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[IPS News] Invision Community Apps for iOS & Android

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I'm excited to reveal that we are making Invision Community native apps for iOS and Android!

For the past few months, our staff has been using an internal test build right here on our community. Now we are ready to widen testing to a larger pool of customers. Information on how to become a tester is at the end of this post. But first, let's take a look at the app itself.

Technology Preview
We have a lot of exciting plans for the Invision Community app.

We wanted to take full advantage of a clean slate and build a brand new experience that embraces a native app's interfaces. While the app is unmistakably Invision Community, it features new ways of interacting with your content.

We want the app to help shape the future of Invision Community, and we're asking for you to help.

What we are opening up for testing today is a technology preview. This slim app covers the essentials with a view to much more expansion later.

The technology preview is locked to our community. The app we will release will be a 'multi-community' app; a directory of communities users can browse and save.

We’ve taken this approach because the app stores have clamped down on ‘template’ apps, and the cost involved in building and maintaining a separate app per-community won’t be an option for many of our customers. A multi-community app is a great approach for most: simple setup, minimal cost, still fully-featured, and a great way for new users to find your community too.

What The App Does
For the initial phase of this technology preview, discussions are the main focus which is the foundation of every Invision Community. Also available are profiles, streams, search and notifications - including (at last!) push notifications.

Any areas that the app does not currently support will open seamlessly in a web view within the app. As we build new functionality into the app over time, users will encounter fewer of these hybrid views.

Your feedback will allow us to target the highest priority areas during the technology preview phase.

Note: The information below outlines our current intentions, but may change as we finalize the app's release to app stores.

The good news is we intend for the app to be free to both our customers with active licenses and their end-users. In time, we will offer a premium option to communities. This funding will secure the app's long-term future.

The premium option could enhance their listing in the directory, or provide special functionality when users use that community in the app.

iPhone Xs.pngiPhone Xs 2.png


We intend to release the app alongside the next significant point release of Invision Community, expected to be 4.5. Communities will need to upgrade to this version to allow their users to use the app.


Why not a PWA (progressive web app)?
Invision Community 4.4 already supports several PWA features. However, until iOS supports Push Notifications (and other features) in PWAs, we don't feel they are a fully-rounded solution to using communities on a phone. Building native apps allow us to experiment with new interfaces and approaches. As PWA support improves in the years to come, we'll feed what we learn back into the main product for the benefit of all users.

Why now?
Those with a long memory will recall that we've had a few attempts at providing an app in the past that weren't successful.

We are great at building apps with web technologies but creating native apps ourselves wasn't sustainable.

Enter React Native.

React Native is an open-source technology for building native apps. React Native allows teams to build native apps using web technologies, but crucially, React Native doesn't build hybrid apps. They are compiled into real native apps - not browser wrappers, but native buttons, text, dialogs, animations and more.

A year or so ago, we started experimenting with React Native to see if it might be a viable approach for us. And it was. Finally, there was a technology that enabled web engineers to build delightful cross-platform native apps.

As we can build native mobile apps using the technology we are familiar with allows us to incorporate mobile app development into our existing processes.

Why just forums?
Invision Community is a large, fully-featured platform, and building the entire platform in a native app from the get-go didn't seem to be the best approach. Instead, we've focused on the most active area of most communities - forums - with other areas still supported in the app via webviews. Over time, additional features and tools will be built into the app so that it eventually reaches feature-parity with the web version. We'll take feedback from our customers to determine which areas to support next.

How will I add my community to the app?
The next significant point release of Invision Community (expected to be 4.5) will have app support built-in. Including your app in the directory will be as simple as enabling the feature in your AdminCP and configuring a few options. 

Is the app ad-supported?
There are no ads of any kind in the app right now. We may include ads or allow communities to run their own ads as a premium option in future.

Can I get a white-label version for my community?
We aim to offer a white-label option in the future.

Will my plugins work in the app?
Probably not. We're intentionally building the app to work with standard Invision Community features and apps right now. If your plugins add new UI elements or change the functions that users interact with it's likely they will not work with the app.

What about themes?
Themes won't work in the app because the app doesn't use HTML. However, some branding/customization will be available via the AdminCP, and we may expand upon this in future.

Have other questions? Let us know in the comments, and we'll answer them!

Sign Up For Testing
For the next stage of our testing process, we will be inviting several customers to try the app and provide feedback/bug reports. As part of the sign-up process, we'll ask for some information about your own community. We'll use this to select further testers once we begin testing of the 'multi-community' version of the app later. The answers you provide will not affect your chance of testing the app on our community.

Interested in joining the testing group? Click here to sign up.


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na + z pewnością poprawi się czytelność, tylko w plecy będą fora oparte o customowe style ?


czyli jak użytkownik wejdzie przez smartfona na takie forum po aktualizacji do 4.5, to pojawi się powiadomienie że jest aplikacja mobilna?

jeśli tak to czy będzie można wyłączyć takie powiadomienie o używanie apki, aby użytkownicy mogli nadal być na "PWA"?

Amazing Game Website Templates for those who want to stand out from others.

Professional IPS Themes - Gaming Invision Community Themes, Forum Skins and Game UI Templates.

Forum Templates for Clans and Guilds, Web and Game Developers.

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6 godzin temu, lumota napisał:

czyli jak użytkownik wejdzie przez smartfona na takie forum po aktualizacji do 4.5, to pojawi się powiadomienie że jest aplikacja mobilna?

Podejrzewam, że tak, czyli tak jak to działa na innych aplikacjach.

6 godzin temu, lumota napisał:

jeśli tak to czy będzie można wyłączyć takie powiadomienie o używanie apki, aby użytkownicy mogli nadal być na "PWA"?

Na iPhone tak to właśnie działa, więc nie podejrzewam, że IPS nakłoni apple do zmiany. ;)

intermedia - profesjonalne rozwiązania Invision Power Board


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  • 1 rok później...

nie mam a pewnie nikt mi nie podeśle żebym sobie sprawdził chociaż na testach upgrade ;> czy w goole sie z 3.4 przemigruje ;> 


chodzi mi o jakies forum co ma 4.5 i ma to odpalone zebym mogl sobie sprawdzić jak to działa, w sensie czy lepiej niż tapatalk. chyba ze tapatalk do wersji 4.x ip.boarda juz daje opcje dowolengo ustawiania reklam a nie tylko wklejania swoich reklam ;)

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no to trochę słabo to jedyna nadzieja chyba dla ip.boarda żeby tą apkę dorobili i rozdali właścicielom for... ;) offtopowo jak wyglada tapatalk aktualnie moze juz dali opcje na reklamy zewnetrzne zeby sobie kody do googla wstawic? chodzi mi chociazby o zwykle umiejscowienia reklam jak w nexusie za peirwszym postem, nagłówek itp ;)

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Nie wiem czy to nastąpi, bo reklamy to kasa, a kasa to twarde zasady od Apple i tu może być problem.

intermedia - profesjonalne rozwiązania Invision Power Board


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