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Treść opublikowana przez DawPi

  1. OK, no to super.
  2. Raczej nie. To nie chodzi, że nie działa tylko pytanie czy podczas importu jest w całości parsowany przez serwer i odpowiednie wpisy są umieszczane w bazie. P.s.
  3. Thanks! Problem wasn't directly with my mod (which is working flawlessly! ) but with your translation of this particular language string. There were additional ' " '. I've removed them and it helped.
  4. Sprawa nadaje się do analizy przez administratora serwera. Swoją drogą - jaki to mocarny serwer masz, że nie ma polskiego locale i nie można wrzucić całego spolszczenia?
  5. To najnowsze spolszczenie - przy wrzucaniu spolszczenia nic Ci nie wywala w ACP? Te rzeczy są spolszczone na pewno.
  6. Czyli np. czego? Jaką wersję spolszczenia wrzuciłeś? Nie. No to napisz do admina serwera by dograł polskie locale.
  7. Problem ROZWIĄZANY. Jeśli są jakiekolwiek wątpliwości, pytania proszę o założenie nowego tematu. Wszelkie uzasadnione reklamacje/pretensje/sugestie/rady przyjmuje ekipa forum.
  8. Użyj odpowiedniego wątku do uzyskania pomocy.
  9. Z cloudem to oni "ciągle" coś zmieniają więc najlepiej podpytać u źródła jak to wygląda. Nie rozumiem pytania. Jakie ewentualne możliwe wtyczki? Wyjaśnij. Nie. Wg mnie dość dobrze pokazane co jest w jednym i co w drugim. Porównując pozycje 1:1 można łatwo zorientować się czego nie ma w begginer. Heheh. Dlaczego nie do pomyślenia? Też mi się to średnio widzi, ale biznes musi się spinać. Tak to sobie wymyślili po prostu.
  10. Hello, affraid not:
  11. I may try, but I need direct access to your board.
  12. Hello, can't reproduce. It works. See: Which version of the IPS4 and this app are you using?
  13. Woah, so you wanted to display something new, not the default one. Now it's clear. I didn't realized your "add" in our private conversation. I have only one excuse - 3-5 hours of sleeping last days (🍼).
  14. Sorry for misunderstanding. It's default code and variable. Maybe you can try disable all mods/apps and check if it appear?
  15. Gosh, sorry, this code should be fine: {{if isset( $comment->author_solved_count )}} <li> {{if \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->canAccessModule( \IPS\Application\Module::get( 'core', 'members', 'front' ) ) }} <a href='{url="app=core&module=members&controller=profile&id={$comment->author()->member_id}&do=solutions" seoTemplate="profile_solutions" seoTitle="$comment->author()->members_seo_name"}' rel="nofollow" title="{lang="solved_badge_tooltip" pluralize="$comment->author_solved_count"}" data-ipsTooltip class='ipsType_blendLinks'> {{endif}} <i class='fa fa-check-circle'></i> {number="$comment->author_solved_count"} {{if \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->canAccessModule( \IPS\Application\Module::get( 'core', 'members', 'front' ) ) }} </a> {{endif}} </li> {{endif}} The only condition is: {{if isset( $comment->author_solved_count )}} Which corresponds to: foreach( $results as $id => $data ) { if ( isset( $solvedCounts[ $data->$authorField ] ) ) { $results[ $id ]->author_solved_count = $solvedCounts[ $data->$authorField ]; } } Could you try this: 11{{if isset( $comment->author_solved_count )}} <li> 22{{if \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->canAccessModule( \IPS\Application\Module::get( 'core', 'members', 'front' ) ) }} 33<a href='{url="app=core&module=members&controller=profile&id={$comment->author()->member_id}&do=solutions" seoTemplate="profile_solutions" seoTitle="$comment->author()->members_seo_name"}' rel="nofollow" title="{lang="solved_badge_tooltip" pluralize="$comment->author_solved_count"}" data-ipsTooltip class='ipsType_blendLinks'> {{endif}} <i class='fa fa-check-circle'></i> {number="$comment->author_solved_count"} {{if \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->canAccessModule( \IPS\Application\Module::get( 'core', 'members', 'front' ) ) }} </a> {{endif}} </li> {{endif}} And tell me what you're seeing in the topic view?
  16. Hello, not sure where did you get that part of the theme, but mine looks like this: {{if settings.reputation_enabled and settings.reputation_show_profile}} {{if['gbw_view_reps']}} <a href="{url="app=core&module=members&controller=profile&id={$member->member_id}&do=reputation" seoTemplate="profile_reputation" seoTitle="$member->members_seo_name"}" data-action="repLog" title="{lang="members_reputation" sprintf="$member->name"}" class='ipsPadding_vertical:half ipsRadius'> {{else}} <div class='ipsPadding_vertical:half'> {{endif}} <p class='ipsType_reset cProfileRepScore {{if $member->pp_reputation_points > 1}}cProfileRepScore_positive{{elseif $member->pp_reputation_points < 0}}cProfileRepScore_negative{{else}}cProfileRepScore_neutral{{endif}} ipsRadius:full ipsDimension_height:4 ipsDimension_minWidth:4 ipsPadding_horizontal:half ipsType_large ipsFlex-inline ipsFlex-ai:center ipsFlex-jc:center' {{if $member->reputation()}}data-ipsTooltip title="{$member->reputation()}"{{endif}}>{number="$member->pp_reputation_points" format="short"}</p> <h3 class='ipsType_reset ipsType_unbold ipsType_medium ipsType_light ipsMargin_top:half'> {lang="profile_reputation"} </h3> {{if['gbw_view_reps']}} </a> {{else}} </div> {{endif}} {{endif}} Did you enabled also "Show each member's total reputation points on their profile?" setting in the Reputation section?
  17. Problem ROZWIĄZANY. Jeśli są jakiekolwiek wątpliwości, pytania proszę o założenie nowego tematu. Wszelkie uzasadnione reklamacje/pretensje/sugestie/rady przyjmuje ekipa forum.
  18. Teraz to jest we frazach językowych. Zatem tabela core_sys_lang_words.
  19. Remade it's not the same as previous guy said "take over"!
  20. How? Do you know copyrights?
  21. Wersja 1.0.0

