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  1. just-be-nice.png.db6a119fbbb960897717dda0f8fd454e.png

    There’s a fine line between freedom of speech and censorship. 

    Invision Community always aims to empower community leaders with options to encourage an open dialogue within a community, while including barriers for members who choose to ignore the guidelines. 

    Invision Community’s latest release, 4.6.11, includes a simple but powerful new feature to help you shape your community’s tone. 

    It’s called Block Submission.

    Block submission stops a member’s message from being posted if it includes any word(s) added to your Word Filters list with the “Block Submission” option enabled. 

    Word Filters, a previously existing feature, allows community owners to prohibit profanity in the community. If a member types a word included on the banned words list, the platform will automatically either...

    • Replace the word with something else you set
    • Hold the post for moderation
    • Or, with our new Block Submission feature, notify the member they must amend their post. 

    Located: ACP -> System -> Settings -> Posting -> Word Filters -> Add Word Filter

    Here is an example:

    I added the word “hate” to the Word Filters list in the Admin Control Panel and selected the Block Submission option. 




    Now, when a member tries to post the word hate, a message pops up indicating it wasn’t published and why. 


    Unfortunately, your content contains terms that we do not allow. Please edit your content to remove the highlighted words below.




    The member must modify their comment in order for the post to go live. In this scenario, that would look like taking out the word hate.

    Feel free to change the default warning message (the text located in the orange message bar above) to something better suited for your community - it's located in the Languages settings in your ACP



    Why did we create Block Submission?

    This feature not only helps automatically moderate content, but more importantly, it sets a precedent to members regarding what is (and isn’t) accepted. 

    Gently notifying members that their comment doesn’t align with your community’s guidelines helps maintain the existing culture you’ve worked hard on cultivating, as well as your initiative to keep the language and sentiment positive. 

    Interested in trying our block submission feature out? Please upgrade to 4.6.11!

    If you don’t have an Invision Community license yet, please reach out to me and I’ll help get you started. 

    Thoughts on our latest feature? Sound off in the comments (just make sure it passes our new vibe check ?). 


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  2. Application for create notes on content.



    • Add note,
    • Edit note,
    • Delete note,
    • Add note as anonymous

    Note types:

    • No background,
    • Information,
    • General,
    • Warning,
    • Important,
    • Positive


    • Forum notes permissions with several groups,
    • Mod Logs,
    • Show/Hide avatar in note,
    • Change position notes,
    • Notifications and Emails when it will be added to the content,
    • Mod permissions

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  3. Check the demo:

    you will need to register to build forms, but you can take any forms there as a guest.

    Formularize is an advanced form building application, That can help you build powerful data drive forms like surveys or quizzes. With its easy to use drag and drop form builder, makes it easy to build a form and maintain it. Collect data from the forms that can be displayed as aggregate data in charts and "testimonial" type blocks with anonymity. Check out below the features of formularize.

