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Wyświetlanie wyników z bazy danych

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Rekomendowane odpowiedzi

Edytuje panel gracza na IPB i mam aplikację dotyczącą aukcji - dodajemy aukcje z posiadanych przedmiotów, pojazdów itp

Mam pewien problem ponieważ na liście aukcji wyświetla mi się tylko jedna, ostatnio dodana aukcja a chciałbym aby wyświetlały się np. 10 na pierwszej i kolejnych stronach. W kodzie mam tak.


Część pliku: modules_public/panel/market.php


class public_game_panel_market extends ipsCommand
    protected $page = 0;
    protected $per_page = 20;
    # CLOSE            1
    # BUY            2
    # OFFER            3
    # END             4

    public function doExecute(ipsRegistry $registry)
            $this->registry->output->showError('treść błędy');
            case 'list':
            case 'view':
            case 'create':
        $this->registry->output->addNavigation('Rynek', 'app=game&module=panel&section=market', 'false', 'game_market', 'public');
    public function    showMarketList()
        $this->page = isset($this->request['st']) ? intval($this->request['st']) : 0;
        # REDIRECT + CHAR
        $this->DB->query('SELECT `char_gid`, `char_uid`, `char_name` FROM end_character WHERE char_gid = '.(int)$this->memberData['member_id'].' AND !(char_block & 1)');
        while($data = $this->DB->fetch())
            $data['charname'] = str_replace('_', ' ', $data['char_name']);
            $characterList[] = $data;
        if($this->request['sort'] == 1)
            $pages = $this->registry->output->generatePagination( array('totalItems'        => GameLib::countMarketItems(),
            'itemsPerPage'        => $this->per_page,
            'currentStartValue' => $this->page,
            'seoTitle'            => 'false',
            'seoTemplate'        => 'game_market',
            'baseUrl'            => 'app=game&module=panel&section=market&sort='.$this->request['sort'].''
            $this->DB->query('SELECT market_bid, market_uid, market_title, market_sub, market_type, market_extraid, market_price, market_end, char_name, member_id, members_display_name, members_seo_name FROM end_character, end_market, ipb_members WHERE char_uid = market_owner AND member_id = char_gid AND market_type = 1 AND market_status = 0 ORDER BY market_start DESC LIMIT '.$this->page.','.$this->per_page.'');
        if($this->request['sort'] == 2)
            $pages = $this->registry->output->generatePagination( array(
            'totalItems'        => GameLib::countMarketVehicles(),
            'itemsPerPage'        => $this->per_page,
            'currentStartValue' => $this->page,
            'seoTitle'            => 'false',
            'seoTemplate'        => 'game_market',
            'baseUrl'            => 'app=game&module=panel&section=market&sort='.$this->request['sort'].'',
            $this->DB->query('SELECT market_bid, market_uid, market_title, market_sub, market_type, market_extraid, market_price, market_end, char_name, member_id, members_display_name, members_seo_name FROM end_character, end_market, ipb_members WHERE char_uid = market_owner AND member_id = char_gid AND market_type = 2 AND market_status = 0 ORDER BY market_uid DESC LIMIT '.$this->page.','.$this->per_page.'');
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		if($this->request['sort'] == 1)
			$pages = $this->registry->output->generatePagination( array('totalItems'		=> GameLib::countMarketItems(),
			'itemsPerPage'		=> $this->per_page,
			'currentStartValue' => $this->page,
			'seoTitle'			=> 'false',
			'seoTemplate'		=> 'game_market',
			'baseUrl'			=> 'app=game&module=panel&section=market&sort='.$this->request['sort'].''
			$this->DB->query('SELECT market_bid, market_uid, market_title, market_sub, market_type, market_extraid, market_price, market_end, char_name, member_id, members_display_name, members_seo_name FROM end_characters, end_market, ipb_members WHERE char_uid = market_owner AND member_id = char_gid AND market_type = 1 AND market_status = 0 ORDER BY market_start DESC LIMIT '.$this->page.','.$this->per_page.'');

Szablon w stylu:

<if test="game:|:is_array($marketList) and count($marketList)">
					<table class="ipb_table">
							<tr class="header">
								<th scope="col" width="31%">Nazwa</th>
								<th scope="col" width="20%">Sprzedający</th>
								<th width="18%" scope="col">Kończy się</th>
								<th scope="col">Cena</th>
								<th scope="col">Licytacja od</th>

