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Odpowiedzi opublikowane przez NewsBot

  1. Animated Number Counters is a lightweight, responsive, and mobile-friendly IPS plugin that boasts extraordinary design and effects to make your numbers stand out and catch the eyes of visitors on your awesome website.

    • Ending Number: Set the ending number of the counter
    • Color: Set the Color counter (blue,green,purple,DeepSkyBlue)
    • Title:  Set Title counter &  Title Widget
    • Icon:  Set Icon counter (Font Awesome)


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  2. This resource will give Admins the ability to perform a few more actions on Commerce Donations Goals.

    Currently there is no way to enable or disable donation goals, allow or disallow donations to goals, as It is either display or delete a goal and nothing more.

    Additions to Donation Goals:

    • Enable or Disable Goals without losing any information,
    • Display Goals to different Groups,
    • Disable donations to selected Donation goals while still displaying the Goal.
    • Added a Create New Goal button to the admin Donation page,
    • Changed the clients Donation page layout to make it a little more clearer which Goal a member is donating too (Many of my members would frequently donate to the wrong Goal because of the confusing layout).

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  3. This resource will give the ability to moderators (with proper permission) to moderate content (topics and posts) in specific forums from members of groups selected in the app settings.


    • Groups that will have their content moderated in specific forums

    Moderator Permission:

    • Can add/remove restrictions



    Depending on how it goes in the Marketplace, I will add all types of content you have installed to this resource and not only topics.

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  4. Task Manager for Invision Community. Allows users with access to create boards, columns, and task cards. You can change the status of tasks, as well as assign them to specific users, who will receive a notification after assignment and more.


    • In the ACP, you can create an unlimited number of task boards.
    • Each board can have its own description.
    • The board card contains information on how many columns, tasks and editors it contains.
    • The board has an activity section where all user actions are recorded.


    • Columns of tasks exist in a specific board and contain cards (tasks).
    • Each column has its own name and highlight color.
    • Columns can be swapped on the fly using Drag-and-drop technology.
    • Columns can only be created by board editors, and you can add an unlimited number of them.

    Task cards

    • The card has its own name, description, background color and cover.
    • Cards can be swapped on the fly using Drag-and-drop technology, as well as transferred between columns.
    • Cards (tasks) can be assigned to other users.
    • After assigning a task, the user will receive a notification. He will also be able to change the status of the card.

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  5. This app will give the admins the opportunity to set up placeholders/prefilled custom fields for new topice in forums. When members will post a new topic, they will be presented with the prefilled test for the topic titles and messages. They can either press the submit button or overwrite them with their own content.

    This can come in handy when you want your members to post in support forums, introduce themsleves etc.

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  6. This plugin will log some admin's actions not initially logged by default to the administrator logs.

    List of logged actions :

    • Viewing member profile in the admin panel.
    • Viewing information associated with IP address.
    • Viewing IP addresses used by a member (including visited area if any) .

    Those actions are privacy related to control any abuse by admins and moderators.

    Settings :

    There is is a separate setting for every action to enable/disable logs for that specific action.


    More actions will be added in the future if any feedback .


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  7. The Telegram Notifications application is intended for users to receive instant notifications in Telegram on all Invision Community events: Achievements, Moderation, Mentions & My Content, Followed Content, Messenger, Profile, Newsletter, Event Reminders, File Updates.

    You can configure which groups will be able to set up notifications in Telegram for themselves, as well as which types of notifications will be enabled / disabled by default.

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  8. Bitcoin payments for Invision Community. Integration with the service allows you to integrate Bitcoin payments into the Commerce application. When choosing a payment method through the Blockchain, the user will be automatically issued a BTC address and the amount in bitcoins that he must pay to this address.

    The integration also includes 4 widgets:

    Bitcoin statistics

    A summary of Bitcoin network statistics for the previous 24-hour period. The widget shows up-to-date data, for example, the cost of bitcoin, the size of the commission, how much was mined, etc.

    Bitcoin converter

    You can select the currency and convert the x value in the specified currency to BTC. In the widget settings, you can select specific currencies that will be available for conversion.

    Current value of 1 BTC

    The widget will display the cost of 1 Bitcoin in the currencies selected in its settings.

    Address balance

    You can check the balance of any BTC address, just paste it into the field and click the Check button.

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  9. This simple plugin will change the behaviour of the Forum Topic Feed.

    The default is to display the first post and post information of each topic. regardless if the topic is updated with newer posts. This plugin changes this behaviour to display the last post and post information within a topic. This will display the last poster name, avatar, and time of the latest post.

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  10. Bot Blackhole is a tool to stop those pesky naughty web bots sneaking into places where they have no business going.

    BBH places a little trap within your website in the form of a link, and if the bot follows this link, it gets trapped with no where else to go.

    BBH logs all bots who full into this trap for you to decide whether they get to stay or they get flushed in the form of a IP ban. This can be done via the settings.

    Webmasters can also have emails sent to them each time a bot is blocked/Banned.

    You can add IP addresses to your Whitelist to prevent them from being blocked. All IP addresses are blocked via Invision Admin Ban Settings.

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  11. LAXERI template! 

    DEMO : [username: demo  ,  pass: demo]

    This template is prepared in two modes, Dark and Light, with the ability to change colors in two palettes, the default palette (similar to IPS) and the VALA palette (a powerful colors setting which changes the color of the entire template by changing a few of colors).

