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  1. Christmas Midwinter 4.6

    Special Launch Price $24.95 - Ends New Years Day 2022

    Christmas Midwinter is a premium quality, modern and fully responsive theme in winter season colors. Fast and lightweight, fully customisable, it uses modern techniques and WebP images. Features include falling snow, wintery colors, hero header modes, custom upload hero header images, royalty free images, countdown (can be changed easily), and much more.

    LIVE DEMO available at

    Available now for IPS Invision Community 4.6.

    Full details and screen shots to follow!

    Compatible with 4.6.9 - Copyright removal available






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  2. English:

    This is the Thai Language Pack for IPS Community Suite and all official Apps offered by WEBTH.ORG. It contains translations for both the Admin CP and Front End for the following Apps with additional third party apps:

    IPS Official:

    1. Core Application 

    2. Forums Application 

    3. Blog Application 

    4. Calendar Application 

    5. Download Application 

    6. Nexus Application(AKA Commerce) 

    7. CMS Application(Custom Database) 

    8. Gallery Application 

    9. Converter Application 

    Third Party:


    ชุดภาษาไทยสำหรับ Invision Community Suite จัดทำสำหรับสมาชิกชาวไทยเพื่ออำนวยความสะดวกสำหรับสมาชิกจัดทำโดย WEBTH.ORG โดยชุดภาษาไทยนี้ได้ทำการแปลทั้งในส่วนของผู้ใช้และส่วนของผู้ดูแลระบบ รวมทั้งแอปพลิเคชั่นของผู้พัฒนาที่ทาง WEBTH.ORG ได้ใช้ในการพัฒนาและปรับปรุงเว็บไซต์โดยประกอบด้วย 

    IPS Official:

    1. Core Application ตัวนี้จะเป็นตัวควบคุมหลัก

    2. Forums Application ส่วนของการใช้งานการโพสต์, โหวต, คำถามคำตอบ, ลิงค์ ต่าง ๆ ภายในเว็บไซต์

    3. Blog Application สำหรับการเขียนบล็อกเพื่อให้ความรู้, บล็อคส่วนตัว หรือวิธีการสอนต่าง ๆ

    4. Calendar Application สำหรับการวางแผนหรือกำหนดกิจกรรมต่าง ๆ ของเว็บไซต์

    5. Download Application สำหรับให้สมาชิกแบ่งปันไฟล์ และสามารถจำหน่ายไฟล์ของตัวเองได้

    6. Nexus Application(AKA Commerce) เป็นส่วนร้านค้าของทางเว็บไซต์สำหรับบริการผลิตภัณฑ์ของเว็บไซตให้กับสมาชิก

    7. CMS Application(Custom Database) เป็นส่วนที่ออกแบบมาเพื่อให้เราสามารถสร้างหน้าเพจหรือบล็อคที่เราออกแบบเองแล้วเก็บบันทึกไว้ในฐานข้อมูล ซึ่งตัวอย่างที่เราสร้างไว้คือ WEBTH WEBHOSTING สำหรับสมาชิกอัปโหลดภาพ และ หัดแปลเพลง เป็นต้น

    8. Gallery Application เป็นส่วนที่ให้สมาชิกสามารถแบ่งปันรูปภาพหรือวีดีโอต่าง ๆ ที่ชื่นชอบ

    9. Converter Application ตัวช่วยแปลงแพลตฟอร์มต่าง ๆ เช่น phpbb, wordpress, joomla, Mybb, SMF, punBB, Vanilla, Xenforo เป็นต้นมาใช้งานใน IPS

    Third Party:

    ท่านสามารถช่วยปรับปรุงหรือแจ้งปัญหาการแปล หรือ แนะนำได้ที่เว็บไซต์ของเรา

    Help to improve for Thai translation

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  3. This plugin allows you to have the Renewal System "enabled" to give customers Ranks/Group for a specific amount of time BUT remove the possibility for them to renew it, unless they buy it "again" fresh from the store.

    The will/should not receive a renewal E-mail, or have any way to renew it via their Purchase Dashboard, the only way is to purchase the same product again from the store.