    • Drag and Drop form building
    • 33 field types, with 4 special field types to build the forms
      • field types: text, text area, number, auto complete, editor, upload, code mirror, email, address, ftp, interval, signature, stack, telephone, url, width & height, select, multiple choice, multiple select, multiple choice images, multiple options set, lists, color, check, country, date, date range, time zone, Yes & No, Toggle, Rating: Number, Rating: Star, Rating: Smiley.
      • Special Field Types: Info, Header, Demographics, Tab/Steps.
    • powerful form types: Standard, Quiz, Wizard and Quiz wizards.
    • Folders
    • powerful permissions that allow you to control who can read/view/add forms and submissions to folders, along with group permissions that allow you to control what fields can be used by what groups.
    • import/exporting forms.
    • advanced field options: Validation, Field Output, Form Output, Right Answers.
    • Data Reports: build fields that can be aggregated into Charts using data collected from the form to display results, along with field types that can't be aggregated into testimonial type blocks to see the responses. Combined with the demographic fields, can be used to filter results based on demographics data or origin of the submitter. if mapbox or google maps are enabled, will display a map with pin points of all the locations the form is being taken from based on IP lookup. 
    • Quiz features: features to allow you to build quizzes for your community, along with scoring and high score tracking. 
    • IPS integrations, integrates into search, activity streams, profile, achievements and clubs.
    • Age Group Restrictions of forms, limit forms to particular age groups.
    • Future Publishing: keeps a form in a hidden state till date is reached.
    • Form Expiration: have form expire and auto lock on a certain date.
    • Max Submissions: sometimes you only need a certain amount of responses to a form, you can limit how many times the form can be taken in total before it auto locks.
    • Multiple Submissions: control if the forms can be taken a single time or multiple times.
    • Min. Form Completion: you might not want to require every form field, but you want the form to have x amount of percentage to be field out before it is allowed to be submitted, control how much of the form MUST be completed before it is submitted.
    • Conditionals: control the flow of a form, show or hide questions based on responses from other questions. note: not all fields can be used as conditionals, but a good majority can be. 
    • Privacy Notification: set a privacy policy in the ACP for the forms, and forms will require an acceptance of this privacy policy before taking the form. 
    • Demographic Field: a set of fields that can be used to collect the most common of demographic data.
    • Widgets: Dismissable Form list, Form List, High Scores, along with a 4th "global widget" that is similar to the dismissable form list, but shows up any page as a modal popup, which can be dismissed for x amount of days. will show a fresh list of forms you might want users to participate in.
    • Theme Settings: most colors used in formularize that aren't shared with other IPS theme settings, all have their own theme settings for easy styling to match your theme.
    • Notifications: standard notifications for new Forms on folders and new submissions for forms. along with moderator notifications for reporting a form or a form awaiting approval (along with submissions). 
    • much much more

    For more information on features of formularize, check out the Tutorials section:

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  4. doggo.png.a3f10c9dc9ea8ff5d62d5e964c688754.png

    So you’re a small/medium sized business who purchased one of our plans and launched a new community. The topics, replies and views will start to rack up any time now, right? Riiight?!

    Perhaps you’re a major brand wanting to give your customers a place to connect, ask questions and get more information, but aren't sure how to inspire them to join.

    Maybe you haven’t even pulled the trigger and launched a new community just yet because you fear your hard work won’t be seen so what’s the point? 

    You feel confident nailing down the color scheme, header, navigation and forum categories, but the dreaded “0 replies” is casting a gloomy shadow over your bright and shiny new community. A lack of initial momentum is one of the scariest hurdles a new community builder faces. 

    Here are a few tips to kick off your community in style and start receiving engagement right away.


    Be visible.

    As your community’s leader, it’s important to be accessible to your members. Make yourself available to them so they know you’re willing to lend a hand. This helps forge meaningful connections with your community and fosters trust. 

    Being visible looks like creating topics, responding to members’ posts, answering private messages, enabling a contact form and including a profile photo.  

    Use your voice.

    You can’t expect your members to speak up if there isn’t a community leader or brand ambassador doing so first. Lead by example and use your voice in your own community.

    This is also a great opportunity to shape the tone of your community, whether that’s informative, casual, snarky or funny. 

    The tone of your community: 

    • Sets a precedent for how members respond. 
    • Broadcasts your brand’s values.
    • Defines how a member can connect.
    • Inspires guests to silently react.

    Expressing your community’s tone adds character, helping you differentiate from competitors. 

    Create content that invokes an emotional response.

    This is one of the best kept secrets! Creating content that inspires a feeling from your members is a surefire way to keep them continually participating and returning. 

    It's one thing to make content, it's another to create valuable content. Value enhances a member’s life, quantified by whether it produces a positive effect.

    Publish content that invokes an emotional response and watch how quickly your engagement rate climbs.

    Provide a great user experience.

    Generally speaking, it’s what’s on the inside that counts, but when it comes to community building, a slick user interface helps facilitate a great user experience. 

    In case you missed our blog post about the importance of your brand’s look and feel, creating an immersive visual experience for your community matters. 

    A few quick design tips:

    • Ensure your navigation is easy to use
    • Employ a beautiful color scheme that reflects your community’s tone
    • Add spacing in between components 
    • Include a logo

    Promote your community

    You likely have some type of presence on social media. Use that as a tool to drive traffic to your community (versus what most people do: use social media as the be-all and end-all for promotion). 

    If you have a following on platforms like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, you’ll want to entice and mobilize your existing base to join your community. 

    Do this by being visible, using your voice, creating content that invokes an emotional response and offering a great user experience (see what I did there?). 