    1 pobranie

    Introducing a new modification to manage IP Addresses and Device History within the application. Key features include: Front-end Enhancements: Navigate to Account Settings > Recently Used Devices. Integrate buttons for 'Delete IP Addresses' and 'Delete Device History.' Users can delete their own history with a confirmation prompt. ACP (Admin Control Panel) Enhancements: Access Members > Profiles in the ACP. Implement buttons for 'Delete all IP Addresses' and 'Delete all Device History.' Admins can delete history for all users with a confirmation prompt. Individual Profile Management: In the ACP, on a specific member's profile, include buttons for 'Delete IP Address' and 'Delete Device History.' Users with admin privileges can delete a specific user's history with a confirmation prompt.
    100 zł
  22. (DP45) Delete IP Addresses & Device History Zobacz plik Introducing a new modification to manage IP Addresses and Device History within the application. Key features include: Front-end Enhancements: Navigate to Account Settings > Recently Used Devices. Integrate buttons for 'Delete IP Addresses' and 'Delete Device History.' Users can delete their own history with a confirmation prompt. ACP (Admin Control Panel) Enhancements: Access Members > Profiles in the ACP. Implement buttons for 'Delete all IP Addresses' and 'Delete all Device History.' Admins can delete history for all users with a confirmation prompt. Individual Profile Management: In the ACP, on a specific member's profile, include buttons for 'Delete IP Address' and 'Delete Device History.' Users with admin privileges can delete a specific user's history with a confirmation prompt. Dodający DawPi Dodano 22.02.2024 Kategoria Płatne modyfikacje 4 Wspierana wersja 4.7.x+  
  23. Hm, settings: And notification: I need exact steps to reproduce OR send me access to your board (FTP/ACP) and I'll take a look.
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