( array( 'customfields_invalid', $fields->error_fields['invalid'][0]['pf_title'] ), 10218 );
        if ( count( $fields->error_fields['toobig'] ) )
            $this->registry->getClass('output')->showError( array( 'customfields_toobig', $fields->error_fields['toobig'][0]['pf_title'] ), 10219 );
        /* About me */
        if( $this->request['updateAboutMe'] )
            $extendedProfile['pp_about_me'] = $this->editor->process( $_POST['Post'] );
        /* Open ID & times*/
        $timeZone    = IPSText::alphanumericalClean( $this->request['timeZone'], '+.' );
        $dst_correct = intval( $this->request['dst_correct'] );
        /* Add into array */
        $core['time_offset']      = $timeZone;
        /* */
        //$core['dst_in_use']       = $this->settings['time_dst_auto_correction'] ? ( ( $this->request['dstOption'] AND intval($this->request['dstCheck']) == 0 ) ? intval($this->request['dstOption']) : 0 ) : $this->memberData['dst_in_use'];
        $core['dst_in_use']       = $this->settings['time_dst_auto_correction'] ? ( ( $this->request['dstOption'] AND intval($this->request['dstCheck']) == 0 ) ? intval($this->request['dstOption']) : 0 ) : intval($this->request['dstOption']);
        $core['members_auto_dst'] = $this->settings['time_dst_auto_correction'] ? intval($this->request['dstCheck']) : $this->memberData['members_auto_dst'];
        // Update the DB
        IPSMember::save( $this->memberData['member_id'], array( 'core'            => $core,
                                                                 'customFields'    => $fields->out_fields,
                                                                 'extendedProfile' => $extendedProfile ) );

        // Update birthdays cache if user set to today
        // or if birthday was today but isn't now
        if( $core['bday_month'] == date('m') AND $core['bday_day'] == date('d') )
            $this->cache->rebuildCache( 'birthdays', 'calendar' );
        else if( $this->memberData['bday_month'] == date('m') AND $this->memberData['bday_day'] == date('d') AND ( $core['bday_month'] != date('m') OR $core['bday_day'] != date('d') ) )
            $this->cache->rebuildCache( 'birthdays', 'calendar' );

        return TRUE;
     * UserCP Save Form: Notifications config
     * @return    boolean        Successful
    public function saveFormNotifications()
        // Notifications library
        $classToLoad        = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPS_ROOT_PATH . '/sources/classes/member/notifications.php', 'notifications' );
        $notifyLibrary        = new $classToLoad( $this->registry );
        $notifyLibrary->setMember( $this->memberData );

        // Show the form
        $_basicOptions        = array( array( 'email', $this->lang->words['notopt__email'] ), array( 'inline', $this->lang->words['notopt__inline'] ), array( 'mobile' => $this->lang->words['notopt__mobile'] ) );
        $_configOptions        = $notifyLibrary->getNotificationData();
        $_notifyConfig        = $notifyLibrary->getMemberNotificationConfig( $this->memberData );
        $_defaultConfig        = $notifyLibrary->getDefaultNotificationConfig();
        $_saveConfig        = array();

        foreach( $_configOptions as $option )
            $_saveConfig[ $option['key'] ]                        = array();
            $_saveConfig[ $option['key'] ]['selected']            = array();
            // Loop through and mark what we selected.
            // Do not allow changing of stuff from disable_override
            //    and disabled, however
            if( is_array($this->request['config_' . $option['key'] ]) AND count($this->request['config_' . $option['key'] ]) )
                foreach( $this->request['config_' . $option['key'] ] as $_selected )
                    if( !is_array($_defaultConfig[ $option['key'] ]['disabled']) OR !in_array( $_selected, $_defaultConfig[ $option['key'] ]['disabled'] ) )
                        $_saveConfig[ $option['key'] ]['selected'][]    = $_selected;
            if( $_defaultConfig[ $option['key'] ]['disable_override'] )
                $_saveConfig[ $option['key'] ]['selected']    = $_defaultConfig[ $option['key'] ]['selected'];

