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Ostatnia wygrana Damiann. w dniu 30 Lipca 2021

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O Damiann.

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Osiągnięcia Damiann.

  1. Miałem identycznie na testowym. Jeśli to jest to co myślę to mi pomogła podmianka pliku dashboard.php, a raczej jej zawartości na: <?php /** * <pre> * Invision Power Services * IP.Board v3.4.8 * Dashboard * Last Updated: $Date: 2013-09-06 16:39:06 -0400 (Fri, 06 Sep 2013) $ * </pre> * * @author $Author: bfarber $ * @copyright (c) 2001 - 2009 Invision Power Services, Inc. * @license * @package IP.Board * @subpackage Core * @link * @since 5th January 2005 * @version $Revision: 12348 $ */ if ( ! defined( 'IN_ACP' ) ) { print "<h1>Incorrect access</h1>You cannot access this file directly. If you have recently upgraded, make sure you upgraded 'admin.php'."; exit(); } class admin_core_mycp_dashboard extends ipsCommand { /** * Skin object * * @var object Skin templates */ protected $html; /** * Shortcut for url * * @var string URL shortcut */ protected $form_code; /** * Shortcut for url (javascript) * * @var string JS URL shortcut */ protected $form_code_js; /** * Main function executed automatically by the controller * * @param object $registry Registry object * @return @e void */ public function doExecute( ipsRegistry $registry ) { //----------------------------------------- // Load skin //----------------------------------------- $this->html = $this->registry->output->loadTemplate('cp_skin_mycp'); //----------------------------------------- // Load language //----------------------------------------- $this->registry->getClass('class_localization')->loadLanguageFile( array( 'admin_mycp' ) ); /* This is a little hacky, but we have to allow access to the whole module to get access to 'change my details'. This check just makes sure that we don't also get access to the Dashboard if the permission system automatically added permission for 'change my details' */ if( $this->registry->getClass('class_permissions')->editDetailsOnly ) { /* If they just don't have access to the dashboard, let's show them something we do have access to */ if ( !$this->request['app'] ) { foreach( ipsRegistry::$applications as $k => $data ) { if ( $this->registry->getClass('class_permissions')->checkForAppAccess( $k ) and ( $k != 'core' or !$this->registry->getClass('class_permissions')->editDetailsOnly ) ) { foreach( ipsRegistry::$modules[ $k ] as $module ) { if ( $this->registry->getClass('class_permissions')->checkForModuleAccess( $k, $module['sys_module_key'] ) ) { $filepath = IPSLib::getAppDir( $k ) . '/modules_admin/' . $module['sys_module_key'] . '/defaultSection.php'; if ( is_file( $filepath ) ) { $DEFAULT_SECTION = ''; include( $filepath );/*noLibHook*/ if ( $this->registry->getClass('class_permissions')->checkForSectionAccess( $k, $module['sys_module_key'], $DEFAULT_SECTION ) ) { $this->registry->output->silentRedirectWithMessage( $this->settings['base_url'] . "app={$k}&amp;module={$module['sys_module_key']}&amp;section={$DEFAULT_SECTION}" ); } } } } } } } /* If all else fails, take them to the change details page */ $this->registry->output->silentRedirectWithMessage( $this->settings['base_url'] . "core&amp;module=mycp&amp;section=details" ); } else if( !