    What is the use case for such a plugin?

    In contusion with this plugin, it will allow you to sell (SULK) keys and give customers group promotions for a specific amount of time, without having the issues that when they renew, they don't receive a new key.
    When a customer renews their sub, they would not receive a new key, they would just be shown the old one, hence why we created this plugin.
    If this explanation is not good enough, you can always shoot me a PM, to explain it a bit more.

    I do/will NOT sell this plugin outside this Marketplace
    So please, don't PM me about it, the only way to buy it is via Invision Community Marketplace.

    I'm NOT the developer of this plugin, ( @Kirill Gromov ) is.
    I own the plugin and I'm allowed to sell it, IPB staff can verify with him if needed.

    There will be only BUG fixes, no new features.

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  4. This application allow you to add the following features

    Swiper Slider:
    Create and show custom sliders on header of the website or a custom location in globalTemplate. Created with 

    Background Image Picker:
    Allow members to switch theme body element background image between multiple images.

    News Ticker:
    Smooth auto scrollable text elements with many options.
    This is a free version of News Ticker plugin.

    Footer Blocks:
    Create custom Editor blocks and show them in footer area of your website.

    Dark Mode:
    Create custom dark mode color schemes for any installed themes. simple demo import.

    Import/Export theme colors:
    Save your theme color customizations and import it back any time you wish, you can also export the color customizations into another theme. useful to create a dark mode color scheme. 


    Check screenshots above for all app settings and to see a demo of everything above.


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  5. What is it?

    This adds Facebook's "Chat plugin" functionality to your site, allowing your configured visitors to initiate Facebook Chats with your Facebook page.


    Simple - it adds the code provided by Facebook to your theme without the need to edit the theme itself. All you have to do is provide your Facebook Page ID to the plugin's settings.

    But how do I do that?

    Well, first you do the following (correct at the time of posting this, and will be updated as and when Facebook change their instructions):

    • Go to your Facebook page
    • In the 'Manage Page' column, locate and click 'Settings'
    • In the 'Page settings' column, click 'Messaging'
    • Scroll to the 'Add Messenger to your website' section, and click 'Get Stared'
    • On the resulting page, you should be in the 'Chat plugin' section.
    • Click 'Set up' and then follow the prompts to:
    • Set your language
    • Add your site domain
    • Copy the code (you'll need this soon)
    • Paste the code (just pretend you've done it, click 'Finish')
    • You can configure the chat plugin further, if you wish, via the 'Customise your Chat plugin' section
    • Then you look at that copied code, find the line that contains the 'page_id'
    chatbox.setAttribute("page_id", "123445523342432376");
    • The series of numbers in there is, surprise surprise, your Facebook Page ID: 123445523342432376
    • So copy it and add it in the relevant field in the plugin settings in the ACP.

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  6. A (not so) simple plugin which will stop GIFs autoplaying in the main content areas, applying a 'Play' button which will allow you to view the GIF in your own time (replacing the lightbox functionality)

    Note the following:

    1. This is not a "play/pause/play from paused position" solution.
    2. Support is strictly limited to me fixing issues which I spot while this is running on my own site
    3. No new features will be added, unless it's a feature I think of that will improve the plugin's use on my own site.


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  7. header.png.5c44f8798fc2b14a62ec087396bf83f6.png

    Every time I checked in with a newly launched running community, it seemed like there were more and more new people posting.

    As a result, I found it harder to find my friends' latest run write-ups and even harder to reply directly to them. Speaking with other early adopters, they felt the same way, and we all eventually drifted out of the community's orbit. 

    It's natural to want your community to grow; indeed, a lot of community management strategies are based on increasing registrations and scaling upwards.

    However, your early adopters may feel very different about growth as they watch their close friendship circles dissolve as more members join and begin posting.

    A small and tightly connected community is very different from a large sprawling community, and often our business goals as community managers can be at odds with our member's goals.

    Let's take a look at the problem and then the solution.



    A new community is small and personal. Your early adopters will make friends fast by sharing their experiences and stories. They start to learn about each other and actively look forward to new posts and content. It's easy to keep track of the conversations and people in those early days when memberships are still in their infancy.