        // Save
        IPSMember::packMemberCache( $this->memberData['member_id'], array( 'notifications' => $_saveConfig, 'show_notification_popup' => intval($this->request['show_notification_popup']) ), $this->memberData['members_cache'] );

        // Topic preferences
        $_trackChoice    = '';
        if ( $this->request['auto_track'] )
             if ( in_array( $this->request['trackchoice'], array( 'none', 'immediate', 'offline', 'daily', 'weekly' ) ) )
                 $_trackChoice = $this->request['trackchoice'];
         // Profile preferences

        IPSMember::save( $this->memberData['member_id'], array( 'core' => array(  
                                                                                     'allow_admin_mails'    => intval( $this->request['admin_send'] ),
                                                                                  'auto_track'            => $_trackChoice
                                                                                ) ) );

        return TRUE;
     * UserCP Save Form: Password
     * @param    array    Array of member / core_sys_login information (if we're editing)
     * @return    mixed    Array of errors / boolean true
    public function saveFormPassword( $member=array() )
        // INIT

        $cur_pass = trim($this->request['current_pass']);
         $new_pass = trim($this->request['new_pass_1']);
         $chk_pass = trim($this->request['new_pass_2']);
        $isRemote = ( ! $this->memberData['bw_local_password_set'] AND $this->memberData['members_created_remote'] ) ? true : false;
        // Checks...

        if( $this->memberData['g_access_cp'] )
            return array( 0 => $this->lang->words['admin_emailpassword'] );

        if ( $isRemote === false AND ( ! $_POST['current_pass'] OR ( empty($new_pass) ) or ( empty($chk_pass) ) ) )
            return array( 0 => $this->lang->words['complete_entire_form'] );

         // Do the passwords actually match?

         if ( $new_pass != $chk_pass )
             return array( 0 => $this->lang->words['passwords_not_matchy'] );

         // Check password...
        if ( $isRemote === false )
            if ( $this->_checkPassword( $cur_pass ) !== TRUE )
                return array( 0 => $this->lang->words['current_pw_bad'] );
            /* This is INIT in _checkPassword */
            $classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/handlers/han_login.php', 'han_login' );
            $this->han_login   = new $classToLoad( $this->registry );

         // Create new password...

         $md5_pass = md5($new_pass);

        // han_login was loaded during check_password

        $this->han_login->changePass( $this->memberData['email'], $md5_pass, $new_pass, $this->memberData );

        if ( $this->han_login->return_code AND $this->han_login->return_code != 'METHOD_NOT_DEFINED' AND $this->han_login->return_code != 'SUCCESS' )
            return array( 0 => $this->lang->words['hanlogin_pw_failed'] );

         // Update the DB

         IPSMember::updatePassword( $this->memberData['member_id'], $md5_pass );

         IPSLib::runMemberSync( 'onPassChange', $this->memberData['member_id'], $new_pass );

         // Update members log in key...

         $key  = IPSMember::generateAutoLoginKey();

        IPSMember::save( $this->memberData['member_id'], array( 'core' => array( 'member_login_key' => $key, 'bw_local_password_set' => 1 ) ) );

        $this->ok_message = $this->lang->words['pw_change_successful'];

         return TRUE;

     * UserCP Save Form: Display Name
     * @return    mixed    Array of errors / boolean true
    public function saveFormDisplayname()
        // INIT

        $members_display_name  = trim($this->request['displayName']);
        $password_check        = trim( $this->request['displayPassword'] );

        // Check for blanks...

        if ( ! $members_display_name OR ( ! $this->_isFBUser AND ! $password_check ) )
            return array( 0 => $this->lang->words['complete_entire_form'] );