$this->registry->getClass('class_permissions')->checkPermission( 'dashboard', 'core', 'mycp' ) ) { $this->registry->output->silentRedirectWithMessage( $this->settings['base_url'] . "core&amp;module=mycp&amp;section=details" ); } //----------------------------------------- // Set up stuff //----------------------------------------- $this->form_code = $this->html->form_code = 'module=mycp&amp;section=dashboard'; $this->form_code_js = $this->html->form_code_js = 'module=mycp&section=dashboard'; //----------------------------------------- // Hang on, do we need the upgrader? // The only reason this is still here, since we check on the login form, is because Rhett Buck AKA BHP wants to // login to the ACP, then upload files, then click the System tab and be automatically redirected to the upgrader. // Seriously though? Who does that? The login form redirects you, so if you happen to upload files and click on // the ACP link you're already covered. Only Mr. RB, that's who. //----------------------------------------- if ( !IN_DEV AND ( !defined('SKIP_UPGRADE_CHECK') OR !SKIP_UPGRADE_CHECK ) ) { require_once( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'setup/sources/base/setup.php' );/*noLibHook*/ foreach( ipsRegistry::$applications as $app_dir => $app ) { $_a = ( $app_dir == 'forums' or $app_dir == 'members' ) ? 'core' : $app_dir; $numbers = IPSSetUp::fetchAppVersionNumbers( $_a ); if ( $numbers['latest'][0] and $numbers['latest'][0] > $numbers['current'][0] ) { $this->registry->output->silentRedirect( $this->settings['base_acp_url'] . '/upgrade/index.php?_acpRedirect=1' ); return; } } } //----------------------------------------- // Get external data //----------------------------------------- $content = array(); $thiscontent = ""; $latest_version = array(); $reg_end = ""; $unfinished_upgrade = 0; $ipsNewsData = $this->cache->getCache( 'ipsNewsData' ); if ( !isset( $ipsNewsData['time'] ) or $ipsNewsData['time'] < ( time() - 43200 ) ) // 12 hour cache { $classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPS_KERNEL_PATH . 'classFileManagement.php', 'classFileManagement' ); $classFileManagement = new $classToLoad(); if( strpos( $this->settings['base_url'], 'https://' ) !== false ) { $ipsNewsData['news'] = $classFileManagement->getFileContents( '' . ipsRegistry::$vn_full ); $ipsNewsData['vcheck'] = $classFileManagement->getFileContents( '' . base64_encode( ipsRegistry::$vn_full.'|^|'.$this->settings['board_url'] ) ); } else { $ipsNewsData['news'] = $classFileManagement->getFileContents( '' . ipsRegistry::$vn_full ); $ipsNewsData['vcheck'] = $classFileManagement->getFileContents( '' . base64_encode( ipsRegistry::$vn_full.'|^|'.$this->settings['board_url'] ) ); } $ipsNewsData['time'] = time(); $this->cache->setCache( 'ipsNewsData', $ipsNewsData, array( 'array' => 1 ) ); } //----------------------------------------- // Get MySQL & PHP Version //----------------------------------------- $this->DB->getSqlVersion(); //----------------------------------------- // Upgrade history? //----------------------------------------- $latest_version = array( 'upgrade_version_id' => NULL ); $this->DB->build( array( 'select' => '*', 'from' => 'upgrade_history', 'order' => 'upgrade_version_id DESC', 'limit' => array(1) ) ); $this->DB->execute(); while( $r = $this->DB->fetch() ) { $latest_version = $r; } //----------------------------------------- // Resetting security image? //----------------------------------------- if ( $this->request['reset_security_flag'] AND $this->request['reset_security_flag'] == 1 AND $this->request['new_build'] ) { $_latest = IPSLib::fetchVersionNumber('core'); $new_build = intval( $this->request['new_build'] ); $new_reason = trim( substr( $this->request['new_reason'], 0, 1 ) ); $new_version = $_latest['long'].'.'.$new_build.'.'.$new_reason; $this->DB->update( 'upgrade_history', array( 'upgrade_notes' => $new_version ), 'upgrade_version_id='.