							<foreach loop="game:$marketList as $data">
								<td><a href="index.php?app=game&module=panel&section=market&do=view&sort={$this->request['sort']}&uid={$data['market_uid']}">{$data['market_title']}</a><br /><span class="desc">{$data['mini_desc']}</span></td>
								<td class="col_f_post">
								<a href="{parse url="showuser={$data['member_id']}" template="showuser" seotitle="{$data['members_seo_name']}" base="public"}" class="ipsUserPhotoLink left">{IPSMember::buildProfilePhoto($data['member_id'], 'mini')}</a>

									<ul class="last_post ipsType_small">
											<li><span itemprop="name">{$data['char_name']}</span></li>
								<td><a data-tooltip="Cena kup teraz"><span class="ipsTag" style="background: url(public/style_game/auction/kupteraz.png); text-shadow: none;">$ {$data['market_price']}</span></a></td>
								<a data-tooltip="Licytacja"><span class="ipsTag" style="text-shadow: none;">
								<if test="game:|:$data['market_bid'] == 0">
									Tylko kup teraz
								<else />
									$ {$data['market_bid']}
					<else />
					<div class="ipsPad">
						Nie znaleziono żadnych aukcji.
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Aby wyświetlić więcej niż jeden wynik, musisz użyć pętli. Przypisz sobie wynik zapytania do jakiejś zmiennej, tą zmienną przekaż do szablonów a następnie:

<foreach loop="$variable as $key => $value">
    Tutaj wyświetlasz dane ze zmiennej $value albo $key
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No mam zmienną i nadal wyświetla jeden wynik.

while($data = $this->DB->fetch())
			$data['char_name'] = str_replace('_', ' ', $data['char_name']);
			$data['market_end'] = $this->registry->getClass('class_localization')->getDate($data['market_end'], 'TINY', 0, 1);
			$data['mini_desc'] = IPSText::getTextClass('bbcode')->preDisplayParse($data['market_sub']);
			$marketList[] = $data;

		$template = $this->registry->output->getTemplate('game')->gameShowMarket($marketList, $characterList, $pages);
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Już wiem na czym polega problem.

Mam kod:

while($data = $this->DB->fetch())
		$data['char_name'] = str_replace('_', ' ', $data['char_name']);
			$data['market_end'] = $this->registry->getClass('class_localization')->getDate($data['market_end'], 'TINY', 0, 1);
			$data['mini_desc'] = IPSText::getTextClass('bbcode')->preDisplayParse($data['market_sub']);
			$marketList[] = $data;


Po usunięciu w nim

$data['char_name'] = str_replace('_', ' ', $data['char_name']);
			$data['market_end'] = $this->registry->getClass('class_localization')->getDate($data['market_end'], 'TINY', 0, 1);
			$data['mini_desc'] = IPSText::getTextClass('bbcode')->preDisplayParse($data['market_sub']);

Wyświetlają się aukcje lecz nie wyświetla się poprawnie opis aukcji oraz data zakończenia. Jak go przekształcić żeby działał?

Aktualnie wyglada to tak:
Powinno tak:

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$execute = $this->DB->execute();


while($data = $this->DB->fetch($execute))


$data['char_name'] = str_replace('_', ' ', $data['char_name']);

$data['market_end'] = $this->registry->getClass('class_localization')->getDate($data['market_end'], 'TINY', 0, 1);

$data['mini_desc'] = IPSText::getTextClass('bbcode')->preDisplayParse($data['market_sub']);

$marketList[] = $data;


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  • Rozwiązanie

Problem dotyczy tej linijki:

$data['mini_desc'] = IPSText::getTextClass('bbcode')->preDisplayParse($data['market_sub']);

Po usunięciu jej wyświetla się kilka wyników lecz nie ma opisu aukcji za które odpowiada powyższy kod. Jak go przekształcić?

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Ten temat został zamknięty. Brak możliwości dodania odpowiedzi.
  • Ostatnio przeglądający   0 użytkowników

    • Brak zarejestrowanych użytkowników przeglądających tę stronę.
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