        // Check password

        if ( ! $this->_isFBUser )
            if ( $this->_checkPassword( $password_check ) === FALSE )
                return array( 0 => $this->lang->words['current_pw_bad'] );

            if ( IPSMember::getFunction()->updateName( $this->memberData['member_id'], $members_display_name, 'members_display_name' ) === TRUE )
                $this->cache->rebuildCache( 'stats', 'global' );

                return $this->showFormDisplayname( '', $this->lang->words['dname_change_ok'] );
                # We should absolutely never get here. So this is a fail-safe, really to
                # prevent a "false" positive outcome for the end-user
                return array( 0 => $this->lang->words['name_taken_change'] );
        catch( Exception $error )
            switch( $error->getMessage() )
                case 'NO_MORE_CHANGES':
                    return array( 0 => $this->lang->words['name_change_no_more'] );
                case 'NO_USER':
                    return array( 0 => $this->lang->words['name_change_noload'] );
                case 'NO_PERMISSION':
                    return array( 0 => $this->lang->words['name_change_noperm'] );
                case 'NO_NAME':
                    return array( 0 => sprintf( $this->lang->words['name_change_tooshort'], $this->settings['max_user_name_length'] ) );
                case 'TOO_LONG':
                    return array( 0 => sprintf( $this->lang->words['name_change_tooshort'], $this->settings['max_user_name_length'] ) );
                case 'ILLEGAL_CHARS':
                    return array( 0 => $this->lang->words['name_change_illegal'] );
                case 'USER_NAME_EXISTS':
                    return array( 0 => $this->lang->words['name_change_taken'] );
                    return array( 0 => $error->getMessage() );

        return TRUE;

     * UserCP Save Form: Email Address
     * @return    mixed        Array of errors / boolean true
    public function saveFormEmailPassword()
        // INIT