$latest_version['upgrade_version_id'] ); $latest_version['upgrade_notes'] = $new_version; } //----------------------------------------- // Got real version number? //----------------------------------------- ipsRegistry::$version = 'v'.$latest_version['upgrade_version_human']; ipsRegistry::$vn_full = !empty($latest_version['upgrade_notes']) ? $latest_version['upgrade_notes'] : ipsRegistry::$vn_full; //----------------------------------------- // Notepad //----------------------------------------- if ( $this->request['save'] AND $this->request['save'] == 1 ) { $_POST['notes'] = $_POST['notes'] ? $_POST['notes'] : $this->lang->words['cp_acpnotes']; $this->cache->setCache( 'adminnotes', IPSText::stripslashes($_POST['notes']), array( 'donow' => 1, 'array' => 0 ) ); } $text = $this->lang->words['cp_acpnotes']; if ( !$this->cache->getCache('adminnotes') ) { $this->cache->setCache( 'adminnotes', $text, array( 'donow' => 1, 'array' => 0 ) ); } $this->cache->updateCacheWithoutSaving( 'adminnotes', htmlspecialchars($this->cache->getCache('adminnotes'), ENT_QUOTES) ); $this->cache->updateCacheWithoutSaving( 'adminnotes', str_replace( "&amp;#", "&#", $this->cache->getCache('adminnotes') ) ); $content['ad_notes'] = $this->html->acp_notes( $this->cache->getCache('adminnotes') ); //----------------------------------------- // ADMINS USING CP //----------------------------------------- $t_time = time() - 60*10; $time_now = time(); $seen_name = array(); $acponline = ""; $this->DB->build( array( 'select' => 's.session_member_name, s.session_member_id, s.session_location, s.session_log_in_time, s.session_running_time, s.session_ip_address, s.session_url', 'from' => array( 'core_sys_cp_sessions' => 's' ), 'add_join' => array( array( 'select' => 'm.*', 'from' => array( 'members' => 'm' ), 'where' => "m.member_id=s.session_member_id", 'type' => 'left' ), array( 'select' => 'pp.*', 'from' => array( 'profile_portal' => 'pp' ), 'where' => 'pp.pp_member_id=m.member_id', 'type' => 'left' ) ) ) ); $q = $this->DB->execute(); while ( $r = $this->DB->fetch( $q ) ) { if ( isset($seen_name[ $r['session_member_name'] ]) AND $seen_name[ $r['session_member_name'] ] == 1 ) { continue; } else { $seen_name[ $r['session_member_name'] ] = 1; } $r['_log_in'] = $time_now - $r['session_log_in_time']; $r['_click'] = $time_now - $r['session_running_time']; if ( ($r['_log_in'] / 60) < 1 ) { $r['_log_in'] = sprintf("%0d", $r['_log_in']) . ' ' . $this->lang->words['cp_secondsago']; } else { $r['_log_in'] = sprintf("%0d", ($r['_log_in'] / 60) ) . ' ' . $this->lang->words['cp_minutesago']; } if ( ($r['_click'] / 60) < 1 ) { $r['_click'] = sprintf("%0d", $r['_click']) . ' ' . $this->lang->words['cp_secondsago']; } else { $r['_click'] = sprintf("%0d", ($r['_click'] / 60) ) . ' ' . $this->lang->words['cp_minutesago']; } $r['session_location'] = $r['session_location'] ? $r['session_location'] : $this->lang->words['cp_index']; $r['seo_link'] = $this->registry->output->buildSEOUrl( $this->settings['board_url'] . '/index.php?showuser=' . $r['session_member_id'], 'none', $r['members_seo_name'], 'showuser' ); $admins_online[] = $r; } $content['acp_online'] = $this->html->acp_onlineadmin_wrapper( $admins_online ); //----------------------------------------- // Members awaiting admin validation? //----------------------------------------- if( $this->settings['reg_auth_type'] == 'admin_user' OR $this->settings['reg_auth_type'] == 'admin' ) { $where_extra = $this->settings['reg_auth_type'] == 'admin_user' ? ' AND user_verified=1' : ''; $admin_reg = $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => 'COUNT(*) as reg' , 'from' => 'validating', 'where' => 'new_reg=1' . $where_extra ) ); if( $admin_reg['reg'] > 0 ) { // We have some member's awaiting admin validation $data = null; $this->DB->build( array( 'select' => 'v.