    This template also has 12 plugins that include : Top bar, Popup, Sidebar menu, Call to action(CTA), Scroll to top, Bottom navigation, Loading, Search overlay, Slideshow, Dark & Light switcher, Share bar and Footer.

    The following items are also customized : Buttons, Links, Forums, Topics, Navigation, Profile image, Mobile navigation bar, Main theme setting, Front-end Dark | Light, IPS box and etc.

    All plugins and custom items have tons of customization options to change(see the screenshots), which makes it easy to change the template as you like.












    DEMO : [username: demo  ,  pass: demo]

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  12. The application introduces an automatic vacation system with the following functions:

    • User distinction in the form of an icon next to the nickname,
    • A message in the profiles informing about the user's vacation,
    • User settings:
      • Vacation from X to X,
      • Reasons for vacation,
      • Hiding the reasons from others
    • Settings AdminCP:
      • Protection against taking another vacation after X days,
      • Possibility to exclude selected groups from vacation system,
      • Protection against taking a vacation for more than X days
    • List of all vacation users in ModCP with filters and sorting,
    • Changes to the icon next to the nickname,
    • Own item limit in the tables,
    • Displaying vacation information of users in private messages

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  13. This app will allow the admin to set and manage placeholders for the titles and content of new topics in each forum individually by editing the forums in the Admin Panel.

    When a member starts a new topic in the forum where you want to use the placeholders, the title and content of the new topic will show the placeholder values entered by the admin. Members can overwrite the prefilled fields with their own content should they wish to do so.

    This is useful for forums where you want your members to fill in the information in a specific way, such as support forums, trading forums, introduction forums and so on. 


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  14. Countdown Timer is a plugin that give community's admins or moderators the ability to create unlimited block/widgets of countdown timer with customization options, add text, notes and permission to view for groups for each widget. Countdown Timer also have a plugin side setting, which can be use for adding a global countdown timer for across community. this specific block can be place in Top header, top of the main body or sidebar as a global place in all pages of IPS community.

    Plugin setting: (global countdown timer)

    • Activate
    • Target Date
    • Position: 1.Top header of the main body  3.sidebar
    • Title
    • Title at Center
    • Message when countdown reaches its target
    • Add description or note
    • Permission for groups that can see
    • Color settings


    For using widgets, settings are similar to plugin, except for Position which admin can place widget in standard position in a page with Sidebar/Block Manager.


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  15. Your users will be able to reward the content of other users by paying an arbitrary amount to the YooMoney user's account. In addition, the application adds a payment gateway for paying for products and subscriptions in Commerce.

    Post Rewards

    Integration with YooMoney allows you to set up a simple and fast payment for posts, thus users can thank each other by paying for useful posts.

    Below the buttons for managing the post, a list with users who thanked for the post, their amount and the reason for gratitude will be displayed.

    Rewards Leaders

    The application adds a separate page with popular users who thanked the posts of other users the most, whose posts received the most thanks and popular posts that received the most thanks.

    Operations history

    In the YooMoney settings, the user can view the history of transactions in the wallet, as well as information about the status and type of his account. You can activate the setting for displaying the wallet number and its balance in the information about the author in posts.


    Every time a post receives a reward, its author is notified about it.


    You can place on any page of your site a block with the top users who thanked the most for the posts.


    You can control which groups can reward, whose posts can receive a reward, oblige to fill in the reason for the reward, and much more.

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  16. Freestyle is a  multi-purpose theme for IPS Community Suite.
    Geared towards any type of community, Freestyle is packed full of options that allow you to modify layout, styling, colors and fonts directly from within the theme settings.  
    Its's also fully compatible with the entire Community Suite as well as a huge range of 3rd-party applications and plugins.





    Compatible with IPS 4.6.

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  17. Attention! Pages application must be installed to use this database.

    FX Documentation is a ready-to-use database to manage any kind of documentation within your community. 


    • Database setup with all settings for a quick start
    • Page for the database with custom CSS and JS scripts
    • Custom database fields, like menu title or position
    • Custom templates for displaying records or listings
    • Custom template for sidebar menu built from categories and records
    • Page Builder Page with all required blocks
    • Menu entry for front navigation
    • TOC (Table of contents) from h2-h6 heading within a record
    • Image ALT-Tag is displayed as visible caption below the image
    • Friendly mobile view to show the sidebar menu below the main content
    • Default record and categories 


    This app installs a new database within the Pages application of IPS. The database, categories, templates, blocks, translation and all other default elements of Pages are customizable as usual. It's up to you to change page URL, add new fields, change position of the fields, adjust the views, set the permissions, enable or disable comments / reviews and so on.

    Can I create such database without this app?

    Absolutely, yes. If you have some knowledge of HTML, CSS, JS, PHP, SQL and IPS coding, you will be able to reproduce the database within some hours. Just create a database, required fields, go through all settings, create a page, custom templates for the page, record display, listing view and sidebar menu. Include your custom CSS and JS. Add some PHP hooks to handle cache or to have additional features. However, this app is a time saver even if you can.

    Is there a demo?

    Yes. See how it looks like on our demo page. If you register, you can use a test category to add/create/edit records.

    What happens if I uninstall the app?

    The database and all the data are yours and will not be removed. Templates, CSS, JS will remain, but will not be updated if a new version of this app is released. Some features like cache handling for blocks will be removed as they are part of the app. 

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