        $_emailOne         = strtolower( trim($this->request['in_email_1']) );
        $_emailTwo         = strtolower( trim($this->request['in_email_2']) );
        $cur_pass = trim($this->request['current_pass']);
         $new_pass = trim($this->request['new_pass_1']);
         $chk_pass = trim($this->request['new_pass_2']);
        $isRemote = ( ! $this->memberData['bw_local_password_set'] AND $this->memberData['members_created_remote'] ) ? true : false;
        if ( $cur_pass OR $new_pass )
            if( $this->memberData['g_access_cp'] )
                return array( 0 => $this->lang->words['admin_emailpassword'] );
            if ( $isRemote === false AND ( ! $_POST['current_pass'] OR ( empty($new_pass) ) or ( empty($chk_pass) ) ) )
                return array( 0 => $this->lang->words['complete_entire_form'] );
            // Do the passwords actually match?
            if ( $new_pass != $chk_pass )
                return array( 0 => $this->lang->words['passwords_not_matchy'] );
            // Check password...
            if ( $isRemote === false )
                if ( $this->_checkPassword( $cur_pass ) !== TRUE )
                    return array( 0 => $this->lang->words['current_pw_bad'] );
                /* This is INIT in _checkPassword */
                $classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/handlers/han_login.php', 'han_login' );
                $this->han_login   = new $classToLoad( $this->registry );
            // Create new password...
            $md5_pass = md5($new_pass);
            // han_login was loaded during check_password
            $this->han_login->changePass( $this->memberData['email'], $md5_pass, $new_pass, $this->memberData );
            if ( $this->han_login->return_code AND $this->han_login->return_code != 'METHOD_NOT_DEFINED' AND $this->han_login->return_code != 'SUCCESS' )
                return array( 0 => $this->lang->words['hanlogin_pw_failed'] );
            // Update the DB
            IPSMember::updatePassword( $this->memberData['email'], $md5_pass );
            IPSLib::runMemberSync( 'onPassChange', $this->memberData['member_id'], $new_pass );
            // Update members log in key...
            $key  = IPSMember::generateAutoLoginKey();
            IPSMember::save( $this->memberData['member_id'], array( 'core' => array( 'member_login_key' => $key, 'bw_local_password_set' => 1 ) ) );
            $this->ok_message = $this->lang->words['pw_change_successful'];
        if ( $_emailOne or $_emailTwo )
            // Do not allow validating members to change
            // email when admin validation is on
            // @see
            if( $this->memberData['member_group_id'] == $this->settings['auth_group'] AND in_array( $this->settings['reg_auth_type'], array( 'admin', 'admin_user' ) ) )
                $this->registry->output->showError( $this->lang->words['admin_val_no_email_chg'], 10190 );
            // Check input
            if( $this->memberData['g_access_cp'] )
                return array( 0 => $this->lang->words['admin_emailpassword'] );
            if ( ! $_POST['in_email_1'] OR ! $_POST['in_email_2'] )
                return array( 0 => $this->lang->words['complete_entire_form'] );
            // Check password...
            if ( ! $this->_isFBUser )
                if ( $this->_checkPassword( $this->request['password'] ) === FALSE )
                    return array( 0 => $this->lang->words['current_pw_bad'] );
            // Test email addresses
            if ( $_emailOne != $_emailTwo )
                return array( 0 => $this->lang->words['emails_no_matchy'] );
            if ( IPSText::checkEmailAddress( $_emailOne ) !== TRUE )
                return array( 0 => $this->lang->words['email_not_valid'] );
            // Is this email addy taken?
            if ( IPSMember::checkByEmail( $_emailOne ) == TRUE )
                return array( 0 => $this->lang->words['email_is_taken'] );
            // Load ban filters
            $banfilters = array();
            $this->DB->build( array( 'select' => '*', 'from' => 'banfilters' ) );
            while( $r = $this->DB->fetch() )
                $banfilters[ $r['ban_type'] ][] = $r['ban_content'];
            // Check in banned list
            if ( isset($banfilters['email']) AND is_array( $banfilters['email'] ) and count( $banfilters['email'] ) )
                foreach ( $banfilters['email'] as $email )
                    $email = str_replace( '\*', '.*' ,  preg_quote($email, "/") );
                    if ( preg_match( "/^{$email}$/i", $_emailOne ) )
                        return array( 0 => $this->lang->words['email_is_taken'] );
            // Load handler...
            $classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/handlers/han_login.php', 'han_login' );
            $this->han_login   = new $classToLoad( $this->registry );
            if ( $this->han_login->emailExistsCheck( $_emailOne ) !== FALSE )
                return array( 0 => $this->lang->words['email_is_taken'] );
            $this->han_login->changeEmail( $this->memberData['email'], $_emailOne, $this->memberData );
            if ( $this->han_login->return_code AND $this->han_login->return_code != 'METHOD_NOT_DEFINED' AND $this->han_login->return_code != 'SUCCESS' )
                 return array( 0 => $this->lang->words['email_is_taken'] );
            // Want a new validation? NON ADMINS ONLY
            if ( $this->settings['reg_auth_type'] AND !$this->memberData['g_access_cp'] )
                // Remove any existing entries
                $_previous    = $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => 'prev_email, real_group', 'from' => 'validating', 'where' => "member_id={$this->memberData['member_id']} AND email_chg=1" ) );
                if( $_previous['prev_email'] )
                    $this->DB->delete( 'validating', "member_id={$this->memberData['member_id']} AND email_chg=1" );
                    $this->memberData['email']                = $_previous['prev_email'];
                    $this->memberData['member_group_id']    = $_previous['real_group'];
                $validate_key = md5( IPSMember::makePassword() . time() );
                // Update the new email, but enter a validation key
                // and put the member in "awaiting authorisation"
                // and send an email..
                $db_str = array(
                                'vid'         => $validate_key,
                                'member_id'   => $this->memberData['member_id'],
                                'temp_group'  => $this->settings['auth_group'],
                                'entry_date'  => time(),
                                'coppa_user'  => 0,
                                'email_chg'   => 1,
                                'ip_address'  => $this->member->ip_address,
                                'prev_email'  => $this->memberData['email'],
                if ( $this->memberData['member_group_id'] != $this->settings['auth_group'] )
                    $db_str['real_group'] = $this->memberData['member_group_id'];
                $this->DB->insert( 'validating', $db_str );
                IPSLib::runMemberSync( 'onEmailChange', $this->memberData['member_id'], strtolower( $_emailOne ), $this->memberData['email'] );
                IPSMember::save( $this->memberData['member_id'], array( 'core' => array( 'member_group_id' => $this->settings['auth_group'],
                                                                                                  'email'           => $_emailOne ) ) );
                // Update their session with the new member group
                if ( $this->member->session_id  )
                // Kill the cookies to stop auto log in
                IPSCookie::set( 'pass_hash'  , '-1', 0 );
                IPSCookie::set( 'member_id'  , '-1', 0 );
                IPSCookie::set( 'session_id' , '-1', 0 );
                // Dispatch the mail, and return to the activate form.
                IPSText::getTextClass( 'email' )->getTemplate("newemail");
                IPSText::getTextClass( 'email' )->buildMessage( array(
                                                    'NAME'         => $this->memberData['members_display_name'],
                                                    'THE_LINK'     => $this->settings['base_url']."app=core&module=global&section=register&do=auto_validate&type=newemail&uid=".$this->memberData['member_id']."&aid=".$validate_key,
                                                    'ID'           => $this->memberData['member_id'],
                                                    'MAN_LINK'     => $this->settings['base_url']."app=core&module=global&section=register&do=07",
                                                    'CODE'         => $validate_key,
                                                  ) );
                IPSText::getTextClass( 'email' )->subject = $this->lang->words['lp_subject'].' '.$this->settings['board_name'];
                IPSText::getTextClass( 'email' )->to      = $_emailOne;
                IPSText::getTextClass( 'email' )->sendMail();
                $this->registry->getClass('output')->silentRedirect( $this->settings['base_url'] . 'app=core&module=global&section=register&do=07' );
                // No authorisation needed, change email addy and return
                IPSLib::runMemberSync( 'onEmailChange', $this->memberData['member_id'], strtolower( $_emailOne ), $this->memberData['email'] );
                IPSMember::save( $this->memberData['member_id'], array( 'core' => array( 'email' => $_emailOne ) ) );
                // Add to OK message
                $this->ok_message = $this->lang->words['ok_email_changed'];
        return TRUE;