*', 'from' => array( 'validating' => 'v' ), 'where' => 'new_reg=1' . $where_extra, 'limit' => array( 3 ), 'add_join' => array( array( 'type' => 'left', 'select' => 'm.members_display_name,, m.ip_address', 'from' => array( 'members' => 'm' ), 'where' => 'm.member_id=v.member_id' ) ) ) ); $this->DB->execute(); while( $r = $this->DB->fetch() ) { if ($r['coppa_user'] == 1) { $r['_coppa'] = ' ( COPPA )'; } else { $r['_coppa'] = ""; } $r['_entry'] = $this->registry->getClass( 'class_localization')->getDate( $r['entry_date'], 'TINY' ); $data .= $this->html->acp_validating_block( $r ); } $content['validating'] = $this->html->acp_validating_wrapper( $data ); } } //----------------------------------------- // Info for the stats bar //----------------------------------------- $stats = array( 'performance' => false, 'active_users' => 0, 'server_load' => 0, ); $record = $this->cache->getCache('performanceCache'); if( is_array($record) AND count($record) ) { $stats['performance'] = true; } list( $load, $time ) = explode( '-', $this->caches['systemvars']['loadlimit'] ); $time = time() - ( $this->settings['au_cutoff'] * 60 ); $stats['active_users'] = $online['rows']; $stats['server_load'] = $load; //----------------------------------------- // Piece it together //----------------------------------------- $this->registry->output->html .= $this->html->mainTemplate( $content, $ipsNewsData, $this->getNotificationPanelEntries(), $stats ); //----------------------------------------- // Left log all on? //----------------------------------------- if ( IPS_LOG_ALL === TRUE ) { $_html = $this->html->warning_box( $this->lang->words['ds_log_all_title'], $this->lang->words['ds_log_all_desc'] ) . "<br />"; $this->registry->output->html = str_replace( '<!--in_dev_check-->', $_html . '<!--in_dev_check-->', $this->registry->output->html ); } //----------------------------------------- // IN DEV stuff... //----------------------------------------- if ( IN_DEV ) { $lastUpdate = $this->caches['indev']; $lastUpdate = ( is_array( $lastUpdate ) ) ? $lastUpdate : array( 'import' => array( 'settings' => array() ) ); $lastModUpdate = ( is_array( $lastUpdate ) ) ? $lastUpdate : array( 'import' => array( 'modules' => array() ) ); $lastTaskUpdate = ( is_array( $lastUpdate ) ) ? $lastUpdate : array( 'import' => array( 'tasks' => array() ) ); $lastHelpUpdate = ( is_array( $lastUpdate ) ) ? $lastUpdate : array( 'import' => array( 'help' => array() ) ); $lastbbUpdate = ( is_array( $lastUpdate ) ) ? $lastUpdate : array( 'import' => array( 'bbcode' => array() ) ); $content = array(); $modContent = array(); $tasksContent = array(); $helpContent = array(); $bbContent = array(); $_html = ''; foreach( ipsRegistry::$applications as $app_dir => $data ) { /* Settings */ $lastMtime = intval( @filemtime( IPSLib::getAppDir( $app_dir ) . '/xml/' . $app_dir . '_settings.xml' ) ); $lastDBtime = intval( $lastUpdate['import']['settings'][ $app_dir ] ); if ( $lastMtime > $lastDBtime ) { $_mtime = $this->registry->getClass( 'class_localization')->getDate( $lastMtime , 'JOINED' ); $_dbtime = $this->registry->getClass( 'class_localization')->getDate( $lastDBtime, 'JOINED' ); $content[] = "<strong>" . $data['app_title'] . " {$this->lang->words['cp_settingsupdated']}.