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	static public function getServerLoad()
		$load_limit			= "--";
		// Check cache first...
        $cache	= ipsRegistry::instance()->cache()->getCache('systemvars');

        if( $cache['loadlimit'] )
	        $loadinfo	= explode( "-", $cache['loadlimit'] );
	        if ( intval($loadinfo[1]) > (time() - 30) )
				// Cache is less than 30 secs old, use it

		        $server_load_found	= 1;
		        $load_limit			= $loadinfo[0];
		// No cache or it's old, check real time
		if( !$server_load_found )
	        # @ supressor stops warning in > 4.3.2 with open_basedir restrictions
        	if ( @file_exists('/proc/loadavg') )
        		if ( $fh = @fopen( '/proc/loadavg', 'r' ) )
        			$data = @fread( $fh, 6 );

        			@fclose( $fh );
        			$load_avg	= explode( " ", $data );
        			$load_limit	= trim($load_avg[0]);
        	else if( strpos( strtolower( PHP_OS ), 'win' ) === 0 )
		        | typeperf is an exe program that is included with Win NT,
		        |	XP Pro, and 2K3 Server.  It can be installed on 2K from the
		        |	2K Resource kit.  It will return the real time processor
		        |	Percentage, but will take 1 second processing time to do so.
		        |	This is why we shall cache it, and check only every 2 mins.
		        |	Can also be obtained from COM, but it's extremely slow...
	        	$serverstats = @shell_exec('typeperf "Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time" -sc 1');
	        	if( $serverstats )
					$server_reply	= explode( "\n", str_replace( "\r", "", $serverstats ) );
					$serverstats	= array_slice( $server_reply, 2, 1 );
					$statline		= explode( ",", str_replace( '"', '', $serverstats[0] ) );
					$load_limit		= round( $statline[1], 4 );
				if ( $serverstats = @exec("uptime") )
					preg_match( '/(?:averages)?\: ([0-9\.]+)(,|)[\s]+([0-9\.]+)(,|)[\s]+([0-9\.]+)/', $serverstats, $load );

					$load_limit = $load[1];
			$cache['loadlimit']	= $load_limit . "-" . time();
			if( $load_limit )
				ipsRegistry::instance()->cache()->setCache( 'systemvars', $cache, array( 'array' => 1 ) );
		return $load_limit;
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