     * Password check
     * @param    string        Plain Text Password
     * @return    boolean        Password matched or not
    protected function _checkPassword( $password_check )
        // Ok, check password first

        $classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/handlers/han_login.php', 'han_login' );
        $this->han_login   = new $classToLoad( $this->registry );

        // Is this a username or email address?

        $this->han_login->loginPasswordCheck( $this->memberData['name'], $this->memberData['email'], $password_check );

        if ( $this->han_login->return_code == 'SUCCESS' )
            return TRUE;
            return FALSE;


Edytowane przez pawel7121

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błąd wyświetla się pod adresem


Kod błędu: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE, expecting T_FUNCTION in /home/u121283872/public_html/upload/admin/applications/core/extensions/usercpForms.php on line 1306


Linijka 1306 to ta z parsem, który podałem wcześniej.

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Skopiowałem z sygnatury kod na wyświetlanie i zedytowałem na minecraft pages.

     * Show the minecraft pages
     * @author    PGmajster
     * @return    string        Processed HTML
    public function formMinecraft()
        /* Load editor stuff */
        $classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/editor/composite.php', 'classes_editor_composite' );
        $this->editor = new $classToLoad();
        /* HTML checkbox language strings */
        $this->registry->getClass('class_localization')->loadLanguageFile( array( 'public_post' ), 'forums' );
        // Check to make sure that we can edit profiles..
        if ( ! $this->memberData['g_edit_profile'] AND ! $this->memberData['g_minecraft_unit'] )
            $this->registry->getClass('output')->showError( 'members_profile_disabled', 1024, null, null, 403 );
            if( $form['_noPerm'] )
                return $this->registry->getClass('output')->getTemplate('ucp')->membersMinecraftFormError( $form );