</strong><br />-- {$this->lang->words['cp_lastimportrun']}: {$_dbtime}<br />-- {$this->lang->words['cp_lastxmlexport']}: {$_mtime}"; } /* Modules */ $lastMtime = intval( @filemtime( IPSLib::getAppDir( $app_dir ) . '/xml/' . $app_dir . '_modules.xml' ) ); $lastDBtime = intval( $lastUpdate['import']['modules'][ $app_dir ] ); if ( $lastMtime > $lastDBtime ) { $_mtime = $this->registry->getClass( 'class_localization')->getDate( $lastMtime , 'JOINED' ); $_dbtime = $this->registry->getClass( 'class_localization')->getDate( $lastDBtime, 'JOINED' ); $modContent[] = "<strong>" . $data['app_title'] . " {$this->lang->words['cp_modulessneedup']}.</strong><br />-- {$this->lang->words['cp_lastimportrun']}: {$_dbtime}<br />-- {$this->lang->words['cp_lastxmlexport']}: {$_mtime}"; } /* Tasks */ $lastMtime = intval( @filemtime( IPSLib::getAppDir( $app_dir ) . '/xml/' . $app_dir . '_tasks.xml' ) ); $lastDBtime = intval( $lastUpdate['import']['tasks'][ $app_dir ] ); if ( $lastMtime > $lastDBtime ) { $_mtime = $this->registry->getClass( 'class_localization')->getDate( $lastMtime , 'JOINED' ); $_dbtime = $this->registry->getClass( 'class_localization')->getDate( $lastDBtime, 'JOINED' ); $tasksContent[] = "<strong>" . $data['app_title'] . " {$this->lang->words['cp_taskssneedup']}.</strong><br />-- {$this->lang->words['cp_lastimportrun']}: {$_dbtime}<br />-- {$this->lang->words['cp_lastxmlexport']}: {$_mtime}"; } /* Help Files */ $lastMtime = intval( @filemtime( IPSLib::getAppDir( $app_dir ) . '/xml/' . $app_dir . '_help.xml' ) ); $lastDBtime = intval( $lastUpdate['import']['help'][ $app_dir ] ); if ( $lastMtime > $lastDBtime ) { $_mtime = $this->registry->getClass( 'class_localization')->getDate( $lastMtime , 'JOINED' ); $_dbtime = $this->registry->getClass( 'class_localization')->getDate( $lastDBtime, 'JOINED' ); $helpContent[] = "<strong>" . $data['app_title'] . " {$this->lang->words['cp_helpneedup']}.</strong><br />-- {$this->lang->words['cp_lastimportrun']}: {$_dbtime}<br />-- {$this->lang->words['cp_lastxmlexport']}: {$_mtime}"; } /* BBCode Files */ $lastMtime = intval( @filemtime( IPSLib::getAppDir( $app_dir ) . '/xml/' . $app_dir . '_bbcode.xml' ) ); $lastDBtime = intval( $lastUpdate['import']['bbcode'][ $app_dir ] ); if ( $lastMtime > $lastDBtime ) { $_mtime = $this->registry->getClass( 'class_localization')->getDate( $lastMtime , 'JOINED' ); $_dbtime = $this->registry->getClass( 'class_localization')->getDate( $lastDBtime, 'JOINED' ); $bbContent[] = "<strong>" . $data['app_title'] . " {$this->lang->words['cp_bbcodeneedup']}.</strong><br />-- {$this->lang->words['cp_lastimportrun']}: {$_dbtime}<br />-- {$this->lang->words['cp_lastxmlexport']}: {$_mtime}"; } } if ( count( $content ) ) { $_html = $this->html->warning_box( $this->lang->words['cp_settingsneedup'], implode( $content, "<br />" ) . "<br /><a href='" . $this->settings['base_url'] . "app=core&amp;module=settings&amp;section=settings&amp;do=settingsImportApps'>{$this->lang->words['cp_clickhere']}</a> {$this->lang->words['cp_clickhere_info']}."); } if ( count( $modContent ) ) { $_html .= $this->html->warning_box( $this->lang->words['cp_modulessneedup'], implode( $modContent, "<br />" ) . "<br /><a href='" . $this->settings['base_url'] . "app=core&amp;module=applications&amp;section=applications&amp;do=inDevRebuildAll'>{$this->lang->words['cp_clickhere']}</a> {$this->lang->words['cp_clickhere_info']}."); } if ( count( $tasksContent ) ) { $_html .= $this->html->warning_box( $this->lang->words['cp_taskssneedup'], implode( $tasksContent, "<br />" ) . "<br /><a href='" . $this->settings['base_url'] . "app=core&amp;module=system&amp;section=taskmanager&amp;do=tasksImportAllApps'>{$this->lang->words['cp_clickhere']}</a> {$this->lang->words['cp_clickhere_info']}."); } if ( count( $helpContent ) ) { $_html .