    Before themes and topics drive your community, the primary reason your members return is to strengthen burgeoning bonds.

    As your thriving community grows, more names appear, generating more posts and content. It can become harder to keep track of those personal conversations and friends. For those early adopters, it becomes overwhelming, and the feel of the community changes.

    The key to growth is to do it with consideration and understanding by allowing your members to retain smaller friendship circles within the larger community. Think of these small circles as a secure basecamp your members will use to explore more of the community together.

    How you structure your community can heavily influence member behaviour, so let's ensure you are set up for success.

    Forum structure
    Deciding how many forums to have largely depends on the size of your community. Generally, fewer is better; however, adding more when activity increases is recommended. Using the example of a running community, when you have few members, a single topic can be used to keep track of workouts; however, as membership increases, a dedicated forum where members can post and maintain their own workout log topic makes it easier for others to find specific member's logs rather than trawling through a long busy topic.

    If you're in doubt, asking your community is always a great way to draw out real honest feedback and guidance on how to improve.


    Nerd Fitness forums allow each member to maintain their own training log in their busy forum

    Creating a sub-community is a big decision. On the one hand, you syphon off discussion to areas outside the main community, but this can be an advantage if you want members to retain their smaller friendship circles. On the other hand, you may find an appetite for more niched discussion within your topic. For example, while your site may be based around road running, you may have a small group specifically interested in mountain running. Using a club allows them to follow that passion without altering the core purpose of your community.


    Even though our own community is here to serve our clients, we have a health club where members can discuss health and fitness away from the community's primary aim

    Using the robust follow and notification tools is an efficient way to let members know when a favoured member posts something new or a loved topic gets a reply. Make sure your members know how to set up notifications and the different ways to receive them, such as via mobile, email, or the community's bell.

    Your members need not miss a friends update again.


    We have a very comprehensive follow system

    Activity streams allow members to personalise their first point of discovery. In addition, the flexibility of the streams will enable members to choose which member's content to see and which forum's content to include in a single news feed style stream. 

    Giving your members the ability to customise which content they see when they first visit the community allows them to check in with their favourite areas before exploring the rest of the community.


    NerdFitness use streams to show content for each 'guild'

    Growing a community from a handful of people to tens of thousands takes a lot of planning. Unfortunately, it's easy to focus on just numbers and forget about the people behind them. However, aligning your business goals with your members' goals is critical when growing beyond your early adopters.

    Setting up your community for success using our built-in tools will help your members feel comfortable as you grow.


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  8. This plugin allows you to specify which GROUP or USER has access to specific Payment Gateways!

    This plugin SHOULD work with any Payment Gateway that uses IPB API, if one is not working aka the settings are not visible, please report to us.

    What is the use case for such a plugin?

    • You can limit Payment Gateways to specific users/groups.
      • For example, PayPal only for the group "Trusted" or a special user that has a lot of trust.

    If this explanation is not good enough, you can always shoot me a PM, to explain it a bit more.

    I'm NOT the developer of this plugin, (Kirill Gromov) is.
    I own the plugin and I'm allowed to sell it, IPB staff can verify with him if needed.

    There will be only BUG fixes, no new features.

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  9. This app allows you to add product reviews everywhere you want as a widget and show product reviews by Random or Specific Product(s) as a Slideshow(carousel), using tons of customization options. let's take a look at the options.


    ACP settings:

    • Main Settings
      • Show Author Photo
      • Show Author Name
      • Show Profile CardView in Hover
      • Show Review Date
      • Show Review Rate
      • Show Review
      • Number of Comment Lines
      • Show Product Title
      • Enable Product Link
    • Carousel Settings
      • Item Height
      • Margin Between Items
      • Enable Navbar
      • Enable Loop
      • Lazy load
      • Enable Autoplay
        • Autoplay Timeout
        • Enable Pause on Hover
    • Comment Box Style
      • Enable Border
      • Enable Border Radius
      • Enable Shadow