        /* Set content in editor */
        $this->editor->setAllowBbcode( true );
        $this->editor->setAllowSmilies( true );
        $this->editor->setAllowHtml( $this->memberData['g_dohtml'] );
        $this->editor->setIsHtml( $this->memberData['bw_html_minecraft'] );
        $this->editor->setContent( $this->memberData['minecraft'] );
        /* Load parser */
        $classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/text/parser.php', 'classes_text_parser' );
        $parser = new $classToLoad();
        $parser->set( array( 'memberData'       => $this->memberData,
                             'parseBBCode'       => 1,
                             'parseHtml'       => ( $this->memberData['g_dohtml'] && $this->memberData['bw_html_minecraft'] ),
                             'parseArea'      => 'minecraft',
                             'parseEmoticons' => 1 ) );
        $minecraft    = $parser->display( $this->memberData['minecraft'] );
        return $this->registry->getClass('output')->getTemplate('ucp')->membersSignatureForm( $this->editor->show( 'Post', array( 'noSmilies' => false ) ), $minecraft );



również zapis skopiowałem z sygnatury i zedytowałem na minecrafta


     * UserCP Save Form: Minecraft
     * @return    array    Errors
    public function saveMinecraft()
        /* Load editor stuff */
        $classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/editor/composite.php', 'classes_editor_composite' );
        $this->editor = new $classToLoad();
        $isHtml = intval( $this->request['minecraft_htmlstatus'] );
        // Check to make sure that we can edit profiles..

        if ( ! $this->memberData['g_edit_profile'] AND ! $this->memberData['g_minecraft_unit'] ) )
            $this->registry->getClass('output')->showError( 'members_profile_disabled', 1028, null, null, 403 );

        // Post process the editor
        // Now we have safe HTML and bbcode
        /* Set content in editor */
        $this->editor->setAllowBbcode( true );
        $this->editor->setAllowSmilies( true );
        $this->editor->setIsHtml( $this->memberData['g_dohtml'] && $isHtml );
        $this->editor->setContent( $this->memberData['minecraft'] );
        $minecraft = $this->editor->process( $_POST['Post'] );
        // Parse post
        /* Load parser */
        $classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/text/parser.php', 'classes_text_parser' );
        $parser = new $classToLoad();
        $parser->testForParsingLimits( $minecraft, array( 'quote', 'emoticons', 'urls' ) );
        if ( is_array( $parser->getErrors() ) && count( $parser->getErrors() ) )
            $this->lang->loadLanguageFile( array( 'public_post' ), 'forums' );
            $_error    = array_pop( $parser->getErrors() );
            $this->registry->getClass('output')->showError( $_error, 10210 );
        // Signature restrictions...
        $minecraft_errors    = array();

        $minecraft    = preg_replace( '#^\s*(</p>)+#i', '', $minecraft );
        $minecraft    = preg_replace( '#(</p>)+?\s*$#i', '', $minecraft );

        if( count($minecraft_errors) )
            $this->registry->getClass('output')->showError( implode( '<br />', $minecraft_errors ), 10211 );
        /* Save HTML status */
        $members_bitoptions = IPSBWOptions::thaw( $this->memberData['members_bitoptions'], 'members', 'global' );
        $members_bitoptions['bw_html_minecraft'] = $isHtml;
        // Write it to the DB.
        IPSMember::save( $this->memberData['member_id'], array( 'members' => $members_bitoptions, 'extendedProfile' => array( 'minecraft' => $minecraft ) ) );
        /* Update cache */
        IPSContentCache::update( $this->memberData['member_id'], 'minecraft', $parser->display( $minecraft ) );
        return TRUE;


Zostało wiele po resistance sygnaturki, tzn. ustawienia, które są w ACP. (Max lini, obrazków itd.) Spróbowałem usunąć większość ale pewnie zostało jeszcze.

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