= $this->html->warning_box( $this->lang->words['cp_helpneedup'], implode( $helpContent, "<br />" ) . "<br /><a href='" . $this->settings['base_url'] . "app=core&amp;module=tools&amp;section=help&amp;do=importXml'>{$this->lang->words['cp_clickhere']}</a> {$this->lang->words['cp_clickhere_info']}."); } if ( count( $bbContent ) ) { $_html .= $this->html->warning_box( $this->lang->words['cp_bbcodeneedup'], implode( $bbContent, "<br />" ) . "<br /><a href='" . $this->settings['base_url'] . "app=core&amp;module=posts&amp;section=bbcode&amp;do=bbcode_import_all'>{$this->lang->words['cp_clickhere']}</a> {$this->lang->words['cp_clickhere_info']}."); } $this->registry->output->html = str_replace( '<!--in_dev_check-->', $_html, $this->registry->output->html ); /* Got notes!? */ if ( is_file( DOC_IPS_ROOT_PATH . '_dev_notes.txt' ) ) { /* file retains tabs, file_get_contents not! */ $_notes = file( DOC_IPS_ROOT_PATH . '_dev_notes.txt' ); if ( $_notes ) { /* sanitize data and convert tabs! */ //$_notes = array_map( 'htmlentities', $_notes ); $_notes = implode( '', $_notes ); $_notes = str_replace( "\t", '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;', $_notes ); $_html = $this->registry->output->global_template->warning_box( $this->lang->words['cp_devnotes'], nl2br($_notes) ) . "<br />"; $this->registry->output->html = str_replace( '<!--in_dev_notes-->', $_html, $this->registry->output->html ); } } } //----------------------------------------- // Last 5 log in attempts //----------------------------------------- $this->registry->getClass('class_permissions')->return = true; if( $this->registry->getClass('class_permissions')->checkPermission( 'acplogin_log', 'core', 'logs' ) ) { $this->DB->build( array( 'select' => '*', 'from' => 'admin_login_logs', 'where' => 'admin_success = 0 AND admin_time > 0', // This just helps mysql use the index properly, which is useful for sorting 'order' => 'admin_time DESC', 'limit' => array( 0, 4 ) ) ); $this->DB->execute(); while ( $rowb = $this->DB->fetch() ) { $rowb['_admin_time'] = $this->registry->class_localization->getDate( $rowb['admin_time'], 'long' ); $logins .= $this->html->acp_last_logins_row( $rowb ); } $this->registry->output->html = str_replace( '<!--acplogins-->', $this->html->acp_last_logins_wrapper( $logins ), $this->registry->output->html ); } //----------------------------------------- // Pass to CP output hander //----------------------------------------- $this->registry->getClass('output')->html_main .= $this->registry->getClass('output')->global_template->global_frame_wrapper(); $this->registry->getClass('output')->sendOutput(); } /** * Builds a list of nag panel entries * * @return array */ public function getNotificationPanelEntries() { /* INIT */ $entries = array(); /* Look for notification classes */ foreach( IPSLib::getEnabledApplications() as $r ) { /* Notification Class */ $_file = IPSLib::getAppDir( $r['app_directory'] ) . '/extensions/dashboardNotifications.php'; /* Look for the file */ if( is_file( $_file ) ) { /* Get the file */ $_class = IPSLib::loadLibrary( $_file, 'dashboardNotifications__' . $r['app_directory'], $r['app_directory'] ); /* Look for the class */ if( class_exists( $_class ) ) { /* Create the object */ $notifyObj = new $_class; /* Look for the method */ if( method_exists( $notifyObj, 'get' ) ) { /* Get the entries */ $_entries = $notifyObj->get(); if( is_array( $_entries ) && count( $_entries ) ) { $entries = array_merge( $entries, $_entries ); } } } } } /* Return entries */ return $entries; } } Swoją drogą nie myślałeś o aktualizacji IPB do najnowszego IPS?