    How do you engage your community? Drop us a line in the comments. We’d love to engage with you!

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  5. This resource will set member's signature under review before it shows in topics.


    • Display a message on board top to the member who has pending signature
    • Display a counter of pending signatures beside notifications icon to inform moderators how many signatures are awaiting for review
    • Records per page on ModeratorCP -> Signature Moderation
    • Groups to apply the signature restriction


    • It will automatically set as PENDING all signatures from members of the groups you selected when you change the group setting; so it won't set signatures as pending if you save the settings and DO NOT change the groups. You need to change the groups to fire the action and it runs on a background task so it may take a few minutes in large boards.

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  6. AdobeStock_322125497.jpeg.2c2c630937862c7e2fce8bb441934835.jpeg

    Twenty years ago today, Invision Community was founded and within months the first version of Invision Community was released. Little did we know, this would be the start of a remarkable journey spanning several decades.

    Our first version appeared shortly after we founded the company. It might be hard to imagine a time before social media and YouTube, but when we started out, the web looked very different.


    The first version of Invision Community was called Invision Board, reflecting the popular term for forums back in the early 2000s. It was full featured and you may recognise some elements that persist today.

    Like today, it even had a separate control panel where you could create new areas of discussion and customise the theme.


    Twenty years is a long time and we've continued to adapt with the ever-changing needs of community managers. We've seen the rise of social media impact how people consume content and found ways to compliment Twitter and Facebook by offering a place for long-form permanent discussion.

    Several elements remain from those early days but the concepts behind the theme have change significantly. New workflows, UI elements and views have helped the platform stay fresh and we've certainly innovated a few features that have since become industry standard over that time.

    I can't express how proud I am of what we've built together. From those humble beginnings working until 2am to growing a creative and talented team around our passion for community.

    I'm still as excited today as I was back in 2002. This year will see us build and release new tools to help guide and inform community managers. Our community platform continues to go from strength to strength.

    Of course, the platform is only one part of Invision Community. Over the last twenty years I've been grateful to get to know many of you and watch your lives unfold.

    This is as pure as community can get and I'm privileged to be part of it.

    We have a few other surprises to celebrate our twentieth anniversary. We can't wait to share them!

    I'd love to hear your memories of Invision Community! When did you first use our products and what was your community for? Please let me know in the comments below.

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  7. This application makes it possible to allow different file types or file extensions for different groups, when uploading attachments. This is useful in many scenarios, such as letting normal members only upload images while staff members or other groups can upload all file types, or to allow members of a VIP group to upload images while normal members can only upload text files.

    When installed, the application will add a new tab named Attachments to the group settings. There you can configure which file types or file extensions the group is allowed to upload. By default the global settings for attachments, configured on the Posting settings, are used. The group settings will take precedence over global settings, except if the global setting is set to “none”. In this case, attachments are considered disabled and no one is allowed to upload anything.

    Just like the rest of my files, this plugin is and will always be completely free. All I ask in return is that you leave a review below if you find this plugin useful.

    Known issues

    As of version 1.0.0, there are no known issues.

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  8.   Sendo Theme 

    ( IPS version 4.6 )


    Template with a choice of ( White/Dark ) color versions.

    Colors and sizes using CSS Vars.

    Choosing the font color, the theme has many settings and can be fully customized. It's perfect for all forums, beautifully displaying all site content.

    Possibility to change header, slider, navigation, popus, forms, comments and much more..

    Permanent support - Write me a private message and you will receive the rank of customer on the

    You can buy (50$) a plug-in to remove copyright from the footer.private message )


    (click) View demo (click)

    Login: demo

    Password: demo






     Theme by ?


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  9. Do you have a forum and/or forums that do not get the deserved attention from your members? Then this app can come in handy as it will help you with that. 

    It will force your members to visit a particular forum and only then can they proceed with visiting the rest of the forums.

    All content is hidden in the activity and search pages for members till they visit the forum set as must visit.

    You can exclude certain groups from being forced to visit forums. You can also enter a custom error message to be displayed to members when informing them that they must visit first the forum set as must visit before they can enter the rest of the forums.

    All the options are set at the app 's settings page.

    Each time a member will visit the forum that has been set as must visit, the action will be logged and be available to the admins so they can keep track of things. The log can be searched for members and timeframe of forced forum visits.