    Widget Settings

    • Widget Title
    • Specify Group to View
    • Data Type ( Random | Specific Products )
    • Number of Comments
    • Sort By
    • Specify Minimum Rate Level
    • Custom Main Settings -> Ability to customize all ACP main setting for every widget (see screenshots)
    • Custom Carosel Settings -> Ability to customize all ACP carousel settings for every widget (see screenshots)
    • Custom Colors -> By default, this widget uses theme colors, but you can change all colors by enabling this option.
      • Review Card background color
      • Author font color
      • Date font color
      • Rating On color
      • Rating Off color
      • Comment font color
      • Product font color



    1. This plugin does not change the IPS default product reviews style.
    2. You need IPS Commerce app.

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  10. Automatically load a members currency within the Commerce app using the IPS geo-location feature.


    • Set which currencies should be shown for each country.
    • Uses IPS's own geo-location feature to determine a members country.
    • Choose to hide the currency chooser.
    • Reset any members who have already changed their default currency.

    Keep up to date with DevFuse mod development and releases.
    Facebook Twitter Youtube Rss

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  11. This application will allow your users to display up to a configured number of their badges on the 'author pane' in a forum topic.

    Admin settings include:

    • Number of badges that are allowed to be displayed
    • Size at which the badge should be displayed (separate settings for Desktop and Phone)
    • Option to display a tooltip on the badge
    • Option to remove the 'Rare' tag from the badge

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  12. This plugin will hide LINKS, CODE, IMAGES and [HIDE] in articles from Pages app.


    • Select content to hide: images, external links, code, [hide] tag, attachments, or full content.
    • Select databases, categories for hidden content.
    • Enable hidden content in comments/reviews.
    • Option to specify groups can bypass the hidden content.
    • Reaction, reply or review to see the hidden content.

    *** Requires PAGES app

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  13. buzz.png.b7853ab6a0feed35a059e3870f4a4725.png

    ? Scaling your community requires overcoming many barriers and learning new ways of working with your community. Rosie explores this in her blog: How we are at the small scale is who we are at the large scale.

    "In community, we often say to do things that don't scale. To start small. To get the foundations right. To trust that how we are and what we do is what the community becomes, on a larger scale. Our behaviour, our intentions, our alignment, and our goals all influence what the community can become."

    ? What we think: There is no right or wrong way to scale your community from its humble beginnings and it can be a lot of hard work but that doesn't mean we should change our core values and how we approach helping others.



     ? Should you respond to questions before your members? Is a question explored by Richard at Feverbee.

    "If you (the community manager) respond to a question in a community, other members are less likely to respond. This makes it harder for top members to earn points and feel a sense of influence.

    But if you don’t respond to a question in a community, it can linger and look bad. It also means the person asking a question is waiting for a response and becoming increasingly frustrated."

     ? What we think: There are certain areas where you need your team to lead. Right here on this forum we want to provide the best service for our customers so our support team are active and quick to reply to all questions. There are other community-led sections that definitely benefit from allowing time for other members to reply to share their knowledge. It's a good feeling helping others.



     ? CMX explores how to move your community online. Much of this is great advice for anyone considering moving platform (to Invision Community, right?). 

    "Christiana recommends viewing community migration as a process that requires patiences, “this is not a race meant to be run fast. We are changing the mindset of the people in our ecosystem”. "

      ? What we think: Patience is definitely key when moving platforms. The sooner you start engaging with your own community and explaining the reasons for the move and the benefits it'll bring, the easier it will be.



     ? Michelle can't find the bathroom when at a party which inspires a blog on 5 secrets to community onboarding.

    "Walking into a party without your host can feel confusing, alienating, and frustrating. And for your customers, joining a new community without onboarding is just as bad."

       ? What we think: Onboarding is critical to your community's success. New members can often feel lost and unsure where to start. It can be intimidating in real life to enter a room full of people that know each other, and this is true in the online space too.



    ? Podcast: What makes a community a home? Patrick explores this by interviewing members of his own community, which opened 20 years ago and is still going strong.

        ? What we think: We love hearing about long established communities that are still thriving and hearing how those early online relationships shaped people's lives.



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