  2. Wersja SQL też miałem z tym problem na forum testowym kiedyś. Spróbuj podmienić plik dashboard z acp na ten mi pomogło tobie też powinno pomóc. dashboard.php
  3. Zmiany w wyglądzie na pewno na duży plusik, ale co do tych cen no to troszkę przesadzili. Mogliby dodać odnowienie na 6 m-cy i roczne wtedy ludzie mieliby wybór bo nie oszukujmy się, ale licencja sama w sobie jest droga jak i dodatki do niej, a jeszcze by strona jakkolwiek działała trzeba też dokupić niektóre wtyczki/apki.
  4. Tak tylko dodam, że modyfikowany kod szablonu przy aktualizacji się nie nadpisuje ☺️
  5. Tak na szybko dopasuje to pod wasz motyw.. Możesz dodać do custom.css .cAuthorPane_badge:not( .cAuthorPane_badge--rank ) { background: #e4183c; border: 2px solid rgb( var(--theme-area_background_reset) ); border-radius: 50%; } .ipsButton_split > li > .ipsButton { border-radius: inherit; font-size: 13.0px; line-height: 2.83; padding: 0 18px; } EFEKT: Wtyczkę profile song lepiej by zaktualizować do najnowszej wersji IPS 4.6 bo sądząc po buttonie jest przestarzała, ale kod powinien pomóc.
  6. Tworzysz pocztę na swoim hostingu, a następnie wpisujesz odpowiednie rzeczy w odpowiednie miejsca Host, nazwę użytkownika i hasło coś w stylu jak byś wpisywał dane do połączenia się z FTP
  7. Może trafić do spamu zależy od poczty. Tak tylko dodam nie lepiej było by ci zmienić metodę wysyłania wiadomości e-mail na SMTP? Wtedy e-maile szybciej się wysyłają i ogólnie jest lepiej.
  8. W ustawieniach e-mail masz taką opcje jak testuj ustawienia. Przy okazji możesz sprawdzić w logach czy się nic nie dzieje. Możesz nam powiedzieć z jakiej metody wysyłania wiadomości korzystasz?
  9. Może po prostu użytkownik po rejestracji od razu ustawił sobie awatar i tego nie zauważyłeś.
  10. Dobra, a odpowiesz na pytanie wyżej zadane przez DawPi? Jakim dokładnie awatarem?
  11. Oprócz FB czy Google masz inne metody logowania?
  12. Tłumaczenie nie obejmuje rang. Musisz sam je przetłumaczyć.
  13. Potwierdzam po aktualizacji tak się stało
  14. Ja po zaktualizowaniu forum na początku miałem identycznie. Każdy użytkownik miał plakietkę "Rzadki" po czasie jak kilka osób zdobyło tę samą odznakę plakietka "Rzadki" znikła i jest tylko przy odznakach, które posiada mało użytkowników. To już chyba zależy od aktywności użytkowników.
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