    If you want a particular member to re-visit the must visit forum, all you can do is delete their visit forum entry from the logs. Or you can delete the whole log for a do over of forced forum visits again. 

    Logs can be kept permanently or prunned after a certain amount of time.

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  10. By default, Pages databases work best for articles. This template sets puts the Record Image field front and center. As a result, Pages categories can now be turned into beautiful & minimalistic galleries, where each record represents one image (with a title and description). All Pages functionalities like comments, ratings, reviews and custom fields are also available. 

    The original idea was to create a template set for online art exhibitions, but the template set has a wide range of possible uses. Any kind of content centered around images can be improved by this plugin: How-to guides using images. A travel blog. A designer’s portfolio …  
    This product is not meant to replace the Gallery app. It’s a way to create galleries as part of the editorial content on your website. 

    The record display view has 3 possible layouts which can be applied automatically: portrait image, landscape image and “no image”. The latter creates a center column with content from the editor field, which can be used for an introduction, chapter dividers and so on. 

    A bonus feature is limiting the number entries guests can view (starting from the first record in a category). This can be used to encourage guests to register. 


    What’s required: 

    • The Pages app 

    What’s included:

    • A category index template (with support for Pages Category Image)
    • A listing template
    • A record display template
    • A plugin with settings (see below)

    Detailed feature description:

    • Global settings:
      • Item background: dark or IPS default box
      • Limit number of entries guests can see. Yes/No
      • Number of entries a guest can see
    • Listing settings:
      • Thumbnail fill type: contain or enlarge to fill
      • Use black&white effect
    • Display settings:
      • Image column aspect ratio: portrait only, landscape only, dynamic (based on the image)
      • Allow Lightbox Yes/No
      • Show creator on record view
      • Show creation time on record view
      • Use image effects (shadow/rounded corners)


    • The templates can be used for multiple Pages databases, but the plugin settings will apply to all databases at once. 
    • The ordering comes from the Pages database ordering settings, as with any Pages database. There is no drag-and-drop ordering of the images. For ordering, a stock field like record ID or title can be used or a custom ordering field can be created. However, the ordering field needs to contain unique values. Fields like “rating” or “views” cannot be used. 

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  11. Login Page Message

    This plugin will let you add a message, including an optional title, to the login page. The message will appear over the login form, and you can easily change the text being shown as well as the font sizes for both the title and message text. You can style the different message elements using CSS, giving you complete control over the visual aspects. For more information about this, see the Additional information tab.

    Just like the rest of my files, this plugin is and will always be completely free. All I ask in return is that you leave a review below if you find this plugin useful.

    Known issues

    As of version 1.0.0, there are no known issues.

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  12. AdobeStock_455283475.jpeg.a776a1574da921ddd1ff29646daf3212.jpeg

    Webhooks allow other services and applications to stay in sync with your community data or to perform an action after a specific event occurs in your community.

    Webhooks are a performant alternative to continuously polling for changes to the IPS REST API.

    I need the last topic.png

    For example, a webhook can notify your service when a new topic is created so that your app can perform then any further actions.

    Webhooks can also be used to connect your community with Zapier, IFTTT or Integromat, so that any event which is covered by webhooks can trigger any further actions.

    Common webhook use cases

    • Sync your member base with 3rd party newsletter lists
    • Sync your Event RSVP with your Online Ticketing System
    • Update your inventory after a purchase was made

    You can find the webhook functionality in the AdminCP, under the API section. There is also a useful webhook reference built in.

    CleanShot 2022-01-18 at 13.39.45@2x.jpg

    Setting up a webhook

    Setting up a webhook is straightforward. Log into your AdminCP, then navigate to System > API.

    The target URL would be defined by the application you wish to fire events to. For example, in Zapier, you can set up a trigger to listen for a webhook event via a custom URL.

    CleanShot 2022-01-18 at 14.59.44@2x.png

    Once you have entered the URL, simply check which events you'd like to fire to that URL. Zapier will ask you to test the URL, so to do this simply invoke the action which fires the webhook event, such as creating a test topic.


    If you are looking to add webhook events into your own custom code and applications, please see our documentation here.

    Webhooks will be implemented in 4.6.10 and will be enhanced frequently.


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